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White Sox looking to deal Thomas or Everett


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Here we go; Would Washington be interested in taking back Everett possibly (although it's doubtful considering he can't play the outfield)? Either way, Anaheim looks the best bet;


Trying to figure out how to get both Frank Thomas and Carl Everett as many at-bats as possible has been a headache for Ozzie Guillen.

For right now, the White Sox manager can handle it. But a source told the Daily Southtown the Sox will be looking to trade either Thomas or Everett before the July 31 non-waiver trade deadline, and Guillen confirmed the possibility.

"It's not fair, at least to me, it's not fair to have to treat those two like we have to treat them," Guillen said in reference to the two proven veteran sluggers having to pretty much share the DH spot. "I want them to get 500 at-bats (each).


"If we're going to trade one of them, we'll see in the future soon what's best for the team and what's best for my players. If we have to trade one of those guys, and it's best for the team, I think Kenny (Williams, the Sox's general manager) will do it.


"I don't feel comfortable with this situation because I'm a player's manager, and I want my players to be happy. I want my players, when they go out on the field, to give 100 percent. But it is hard for me to make the lineup every day because I want Carl to be in the lineup and I want Frank to be in the lineup. If we're going to do something about it, possibly, I don't know. But until then, I'm going to try and handle the situation as best I can."


According to Guillen, it would be a lot easier for the Sox to decide what to do if they knew exactly how much they could count on Thomas. Not only is the 37-year-old coming off major offseason surgery to repair a fracture in the navicular bone in his left ankle, but he injured his right hip Monday in his first game back.


Those questions about his durability could make the Sox hesitant to pull the trigger on a deal.


"Right now, we have to take a look at (a possible trade), but we still don't know where Frank is," Guillen continued. "As far as doing something soon, not right now. Maybe Kenny is thinking about some things, but right now, we're not talking about making any trades."


Everett is making $4 million this season and is eligible to become a free agent after the season. Thomas is making $8 million and is expected to become a free agent. He can exercise an option for 2006 at $10 million, in which case the club would be expected to buy him out for $3.5 million. If Thomas doesn't exercise the option, the Sox could keep him for $12 million if they choose.


The problem with trying to trade Thomas now is that his contract stipulates that any team that trades for him automatically would have to pick up the $12 million option for next year. And with Thomas still unable to play first base, and with the questions still lingering about his injury, the market for his services could be all but nonexistent until if and when he proves he's healthy.


Everett, on the other hand, is a switch-hitter, can play in the outfield as well as DH, and already has drawn interest from several teams, according to the source.


But Everett also has emerged as one of the Sox's leaders. He is a guy who preaches winning at any cost, and moving him could be costly in terms of team chemistry.


"Carl is a tremendous team player," said Guillen, who limits Everett's time in the outfield because right fielder Jermaine Dye (10 HRs, second on team) can also be a force. "When Carl was with other teams, everyone says Carl has a bad attitude, not a team player. But to me, Carl has been great."


While Thomas has been stressing for the last few seasons that his mind-set is "team first," he indicated Saturday that bouncing in and out of the lineup is already wearing on him a bit.


Thomas started Saturday and singled and scored in a two-run first inning in the Sox's 6-5 win over Cleveland. Friday night, Guillen had Thomas sitting out for Everett.


"You know, I just haven't really digested the situation," Thomas said. "You know, it's very unusual for me to stay here and not be playing. But these guys are in first place, and they did it without me.


"I've just got to make use of my opportunities, and like I said, go in and do my thing and we'll see how it works out.


"If I don't, it could be a long year, but we'll just see how it works out. For both of us, you know we both got to play. We know that. We'll see how things work out. I'm going to take it one day at a time."

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Everett getting dealt makes the most sense. He's relatively cheap, and has proved he's healthy. Ana. really needs a DH. With their depth,[in AAA and on their MLB roster] the sox could use any number of their guys ATL may be another decent option.

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 07:37 AM)
Everett getting dealt makes the most sense. He's relatively cheap, and has proved he's healthy. Ana. really needs a DH. With their depth,[in AAA and on their MLB roster] the sox could use any number of their guys ATL may be another decent option.

Plus he can trade prospects for him again next year.

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Guest JimH

In general, a bad idea to trade solid proven veteran hitters in the midst of a pennant race. But, as always, it depends what you'd get in return.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 01:17 PM)
In general, a bad idea to trade solid proven veteran hitters in the midst of a pennant race.  But, as always, it depends what you'd get in return.


Except if Gload is healthy, then the Sox could use PK and Frank at DH. Seeing how Gload can only play 1b or DH, Carl. I know Gload isn't a "proven vet". But he could step in even if Frank went down. Or Brian Anderson could play the OF or DH, depending on if he can play better defense than Jermaine.


The other thing to think about, the sox are almost sure to add another veteran bat for 3b by the deadline. If it's a guy like Randa, he and Carl's numbers are about a wash.

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Guest JimH
Except if Gload is healthy, then the Sox could use PK and Frank at DH. Seeing how Gload can only play 1b or DH, Carl. I know Gload isn't a "proven vet". But he could step in even if Frank went down. Or Brian Anderson could play the OF or DH, depending on if he can play better defense than Jermaine.


The other thing to think about, the sox are almost sure to add another veteran bat for 3b by the deadline. If it's a guy like Randa, he and Carl's numbers are about a wash.


Interesting thoughts. We'll have to see how it plays out. Sometimes things have a way of working themselves out, what's a problem today could be resolved by other factors in a moment's notice.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 01:46 PM)
What sickens me in this whole situation is it reeks of Ozzie's desire to find at bats for Timo. If he would just give Carl Timo's at bats then everyone would be happy and we could get rid of Timo.


Timo doesn't get that many AB's as it is. He doesn't factor into this equation. The fact that Frank and Carl can only DH is the biggest reason a deal may go through

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I can definitely forsee everett being dealt.

Everett is not going to like the bench role he's going to have to play, the sox will probably try and avoid that confrontation by trading him.

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Ok this is what I'm thinking. I still think there's no way Frank Thomas is dealt. He means too much to the fans, in terms of attendance, his contract option automatically kicks in if he's dealt, and that will put most teams in the NL and ones who have a good DH automatically out of the race. So Everett makes the most sense, which is unfortunate because this situation was bound to come up at some stage.


Here's what I'm proposing. Some of us want a bonafide 1B prospect to take over for Paul Konerko next off-season. Casey Kotchman. Lefty hitter (which is something we need), and he's only 21. Look at these stats in AA and AAA from last season;

AA - .368/.438/.544, 10 BB's, 7 K's, 3 HR's in 28 games.

AAA - .372/.423/.558, 14 BB's, 25 K's, 5 HR's in 49 games.


If there was some way KW could pull an Everett for Kotchman deal, I would take that in a second. We'd basically have our own version of Justin Morneau, and the best thing is, he's cheap and under out control for a good 4 to 5 years. This was some pieces on Kotchman from the start of the year from BA;


Mike Marinaro from Tampa, FL asks:

Hi Alan. I think Kotchman has more upside at the plate than either Upton or Delmon Young. I think he's the best hitting prospect in a long, long, time. Would you agree? Secondly, what would Jepsen have to do to turn the corner in 2005? Control? Secondary pitches? It's certainly not the fastball. Thanks.


A:  Alan Matthews: Not exactly. Young might be a 40-homer-a-year guy and I don't think we'll ever see that out of Kotchman. Right now, Kotchman has more polish than both Young and Upton, but both the Devil Rays' prsopects have slightly higher ceilings.


Other prospects the Angels have, are Edwin Santana, he's probably untouchable. Dallas McPherson would be very nice, but he's starting to heat up, and they need another bat as it is, so why give up one, Kendry Morales (which would be interesting considering the Cuban connection we have already, not sure if he can be dealt or not though) and Howie Kendrick who is a good second baseman prospect .


But if KW is smart, he could try to get a 3 team deal going, involving Oakland and Eric Chavez. Oakland needs to rebuild, and they could get quality prospects from both the White Sox and Angels, kind of like the Carlos Beltran deal from last off-season if you get my drift.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 11:46 PM)
What sickens me in this whole situation is it reeks of Ozzie's desire to find at bats for Timo. If he would just give Carl Timo's at bats then everyone would be happy and we could get rid of Timo.

If only Everett could play the outfield, then we wouldn't have a problem with Timo.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 09:00 AM)
It better be Everett that's getting traded.  Frank's the better hitter and more important to this franchise.  Plus, Frank's injuries and contract status doesn't make him a viable option for a decent return in talent.

frank will NOT be traded.

no way.

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QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 12:01 AM)
frank will NOT be traded.

no way.

The backlash from Sox fans I think would be far too great for that to ever happen. You think attendance is bad now, what type of message will dealing Frank Thomas in the middle of a pennant race send to the fans?

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 01:58 PM)
Ok this is what I'm thinking. I still think there's no way Frank Thomas is dealt. He means too much to the fans, in terms of attendance, his contract option automatically kicks in if he's dealt, and that will put most teams in the NL and ones who have a good DH automatically out of the race. So Everett makes the most sense, which is unfortunate because this situation was bound to come up at some stage.


Here's what I'm proposing. Some of us want a bonafide 1B prospect to take over for Paul Konerko next off-season. Casey Kotchman. Lefty hitter (which is something we need), and he's only 21. Look at these stats in AA and AAA from last season;

AA - .368/.438/.544, 10 BB's, 7 K's, 3 HR's in 28 games.

AAA - .372/.423/.558, 14 BB's, 25 K's, 5 HR's in 49 games.


If there was some way KW could pull an Everett for Kotchman deal, I would take that in a second. We'd basically have our own version of Justin Morneau, and the best thing is, he's cheap and under out control for a good 4 to 5 years. This was some pieces on Kotchman from the start of the year from BA;

Other prospects the Angels have, are Edwin Santana, he's probably untouchable. Dallas McPherson would be very nice, but he's starting to heat up, and they need another bat as it is, so why give up one, Kendry Morales (which would be interesting considering the Cuban connection we have already, not sure if he can be dealt or not though) and Howie Kendrick who is a good second baseman prospect .


But if KW is smart, he could try to get a 3 team deal going, involving Oakland and Eric Chavez. Oakland needs to rebuild, and they could get quality prospects from both the White Sox and Angels, kind of like the Carlos Beltran deal from last off-season if you get my drift.


I could see Jeff Davanon be part of a deal, maybe along with a guy like Maicer Izturis. Two versatile players who could help this year. And in Izturis's case, in the years ahead. [Could make Willie expendable as well, as they sox have their LH hitting 2bman to give Iguchi a rest.] I don't see the angels giving up a top prospect for a guy like Everett.

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QUOTE(chisox2334 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 09:04 AM)
dont trade any of them. If thomas gets hurt or setback everett back at dh and quite frankily I give rowand or dye days off for everett get some at bats.

do you really want to see carl out there that much in the field?

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The problem with trying to trade Thomas now is that his contract stipulates that any team that trades for him automatically would have to pick up the $12 million option for next year.



Couldn't trade him if we wanted to. Not going anywhere.

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 12:04 AM)
I could see Jeff Davanon be part of a deal, maybe along with a guy like Maicer Izturis. Two versatile players who could help this year. And in Izturis's case, in the years ahead. [Could make Willie expendable as well, as they sox have their LH hitting 2bman to give Iguchi a rest.] I don't see the angels giving up a top prospect for a guy like Everett.

Stoneman would be crazy to deal Kotchman for Everett, I agree wholeheartedly. Get Sean Tracey involved in the deal then. Anaheim is always looking for pitching, and there probably won't be a great role for Tracey in the future for us anyway (he just walks too many hitters).


Izturis would be a nice get though, had a great year in AAA last season. There's no role for Davanon basically unless Timo is gone, which probably won't happen knowing Ozzie and KW.

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Maicer Izturis had a great spring this yr, hitting .329/.430/.506 in 64 AB's [with 5 triples]. They had him playing 3b mostly, to go with his more natural spots at 2b and SS. He was set to be a defensive replacement for Dallas McP at 3b when he sprained his MCL in April. I know he should be off the DL soon. He could be a great reserve this yr, and a possible starter in the next few years

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 02:08 PM)
Stoneman would be crazy to deal Kotchman for Everett, I agree wholeheartedly. Get Sean Tracey involved in the deal then. Anaheim is always looking for pitching, and there probably won't be a great role for Tracey in the future for us anyway (he just walks too many hitters).


Izturis would be a nice get though, had a great year in AAA last season. There's no role for Davanon basically unless Timo is gone, which probably won't happen knowing Ozzie and KW.


kotchman should be used as bait for pitching for the Angels.

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