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The score has reported so much bulls*** over the last couple of days I wouldn't believe this. I still don't think Matt is going to sign here but not because the snore told me so. If Clement does indeed go to Anaheim or Boston, Kenny better be making a full out charge for Odalis.

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You bring up a very good point.


If their original report that we offered 3 years 30 mil is right then this report is wrong, and we would still be in the Clement running.

If this report, that we are out of it is right, then the original report is wrong.


So somewhere along the line today, they were wrong.

Good point, Harris.


You can't have it both ways. The Score is bulls***ting us on one of the two. If three years, thirty million was on the table from us, I can't see any way on God's green earth how Clement wouldn't accept; he and his wife seem to really love Chicago, he loved the fact that the Sox contacted him (or vice versa, whatever way it was), and ten million per year is an awesome deal for him.


The Score wants to keep up with MVP (Levine reporting the CLee deal, also reporting early this morning about RJ being traded later), so now they're probably at the point of taking *informed* guesses about things. And, I question whether they're even well informed at this point...

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they "learned" he will NOT sign with us, bosox leading contender

Yes, this is honestly the best news of the off season next to not getting vizquel.


Hopefully we will now get perez-i'd be much much more comfortable with him. Clement-ya never know game to gaem

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More nervous than having Grilli/Diaz/Scho/rotating wheel as your 5th?

Actually yeah. Why? I don't know, but it did. Not that I love the roulette wheel for the 5th any better, but 10M seems quite steep for Clement.

Edited by Queen Prawn
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I'll admit it, once I've had the taste of what it feels like to sign someone, someone of importance, I want more of that.  I'm a greedy bastard.  :D


Anyways, I'm thinking along your terms as well.  Give me Pierz @ catcher, Polanco @ second, and sign Washburn and let him do it.  If not, give it to Diaz.  If he can't do it, give Grilli a try.  If Grilli can't do it, give Cotts a try.  If all those guys fail, well then -- damn.  But I think Washburn or Millwood, if they came cheap, would at least be able to eat up innings for us and provide a sub-five ERA from the fifth spot.  They can do that, right?


EDIT:  The lineup would then be very stable, too:




DH-Thomas/Everett (when Thomas is hurt)








It'd be a nice luxury to have Crede, who potentially could break out (and he'd be a much better player hitting down in the nine hole, would see a lot better pitches), as well as Uribe hitting eighth.  That lineup is quietly fearsome, one through nine...

this polanco nonsense has got to stop. And second, why would you ever put Roward, who is arguably on of our top three hitter, batting that low in the order. Dont think so. One of those pitchers would be great to eat up some innings, but as far as getting them cheap.....third starters are going for 10 million a year these days, and both of them could be considered that.

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Another piece of good news, ZONE in on AJ Kenny!


I'll be fine with a rotation of:






Diaz/Grilli/Cotts/Adkins/Roulette Wheel

I completely agree with this with a couple of comments. Everyone is looking at Pitching right now, prices are going up. Doesn't seem like anythign else is flying out the door. You cna solidify your catching position now, as well as, your 2b if you want. You can also sign El duque as your fifth for pretty cheap. I think we need to go into this type of direction. Focus on players that others are not focused on. Solidify your other holes. We have arguably the best bullpen in the division right now. That's to our advantage. Get your catcher that can hit or get a 2b that can hit. Then sign a number 5. We can still win the division.

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this polanco nonsense has got to stop. And second, why would you ever put Roward, who is arguably on of our top three hitter, batting that low in the order.  Dont think so.  One of those pitchers would be great to eat up some innings, but as far as getting them cheap.....third starters are going for 10 million a year these days, and both of them could be considered that.

I suppose you could switch Rowand and Dye, but I like it where it is.


In this scenario:


Pods is your leadoff hitter, no questions asked. Polanco is a better contact hitter than Rowand (better OBP IIRC, too), thus, Polanco gets the nod hitting second. I like Thomas hitting third -- good balance of power and OBP, great OPS when healthy. I like Konerko fourth, at least at home. Best pure power hitter on the team outside of a healthy Frank Thomas. Dye and Rowand are exchangable. And, for this team, I love the bottom three in the order.

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I suppose you could switch Rowand and Dye, but I like it where it is. 


In this scenario:


Pods is your leadoff hitter, no questions asked.  Polanco is a better contact hitter than Rowand (better OBP IIRC, too), thus, Polanco gets the nod hitting second.  I like Thomas hitting third -- good balance of power and OBP, great OPS when healthy.  I like Konerko fourth, at least at home.  Best pure power hitter on the team outside of a healthy Frank Thomas.  Dye and Rowand are exchangable.  And, for this team, I love the bottom three in the order.

Polanco's career obp is .339. Rowand's career obp is .342.

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By the way before bruce was clements agent and said sox are still on the list so theres the postive sox fans

Man oh man, if Clement signs with the Sox or atleast is in the final running tomorrow the Score looks absolutely horrible this off-season...


looking at this as a Sox fan Clements agents may be saying this to keep Angels and Red Sox offers up or get another year...

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