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Keith Foulke


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Is anyone else not surprised to see that Keith Foulke blew a save in a huge game for the A's?


I know there are people pining for him and I'd rather have him than Koch, but I was thrilled to see him leave town. He always seemed to fail in the big games and after he served up a ding-dong to Giambi in the Yankee heartbreaker in Comiskey, he was forever banished to my personal s***list.

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Here's how I feel about players that are traded: For me, they're no longer Sox players, so I seldom even give them a glance. I'm a Sox fan...I don't dislike someone because they were traded or let go or signed with someone else...They just aren't Sox players now, so I am busy watching my team.


By the way, I loved Robin Ventura when he was here. I felt he was getting a little long in the tooth his last year or so...and when he was negotiating with the team for a new contract, he gave a few interviews where he said that the deciding factor wouldn't be about money. And of course, he went elsewhere for more money.


Now, I don't have a problem with that. It's a player's right to get whatever they can get from baseball owners. But here's where I have a problem: Just say it upfront! Say the truth, like: " I expect the Sox to be the top bidder for my services because..." Or "I'm near the end of my career and I want more money because this may be my last contract." Just once, be upfront and tell us you're not staying because you got 15 percent more to be a Yankee, for example. Don't pretend there is loyalty involved unless you really mean it.


I'm not saying I dislike Robin. I thought less of him because he used the same baloney all professional athletes use when they are negotiating contracts. Just say it straight!



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