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Everything posted by mqr

  1. He said he didn't buy into what the Rangers were telling him.
  2. The trending players on FG are as follows Encarnacion Ryu Puig Moncada Bentances Anderson Trout Grandal Jimenez Mazara seems to be quite a bit of interest in the Sox.
  3. Barring some unforseen power surge, Madrigal shouldn't leave the bottom of the order all year.
  4. I think this is fairly obvious
  5. Puig makes some sense, but he’s not going to sign on to share time
  6. I will eat my hat if Nick Castellenos makes less money than Abreu or EE. And Puig sucks. Thinking 1/12 for Encarnacion is a WILD overpay is hilarious.
  7. I’m like 90% sure he will once he stops thinking the roster needs to be taught.
  8. With a roster that doesn’t have 9000 black holes I think you’re likely to find he’s not as bad or as big of a deal as most think.
  9. Yup totally fine with the worst hitter in your lineup being a post hype super prospect that’s still very much on the young side.
  10. They don’t look as bad there because Leury did play a lot of right, but him playing there meant one of the other bums was in center.
  11. https://streamable.com/m9m3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  12. The difference between this offseason and ‘15/‘16 is that the core is significantly meatier. Instead of building around 4 guys, it’s 7 or 8 or 9.
  13. https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders.aspx?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=all&qual=0&type=6&season=2019&month=0&season1=2019&ind=0&team=4&rost=0&age=0&filter=&players=0 click the team stats header
  14. I want Stammen for no other reason than he’s from my Alma Mater. I should not be a GM
  15. It’s gonna be so funny when Bryant eventually gets traded.
  16. This is also a lineup where you find out just how little a manager setting the lineup matters
  17. I actually fucking love the Mazara move now that he’s the third best bat added to the lineup.
  18. You see but I he also didn’t spend 100 million to do it so it is actually bad
  19. Dude put his dad in the ground and immediately got back to business.
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