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Everything posted by wegner

  1. That's the beauty of baseball, you never know what you're gonna see when you tune in....besides another White Sox loss that is
  2. Thats the spirit....a little Casper humor there if you're scoring at home
  3. Miss a little....miss alot especially when the bullpen is in early
  4. I went out for a walk but am keeping an eye on the gamethread....it sounds like the score is now 16-2....am I close?
  5. It seems the me the million dollar question is how did this team even win 7 games? I'm having a hard time remembering any of those victories.
  6. I'm really wondering if he is going to last....Hahn needs a scapegoat.
  7. How is the Hanser Alberto rehab going?....we need him for the pen.
  8. Had him 0-2, walks to load the bases. Unreal how bad these clowns are playing.
  9. Well to be honest, I don't expect him to give a Mike Ditka-esque "This team won't win a series all year"....he is trying to fight with what he's got...I hope they start playing for the poor guy.
  10. Should I take it off my list of roadtrips to plan (flying actually)? I thought Tampa might be nice to visit?? Plus I hate crowds.
  11. I just wish we were discussing attendance issues with a good team that was our own. And that was fun, like we were sparring on Twitter.
  12. You and your facts But seriously, they are averaging under 17,000 so far this season as the best team in baseball. Spin it all you want, that ain't too great. Better than their usual numbers though....averaged around 14,000 last season.
  13. With little to no crowd there tonight, Tampa will feel right at home and they play great at home....uh oh.
  14. 2 words....Odrisamer Despaigne He can start or relieve every day because he never needs to warmup. Ok that fixes the pitching. For offense, let's get Beckham out of the booth and see if he can do any better....looks pretty easy from the cheap seats eh Gordo??
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