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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2018 in Posts

  1. If you can’t handle this level of discussion, then you’re the one wasting your time masquerading around as a supposed “Administrator” of an internet message board dedicated to serious discussion about the Chicago White Sox.
    2 points
  2. My feelings certain aren’t hurt. This board is loaded with diehards, some who go to 50 games a year, some who haven’t been to a game in years. It doesn’t make them lesser fans. The Sox have to appeal to the masses. That is on them. Right now the Cubs are the latest tricked out IPhone,a dn the Sox are a cheap Korean made knockoff. It isn’t White Sox fans responsibility to change that.
    2 points
  3. batavia finishes the season undefeated and wins the inaugural season Dukane conference title
    1 point
  4. You guys can discuss the closing of the Buster, but otherwise, do not turn this thread into a mini-Buster. That's just gonna be a blanket warning to stop. Don't get into politics in this thread.
    1 point
  5. You scare the ever loving shit out of me if you actually believe this. Someone help us all. We'll need it. It isn't hyperbole and it isn't alarmist and it isn't exaggeration.
    1 point
  6. Sorry, this election is every bit as consequential as those, if not more. The future of our country is at stake. Will we roll over and let an authoritarian despot take over the USA or will we fight back? If you want Putin as your president, continue having your head in the sand. The fact that sensible people don't understand the danger is scary. The end.
    1 point
  7. This is the right move. I applaud the staff for coming to this decision. I have never been interested in talking politics with people, it is literally the most toxic subject you can ever talk about. Until Americans can get over their stupid political opinions and ideals, it is 99.9% of the time a pointless exercise to even undertake such conversations. I will never understand people who actually enjoy shoving their political garbage down others throats. There's so many better things they could be doing with their time.
    1 point
  8. Versus what? What is your damn point here? That Sox fans should fill Guaranteed Rate Field at 40,000 every night even in seasons where the play is so poor that they lose 100 games? Sell out crowds one right after another over a six year period like the one the team just went through where the team lost more games than any team in baseball? What are you actually trying to say! That a billionaire owner deserves or is entitled to blind loyalty no matter how deficient the product he puts on the field? GMAFB! What a completely out of touch point of view.
    1 point
  9. God this season sucked and it wasn't just the losses. It was the lack of progress. It was the injuries. The Kopech one was the true gut punch. I could keep positive about 2020 until that.
    1 point
  10. I agree with a lot of this, though I also subscribe to the "treat yo self" model. For example, if you are in your car for 1-2 hrs a day, why not splurge a little and be happy with what you're driving? Same with the occasional gadget purchase, lunch, etc. You don't have to go crazy and you shouldn't do that stuff routinely, but the worst case scenario is you live a pretty boring life because all you're doing is thinking about saving for the future and then you die at 55. What a waste. You gotta live a little. There's a happy medium between being frugal and saving and enjoying life as you go.
    1 point
  11. If there's one thing to learn from the responses in this thread....its place less pressure on your kids to go to college and more pressure on them to be learning job skills while they're young (whether it be software engineering, plumbing, etc.) College does not appear to have helped some of the people in this thread. I've got 529's for my kids, but I hope they never use them. I know personally that I did not learn 1 thing in the classrooms of college that has helped my career today and I'm betting a lot of others could say something similar. Ok aside from that...My wife and I were trying to get to the point of early retirement by age 45. As some on here have said, I would imagine it to be very difficult if you don't have 2 incomes and dealing with student debt. However, I think the important lesson [even if this FIRE thing is overly idealistic], you can set yourself up in a much much much better financial position in life if you minimize your spending, maximize your investing/saving. If you go over to bogleheads you might be inspired. Our plan has definitely took a hit when our daughter had a medical issue that caused my wife to quit her job over a year ago. Looking to get her back in the workforce and get back to a 60-70% saving rate and maybe we can still retire fairly early or at least have some nice $ to rely on. For those who say its impossible to save, that may definitely be true for a while. Just do everything you can to find extra income in the meantime. Otherwise, if you aren't doing this, you aren't trying that hard with saving. Make a budget and live by it. You should always know where your money is going each month. Shop Aldis or the lowest possible priced grocery store If you shop at Whole Foods and complain about not being able to save....you're a super confusing individual. Never ever spend money going out to lunch during work week (unless its a special occasion that requires it) Always bring a lunch. If you forgot to, your punishment is hunger for lunch. Take pride in driving the crappiest car at work [or having no car]. The idea of taking out a car loan should be unfathomable to you. Drive that thing into the ground until the engine or transmission goes out. Buy new clothes as rarely as needed. Unless you're a lawyer or something high profile job, no dude's going to know that you bought your clothes at Target vs some expensive place. Learn how to fix things yourself (housework/car maintenance). The internet has blessed us with information (yes you may be like me and screw some stuff up in the process). If you pay over $75 a month for internet, get it cheaper. Keep calling your provider with threats to leave them until they give in. They will. Or do you even need internet? Can you use your phone? Or library internet? If you don't have the ability to pay off your credit card bill for the month, then do not use your credit card. Eat free samples at grocery stores until you can pay off that bill. [Half joking on that one] View your saving goals as must dos. Look at where you spend your money each month and if you aren't able to do these things below, but your spending on things you value less, ask yourself why? If you aren't maxing out your companies 401k match, do everything in your power to match it. Then do everything in your power to max out your Roth IRA contributions. Then do everything in your power to max out your 401k contributions for the year. Then do everything in your power to investing your money in index funds. Learn to be ok being known as cheap when it come to spending on yourself. If spending money on others is important to you, than don't let up there. Now how people who retire early deal with medical care....that will be tricky.
    1 point
  12. I see no reason to throw money at relievers this offseason. There is a wave of really intriguing relief arms at or approaching the upper levels right now, some of whom will be the core of a bullpen on the next contending team. I'd like to see all of them get good playing time. Now obviously if some dumpster dive player seems like a good cheap gamble, I'm not saying you don't consider it. I just don't think it should be something to go out looking for.
    1 point
  13. Gonna post my top 5 before I open to see if I'm right 1) LaMarre 2) Fisher 3) Polo 4) Dedelow 5) Rutherford
    1 point
  14. Would love to but: 1) Most of these people probably don't have kids or student loan debt they are still paying off in their 30's; 2) Living on 40k a year doesn't account for college expenses for their kids in the future; 3) when I retire I want to be traveling 6 months out of the year; I don't want to retire and just sit at my house; 4) healthcare costs; 5) most importantly, i'm a habitual consumer of all things so I need money!
    1 point
  15. Lake Park (5-3) is eligible for the playoffs for the first time since 2009! I graduated in 2010 and if they beat Naperville Central next week, they earn a tie of the conference championship
    1 point
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