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Everything posted by EloyJenkins

  1. Can you imagine if 175 gets it done though? (I know it wont) . The rebuild could literally be completed by next season with all the extra cash the team would have. Bonkers.
  2. I thought 8/280 originally but unbelievable lack of suitors made me adjust down a bit.
  3. 8/260 Machado 10/326 Harper We get Machado...fall just short of Harper who goes to Phillies.
  4. Rosenthal will have the scoop. Almost always does.
  5. Crazy thought...someone Lozano uses leaked the 7/175 to create "outrage" so Lozano can craft this response and look like he is the hero to Machado by being the tough guy Agent and getting him much more money even though it won't approach the 300-350 mark. This is Inception level manipulation. Damn.
  6. Agreed. Olney laughed at the Sox earlier this offseason. This is more of a big F you to the media needing to fill their 24 hour news cycle with anything. It is absurd what Twitter has become this offseason.
  7. can't wait for the 30 for 30 on this in five years after Manny is World Series MVP for us. This back and forth is absolutely riveting.
  8. At least one thing is true currently...Boras and Lozano are shitting bricks right now.
  9. yannie or whatever her name is would Rather have Manny in Chicago and around his Brother in law....SD girls are FIRE!
  10. It is also stupid to assume that Harper would get 125 million more total contract. Lozano would be the laughing stock of agents.
  11. That's because he accurately offended all of us with his truth.
  12. With as much work as Sox have done with Lozano...he is coming back and saying give us last offer since Phillies went higher. So, unless it's stupid money...shouldn't matter.
  13. Imagine for a sec that we have the entire Machado situation ironed out and it's a reasonable offer...but also gives us enough flexibility for JR to call up Boras and say....Let's iron this out RIGHT now and put an aggressive offer on Harper. Dual announcements of signing both on the same day would go down as the biggest spectacle in Free Agency since Lebron took his talents to South Beach. I know it's a pipe dream...but man, JR and the Sox would be the talk of MLB for the next two seasons.
  14. I love BTTF to death...but have always been bothered that 50 years of sports statistics can be found in such a thin and tiny book. Complete my ass...
  15. I got this weird feeling ....8/260 done today.
  16. The 8/250 is probably legit. That is why all the local tweeters came out to say nope...trying to hide the reality. 8/250 now...then 9/280 is next offer 10/310 is final final.
  17. Imagine in 200 years when our distant relatives find the relics of this thread. It will be studied for years as the fall of mankind's ability to reason.
  18. wanted to get MLBTRs perspective on this with their live chat...Got this answer....
  19. but if Harper doesn't want to live in Philly, ultimately he has to decide that. He LOVES chicago and his buddy Bryant, and no way Machado's wife is going to want Philly....so at least that is one interesting part to this. Philly living is very lame compared to NY or Chicago.
  20. The early season predictions for machado and Harper were ten year minimum with 12/13 year deals desired. So 8 is an amazing feat even at 32 mil a year...this is prime of career ages we are talking here.
  21. If we get Machado for 250 you have to go for Harper. That's 100 million less than the predictions at beginning of this process.
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