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Everything posted by zach61

  1. Brazilian procedures are a joke and we shouldn't have to follow them. :fyou your procedures and your so-called authority figures.
  2. And because you're from a 3rd world country I can't flip off your cops? To all Brazilian cops :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou Here is my fingerprint in case you lost it from the last time :fyou I bet most of the cops are corrupt there anyway and do drugs.
  3. :fyou all Brazil cops. :fyou :fyou :fyou Here's my fingerprint :fyou
  4. I wonder how many tax dollars Muslims will get? Or would that be considered funding terrorism instead of a religious group?
  5. It only lets you choose one or all. I heard Bush over the weekend, so that counts as my lies and politics, but I didn't have any sex this weekend.
  6. It doesn't work. Bush tried using it to find Osama.
  7. I gave up on it when I wanted to make my communion, but it was at the church down the street. They told me I couldn't make it there and had to wait until my church had the ceremony. I learned at a very young age that if I wasn't giving my envelope to that church, they didn't care about me. I told the priest right there on the steps after mass that I would never come back or give them another dime.
  8. Glad to see you're back baggs. Hope all is well.
  9. All the money's gone, nowhere to go
  10. You thinking of DeMetts or something? Fanny May doesn't have turtles. They do have good pixies though.
  11. Try doing a search for Chicago Wolves and see what you come up with. If you're not sure where to search, try this thingy called the internet. And Plainfield is farther away from Minny than Chicago, so it would be a shorter trip to see the Chicago Wolves and not the Minnesota Timberwolves. Oh yeah. Quit spamming.
  12. zach61

    Lunch Game

    Lobster for lunch? Lucky for you you're doable or that lobster for lunch wouldn't be doable unless you paid for it yourself.
  13. Wow, kinda eery. TV seems to help most sports teams, yet Wirtz still won't put the Hawks on. I guess after this season, we won't have to worry about that for a while.
  14. You listened to the game on the radio because there was no TV. Wait, that's ncorgbl and keaddy. Sorry CW.
  15. zach61

    Lunch Game

    Breaded steak sammich
  16. You ask the popcorn vendor to give you the box that converts into a megaphone when the popcorn is gone so you can yell go go sox.
  17. zach61


    Believe it. Too many people think that throwing 100 mph means you're a good pitcher. Billy was never a good pitcher, he just threw hard and got away with it for a while. If he ever gets movement on his fastball and he can locate it, then I'll start to get excited about him as a closer. Until then, he will be what we saw last year.
  18. And we stopped paying for players when and went with fan favorites?
  19. Damn, is that why tickets were so hard to get the last few years? We are giving up all of our pennants and world series just to keep the park full with fan favorites?
  20. zach61

    What is your

    We're Americans .. with a capital 'A', huh. You know what that means? Do ya'? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world.
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