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Everything posted by pettie4sox

  1. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 30, 2013 -> 12:47 PM) Wow, I wish we could get that much, but the rent we were able to get on our condos went up $150-$200 this year. There are rules as to what you can charge for rent?
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 30, 2013 -> 12:28 PM) 2 bedrooms are starting to go for 3k over here. Proximity to the beset restaurants in chicago, public trans and the highways are big pulls. Our building historically has been full of doctors doing their residency at Rush. 3K... wow just wow. I guess if people are willing to pay that much, go for broke.
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 30, 2013 -> 11:10 AM) LOL. I've had to sue a previous landlord back in the day for my security deposit back since he used it on upgrades due to "damage". Bulls*** artists, all of them. Side note: listed my place for rent yesterday for 2700 to see if anyone wanted to overpay, 4 people already called me. Crazy how high rent has gotten. No offense but why in the world do people pay those prices to live somewhere?
  4. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 30, 2013 -> 11:38 AM) As a landlord in Chicago, I would just like to add that the landlord/tenant laws are a huge pile of horse manure. Elaborate? Rule of thumb. If they speaka no engrish, stay far far far away.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 29, 2013 -> 01:36 PM) You're right. It's a standardized test, it's manageable. But also remember...the more you pretend to be intimidated going in, the more you're going to prepare. Even if you shouldn't be intimidated, if you really want a top level grad school or money from the school, whatever...you want to be overprepared. Of course preparation is the key for any test. I'm not saying to walk in there cold turkey, plop down, and expect to ace it. I just will put forth a adequate amount of time studying for it. I'm not pulling an all nighter like it's a final exam.
  6. I am taking the GRE this fall. I like this thread. My gut tells me I should be intimidated but it's a standardized test, how hard could it be.
  7. The hell out of America. You need this option.
  8. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 07:24 PM) should have charged him with manslaughter and convicted him. Rather than 2nd degree murder trying to prove he had "hate in his heart" and he was a racist. you going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt he killed with intention due to racism? that is where you guys f***ed up. What do you mean you guys? You mean the Florida prosecutors?
  9. Man I would love to see a poll of which states that GZ would be convicted or acquitted with the evidence that was presented.
  10. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:50 AM) I didn't see anything about the lawyers doing that, but who knows if Zimmerman told them to do that. More likely it's the attorneys trying to keep their names in the press. I actually agree that the lawyers said, "Hey GZ this is a perfect opportunity to boost your status!" GZ probably wants to be disappear for the time being until things cool down.
  11. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:41 AM) See what you started Balta? 9/11 was an inside job too. Jenks I was talking about how is lawyer wanted the people he saved to give a statement to the media. That in itself is a publicity stunt. If he just saved them and went about his way, that would have been a better response. The sheer fact that he's just trying to get positive publicity is sad considering it will do no good. That's all I was trying to say.
  12. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 10:44 AM) Which is just f***ing sad. The dude was found not guilty. There is more love in this country for the boston bomber than George Zimmerman. LMAO.... what? I mean Zimmerman dug his own grave so now he'll have to lie in it. I guess my thing is, why is he trying these publicity stunts? He should be staying out of the public eye so it'll blow over at some point. No one will really change their opinion of him even if he saved 20 babies out of a burning building.
  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 12:04 AM) Way to go, Peavy. When Viciedo gets two hits like today, I start dreaming he may not be a colossal bust. Tell me Viciedo, are you special or are you .240-.250 with a pittance of home runs and Ribbies? The broseph is still learning the game. I dunno how much patience the SOX org has with him but I think he'll eventually learn.
  14. You know what's sad about Zimmerman? He thinks that he'll be able to live a normal life after the media circus. Even him saving a family won't absolve him of taint that covers him. He should just get the heck out of America and start over in some other country.
  15. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 09:59 AM) na na na na na na na na na
  16. Maybe Peavy begged him to go back out.
  17. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 01:48 PM) Well you would be crazy to think Flowers has much of a chance vs. Verlander especially when he only now bats sporatically. I don't think contact is too much to ask from a major leaguer.
  18. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 24, 2013 -> 02:27 PM) I found that major had by far the most girls in the classes. Yep I believe that. My girl has a degree in that too.
  19. Quit your day job Rock, time for you to answer your calling.
  20. I am convinced Duke is a bot. He never makes any sense in his posts. He seems like an angry dude. If you're ever at a game man, I'll buy you a beer. Seriously.
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