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Everything posted by wegner

  1. The balanced schedule...good for baseball...bad for the White Sox.
  2. At least Oakland is actively trying to lose. I mean they won't admit it but they are. The Sox are in the middle of a Championship Window....
  3. Not to be scoreboard watching, but I was curious how we were not in last place yet. The Royals are 1-12 at home, yikes. Of course, we still are only 1 game up on them. But 1-12??!!!
  4. Bad News Bears....Walter Matthau version??
  5. You could DVR it....I know I am not going to.
  6. Would a Jose sucks thread still work??
  7. I'm thinking of those scenes in Moneyball where they play it off as a Greek Tragedy because they might not win that 20th game in a row. But this time it is the Sox with a big lead....they score 8 runs in the 1st inning and do not score again and the Manfred Man scores in the 10th to walk them off for a 9-8 defeat and that 15th in a row in the L column,
  8. A dominating performance from him sure would be nice....he is still capable of that, I hope.
  9. I'd say the Sox were like a box of chocolates but we pretty much know what we are gonna get, so they are more like a box of lemonheads.
  10. I came here to take Big Jake but as usual elrockin beat me to it. I'll go with my alternate, Seby Zavala
  11. I think it is time for a good old fashioned pep talk.....
  12. This April has been the longest month ever....I can't even imagine what is going through Grifol's head....he waits this long for a shot and this is the result.
  13. This season deserves a Lee Elia emoji....PRINT IT!!!
  14. Ok who in the organization can give the Steve Rogers speech?....Hydra, Shield it's all gotta go!!!!
  15. I haven't watched the last 2 nights, is Jason still scoreboard watching the Central?
  16. Hard to believe but every day, in every way, the Sox are getting worse.
  17. Best playoff game I ever saw was a 4 OT Game 7 that did not involve the Hawks. It was a Saturday night in college and I had stayed home to study for a test and I put on the game for a few minutes. Hours later I got no studying in but it was an awesome game....the refs swallowed their whistles in OT and just let em play.
  18. Do you think it'd be silly for me to drop some $ on fandual on the Sox for tonight?? I bet I'd get some nice odds.
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