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Everything posted by wegner

  1. Leans heavily towards tasteless for me.
  2. Anyway we can deny these guys entry back into the US??
  3. It is a tragic story. If I was him, I doubt I'd ever take another acting role with a gun involved. It really is like an episode of Barnaby Jones, etc come to life.
  4. After he got stuck with Rios, he should have had to find 2 Mike Trouts to make up for that shitshow....although he did flip him for Leury later....make that 3 Mike Trouts.
  5. Prosecutor dropping all charges on Baldwin....I told my wife and she said "That's too bad."
  6. How about a breakout game for Benintendi?? I'll go with him tonight.
  7. Acceptance Last season it took me until June to accept that team was nothing more than a .500 ballclub. It's not even May, and I have accepted this group just stinks.....ok maybe still a smidge of Anger.
  8. Blue Jays announcers are probably wondering how the Sox won 7 games already.
  9. How many times this season have they only scored in 1 inning?
  10. Damn they give up a s%*# load of 2 out runs.
  11. I seem to remember that a decent number of us thought the Sox looked pretty bad in that series but we were drowned out by those excited that they split the series in Houston!!!
  12. Outstanding, thank you. Making notes of all ballparks for hopefully future trips and my son does love Poutine (sorry for the earlier mispelling...I think I may have been asking whether they serve a certain shampoo). Cheers.
  13. In honor of Harry Carey, I would say the answer to the question is "what the little boy shot at"
  14. Does anyone know if you can get Poutene at the ballpark in Toronto?
  15. In the proud tradition of Chicago politics....I'll vote for Pedro Twice. Oops, didn't mean to talk politics....sorry all.
  16. They sure look to be getting worse. When I watched at the beginning of the season, Robert was laying off pitches out of the strike zone for example but that did not last.
  17. If the highest chase rate is due to the players pressing because they are struggling to win, ok. But if that is just who they are, I don't see how this team turns it around. Advanced scouting will see these guys coming and opposing pitching staffs will be licking their chops.
  18. I'll take a piece or 2 from a good minor system like the Dodgers....gotta make room for our top prospect at SS and we will not resign TA.
  19. I appreciate your optimism. Not sure I'll get there myself, but I'll keep watching when I can.
  20. Do you think we could get some decent starting pitching prospect(s) back for Timmy?
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