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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 10, 2011 -> 11:40 PM)
My rationale is that when I buy something at the store, the animal was already dead. There was nothing I could really do to stop that animal from being killed. Yes I understand that if I stop eating meat I may impact the demand for meat therefore ultimately stopping the killing of animals for food.


But inevitably I wont be able to do it


This sounds like the reasoning a lot of people use for not voting. I’m not going to swing the decision one way or the other with my single vote so why bother.


Yet many people say that’s not a good enough reason. Just saying…


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QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Feb 10, 2011 -> 11:55 PM)
Unless we can grow our own steaks or broccoli florets in lab conditions without causing anyone or anything pain or death, this is just a pipedream.


Actually, they have already started doing this with meat. I just read an article about it a few weeks ago.


It's not FDA approved yet and getting people to get past the it's not "real" meat thinking might be difficult.

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 10:23 AM)
Actually, they have already started doing this with meat. I just read an article about it a few weeks ago.


It's not FDA approved yet and getting people to get past the it's not "real" meat thinking might be difficult.

People have been working on some cloning-based version of meat production for years now.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 09:50 AM)
And I apologize if sharing my viewpoints come off as preachy to everyone. That is not my intention. I have not demanded that any one of you change anything in your lifestyle.


For the record, I wasn't referring to you when I mentioned the preachy vegetarians and vegans. You're decidedly unpreachy when it comes to your diet. You do mention it enough :lol: , but you don't talk down to non-vegans or act like you're better than anyone because you're a vegan.


I know I give you s*** on occasion because of it, but I'm pretty sure you know that we're all just having fun with it. I apologize if that wasn't evident.


Oh, but I did spit in your pita thingy you had at the bar that one day. Sorry!

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 11:36 AM)
You may be interested in this book. When you have that down, get this one. I own both.

I've actually been meaning to read those. I've heard quite a bit about the author and enjoy reading about survival skills in general, I've just never gone that far down the route. I bet there's tons of serious stuff in there though. Paladin Press takes freedom of information about as far as you'll ever see it go. And that is a wonderful thing.


Another Paladin Press I'd like to recommend is The Art and Science of Dumpster Diving by John Hoffman. You can read it/download it free here http://www.scribd.com/doc/2054609/The-Art-...by-John-Hoffman if you don't want to buy the book, but I'd recommend the book. It's really fascinating.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 10:46 AM)
It has to be fake or illegal.

It's the internet dude.


But yeah, there are tons of great survival sites out there and they'll teach you everything you need to know to survive. And then some will teach you more if you want to fight of the government or (far more likely) random looters when they attempt to acquire your food store.


I've also seen some videos out there where I guess Israeli Special Forces teach you how to most effectively kill a man in hand-to-hand combat. That is probably great to know, but I imagine you'd be better off protecting your base from a distance, probably with a decoy house/shed heavily booby trapped, with the important stuff buried underground with access covered by a stream or leaf litter. Then you can sit up in the tree and pick people off while they're distracted by the explosions going off around them.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 08:50 AM)
God I don't even know where to begin. I just find it astonishing that the lifestyle I lead is deemed by some as being hypocritical. Let me provide you a little more insight as to the way I view the world and the actions I take to minimize my negative impacts (and I’m not stating these to be some kind of show-off):


I do not participate in the direct, intentional killing on any animal for the purposes of my diet or clothing. There are literally billions of animals intentionally killed for these purposes each year in the U.S. alone. By doing this I also am not contributing to the enormous amounts of food, water, and land used to maintain this system of billions of animals. My paycheck does not contribute to the enormous amounts of animal waste product and methane gasses that pollute our air and land.


I make all attempts to walk, bike, or take public transportation whenever possible. My wife and I put less than 5K miles on our car each year.


We purchase an CSA share from a local organic farm to provide us with fruits and vegetables. We also proactively purchase as many local, organic, and fair trade products that we can.


We donate to multiple charities that range from wildlife preservation, animal rescue, and doctors without borders.


For someone to insinuate that my views and actions are nothing but hypocritical because the very impactful decisions I make don’t go far enough because I don’t live in a clay house under an apple tree and only subside on apples that fall from the tree and consume nothing else...well that’s preposterous.


These actions I take dramatically reduce my carbon footprint and minimize unnecessary suffering of animal life and shouldn’t be easily dismissed because an animal has been unintentionally run over by a tractor when my corn was picked. For someone to equate that run over animal with the factory farm system of intentional pain and suffering and ultimately death is absurd. These are not apples to apples and you're being disingenuous by stating that.


This whole argument reminds me of the early debates in the filibuster about climate change. The climate change deniers completely dismissed everything because Al Gore has a large house. That’s it. He has a big house so that means climate change doesn’t exist, no one should take steps to reduce their footprint, and the theory is automatically false because he is a 100% hypocrite. So I might as well eat tons of meat, purchase fur coats, kick dogs in the head (because they might not really feel pain anyway), and drive an H1 everyday to the corner post office instead of walking because I am nothing but a hypocrite right now because I eat fruits and vegetables (they might feel pain!) and use the Internet. It’s an all or nothing proposition. Unless I live in that clay hut under the apple tree then everything I’m doing is meaningless.


And I apologize if sharing my viewpoints come off as preachy to everyone. That is not my intention. I have not demanded that any one of you change anything in your lifestyle.

You sound like a great person who makes the planet better.


The arguments here - as far as I can see anyway - were more about ideas, definitions, designations, and cut-off points than anything else. And I don't see how you're a hypocrite or how any of us are hypocrites since we can't reasonably be expected to make all our crafts by hand and live in a tree or whatever, and so no matter what, we're going to be spending dollars that support truly evil s*** that makes our skin crawl. But I think it's important to realize that in general and as a result I think it's important to promote or at least not try to discourage others from doing things that help the environment by funding conservation and experiencing nature in general, especially when those activities involve hands-on food or resource procurement directly from nature in a humble and sustainable way. I see hunting as just that. We've been hunter/gatherers the majority of our lives and the instincts we have are still there, as is the need to eat.


And in general it seems like there are too many people who for whatever reason completely misunderstand what the hunter/game relationship is about, and even worse, they project these terrible images onto hunters like they're killers and sick body manglers and all this other s***, and it's not only unfair, it's wrong, and it pisses people off. There are indeed "hunters and shooters," but most of them are hunters, and they do a whole lot to conserve environments that others would freely allow to be destroyed. Chances are there are some small sections of woodland near where you live, that maybe aren't much, but they are areas only kept from being flattened because hunters pay to hunt there. Without a few hunters in a few places (and it actually *saddens* me that both hunting and fishing seem to be becoming increasingly rare - not surprising with so much wilderness gone) then there would be a lot more empty stripmalls and townhomes than there already are.


But anyway, thinking and talking about what constitutes a better planet only matters when it leads to a better planet, and you're doing what you can to make for a better planet, so in terms of who you are or your actions, you're not on the bad side at all - not even close. But none of us are going to live without death, none of us are going to continue on without killing something (or having someone kill for us) something that both has just as much right to live as we do, just as much purpose as we do, and something that is also intelligent and to someone is considered cute or beautiful. But the idea I think should always be that when life is taken it is taken responsibly so that life replaces life through death, rather than life dying with death through the careless actions of humanity.


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I actually enjoyed reading this threat and while his screen name could be reduced to BS, his posts have been far from it. I have been eating less meat, but mostly because as I have been reducing my daily calories, I find better choices for my calorie spending.

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 04:43 PM)
You know better anyway :lol: I'm filling in with a band at PK's tonight opening for Salt Kings if you are getting out.


Cool! I was planning on hoofing it down there. See ya tonight.

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 06:43 PM)
You know better anyway :lol: I'm filling in with a band at PK's tonight opening for Salt Kings if you are getting out.

Are we talking about PKs in CDale? Maybe it's time to get out and support my soxtalk brethren.

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QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 04:50 PM)
Are we talking about PKs in CDale? Maybe it's time to get out and support my soxtalk brethren.


Yep. Haven't seen the band Jake is playing in, I'm sure they're good. The Salt Kings are very good. $1 PBR's too.

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