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Morrissey sparks Net furor


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MORRISSEY, outspoken lead singer of 80s rockers The Smiths, has sparked an internet storm with reported comments about US President George W Bush.


The Manchester Evening News said today it had received a record number of hits after reporting on its Web site that Morrissey, 45, had interrupted a Dublin concert on Saturday with news of Ronald Reagan's death, adding that he wished Mr Bush had died instead.


Morrissey's record company, Sanctuary Records, could not confirm the remarks.


"We do not have a recording of the gig, but as far as we can tell, Morrissey was just alerting the audience to the fact that Ronald Reagan had died," the newspaper quoted the company as saying. "He then simply followed that up with his comment about George Bush, which was his own opinion. He is no stranger to controversy."


A newspaper spokeswoman said thousands of people, 90 per cent from the US, had contacted the site to complain. A few expressed support for the remarks.


Former in Manchester in the early 1980s, The Smiths had a series of British hits, and a large cult following around the world, with songs including Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now and Shoplifters of the World Unite.


A longtime proponent of celibacy and vegetarianism who once penned a song entitled Bigmouth Strikes Again, Morrissey drew criticism in the early 1990s when he appeared to flirt with right-wing British nationalism.


He now lives in Los Angeles and is touring Europe for the first time in a decade to promote his latest solo album, You Are the Quarry.

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The Smiths suck, and Morrissey can go f*** himself.



But If GWB died, it wouldn't be that great of a loss. Like Reagan or not (I didn't) he was a popular president. Bush (like his father) is an idiot who should go down in history as one of the worst presidents we have ever had!

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