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TCU turns down bowl bid

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ya but they dont recruit their athletes for the purpose of showcasing their academic qualities

But what is the purpose of a university? It isn't supposed to be farm system to the NFL. It is supposed to be higher learning, and a lot of school have lost track of that. That's why I admire the schools that graduate their athletes, instead of having them there just for the purpose of being a revenue to the school.

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But what is the purpose of a university?  It isn't supposed to be farm system to the NFL.  It is supposed to be higher learning, and a lot of school have lost track of that.  That's why I admire the schools that graduate their athletes, instead of having them there just for the purpose of being a revenue to the school.

i'm just saying, there's a reason they give out both academic scholarships and athletic scholarships. When they give out athletic scholarships, they can say what they want, but their goals are not academically motivated (for the most part at least)

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Good for TCU...I still say they will get into some bowl, but School is why your in college. Athletics is a benefit, but very few players on a college team, especially TCU, are going to be professionals. Maybe 3 or 4 will go on and frankly there are another 50 players or so that won't...and for them the education is what they will need to move onto the next level (In most instances)

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Good for TCU...I still say they will get into some bowl, but School is why your in college.  Athletics is a benefit, but very few players on a college team, especially TCU, are going to be professionals.  Maybe 3 or 4  will go on and frankly there are another 50 players or so that won't...and for them the education is what they will need to move onto the next level (In most instances)

Probably more than 3 or 4. You will only see 3 or 4 playing in the NFL, but then you have the CFL, NFL Europe, Arena Football, and then several more semi-pro teams all over. I could see maybe 10-15 go on to a pro football league of some type, and then realize what a s*** job they have and go on and do something more important in their lives.

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Ya, Rothenswhatever the hell his name is very good. I loved seeing my Hawks spank Miami (OH) at the start of the season. And your right they would probably beat TCU. I also think that Bowling Green and Tulane are pretty good too.


There are quite a few good mid majors out there this year, imo. It sucks they don't get that much respect cause I think they are probably better then some teams in other stronger conferences.

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There's actually a few extra bowl slots to be had this year. The Big Ten is only guaranteed 7 bids, but should get 8, becuase of a BCS at-large. TCU is gambling on filling in one of those vacant slots, maybe they'll get more money or even a better matchup.


Heres a link to ESPN's bowl match-up predictions.

GO Hawks - take care of those Vols


Also a little story about how Miami (OH) is dealing with finals and bowls (scroll down, it's there)

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hopefully UCONN gets to play in that game. They had an impressive year, going 9-3 barely losing to NC State and walloping Wake. This is only their second year as a D1 football program and they are an independent currently. They played a kinda weak schedule but they played well, and they deserve a bowl game. This would be a good matchup

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Honestly, I'll go completely the opposite way on this one. I believe it has NOTHING to do with academics at all. It is TCU's best effort at a pot-shot towards the BCS. They feel they were screwed out of it all, knew they didnt really have a chance to get to the BCS even being undefeated, and said "You know what...this particular bowl is an insult to what we accomplished." Do I agree with their choice? Hell no, the team deserves to be featured on primetime TV for their efforts, but too many times College Football burecratics get in the way.

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The real deal is they don't want to get smoked by Miami (OH) - the real deal mid-major - thier only loss was to Iowa in the opener.

Thats the same thing I was thinking. If they don't want to play Miami of Ohio than how the heck could they have beaten a BCS team?

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But what is the purpose of a university?  It isn't supposed to be farm system to the NFL.  It is supposed to be higher learning, and a lot of school have lost track of that.  That's why I admire the schools that graduate their athletes, instead of having them there just for the purpose of being a revenue to the school.

southsider, please clarify what you mean by universities graduate their athletes. From what I see and remember the university and the athletic program only contribute to the athlete not graduating. Scheduling of games and practices is tough on student-athletes but if the athlete does not avail himself or herself to the help that is available, it isn't the universities fault. To just pass the athlete along is wrong. The student athlete has to work harder than Joe Sixpack to graduate. Too many student athletes do not understand that and believe the are entitled to passing grades because they are averaging 18 ppg or have 8 sacks for the season.


The other problem is some of these kids are in the university only because they have a nice jump shot or can run a decent 40.

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southsider, please clarify what you mean by universities graduate their athletes. From what I see and remember the university and the athletic program only contribute to the athlete not graduating. Scheduling of games and practices is tough on student-athletes but if the athlete does not avail himself or herself to the help that is available, it isn't the universities fault. To just pass the athlete along is wrong. The student athlete has to work harder than Joe Sixpack to graduate. Too many student athletes do not understand that and believe the are entitled to passing grades because they are averaging 18 ppg or have 8 sacks for the season.


The other problem is some of these kids are in the university only because they have a nice jump shot or can run a decent 40.

I am talking about the U's that affirm exactly what you are saying. That you should have to work twice as hard to be a student AND an athlete. I am talking about the Duke's, Northwestern's, and Stanford's of the world. Places like Oklahoma (had the lowest graduation rate of any team in last years NCAA hoops IIRC) where it doesn't matter if you graduate, just play ball, are turning out people who aren't perpared for the world if the NFL, NBA don't come calling.


And I realize that with athletic scholarships you get people who don't deserve to be at college. I really feel if you couldn't get accepted to a school as a student, you definately should not be able to go as a student-athlete. To me that is like saying well you aren't qualified to sweep the floors at the nuclear plant, but seeing as you have a jump shot, lets put you in charge of safety.

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