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Everything posted by kapkomet

  1. kapkomet

    Immigration Laws

    Don't have time to type the details but this seems like a pretty diverse group with all sorts of opinions. What do you all think of the immigration bill that GDubya is proposing? It basically says that all the illegals can apply for green cards and stay and work in our borders LEGALLY. What about the "poor" folks that have those jobs now and now will have to compete with illegal folks? This has some republicans pretty pissed that he keeps selling himself to get those votes.
  2. Urbina to the Rangers? No way.
  3. the difference is that the pucks that were being shot at us were on target (damn good thing for that glass between us and them) but the Sox pitchers would have to hit the bullseye and we all know (with a couple of exceptions) they can't do that!
  4. Are you in your projectile mood again?
  5. I see your point, and I wish I had more time today (somehow I keep frittering it away though) but I don't think it matters anymore about "if there were a draft we would much less likely go to war". 20 years ago I would agree, but since this all is a different age - and we've got that mentality of strike first or be striked against (I won't even delve into that one) - I Think our leaders in general will be a lot more trigger happy to go to war. The draft doesn't make it into the equation as much as it used to. More later if I get time. And I REALLY need to get some work done. !@#$%@ Budgets.
  6. This quote from the NHL Power Rankings on ESPN.com. I thought it was fitting. "When the NHL submits dollar figures to the NHLPA, they should spare everyone the drama and just take the Hawks out of their equations."
  7. What do you think of Gibbs going back to the Redskins? I personally can't believe it... why would someone out the game for 10 years come back to THAT dump? Then again, I bet he turns them around in a couple of years to the 80's Redskins.
  8. you suck. you stole my question. and just for that you won't get my opinion. It's deeper then a "currency" issue. It's a market (macroeconomic and sociopolitical intertwined) situation - as the whole Iraq thing is. And they are indeed intertwined. Whatcha all think about that BS? I'll explain later if anyone cares, but I have to get some work done today.
  9. who the hell are you? I've never seen or heard of you in my life! This SOB is hijacking my identity! Stop the madness! Oh... and hoosier? hmmmf.
  10. oh hell no, we won't go. now where have i heard that before?
  11. kapkomet

    WillieStoke in Love

    So again, just remember this six months from now when temptation rears its ugly head. Cause it will. The world works like that. And so, if you stay on this path, the next "Laura" you will appreciate even more. Good luck!
  12. kapkomet

    WillieStoke in Love

    Hey, no joke. If this was your wake up call, more power to ya, bro. Just keep that same attitude when times get tough, because they will.
  13. I wasn't trying to criticize, it's just when you read your original post if I were in a surly mood it would have not been pleasant, that's all. I think you're kinda on the right track (certainly is too bad that nothing's transpired so far to make us a lot better), but let's hope it doesn't turn out as bad as it could. The saddest part is there's a ton of sentiment like this concerning the Sox, and it just really sucks because it certainly doesn't have to be this way.
  14. This just about sums up the whole "TOOL" :fyou (Pete Rose) thing the best. Well written IMO. http://espn.go.com/page2/s/caple/040106.html
  15. Not that I disagree or anything but... HELLO SUNSHINE!
  16. what's sarcastic? You kicking people's ass? Sometimes, I get the feeling people like yanking on people's chains. But to each his own.
  17. RIGHT HERE! oh wait, that's douchebag...
  18. Not that this should be any surprise to you folks who follow hockey but Mario Lemieux is out for the rest of the year after deciding to have surgery on his injured hip. So does this mean the end of yet another awesome career (with the pending lockout situation?) I've seen him play a few times, what a player, and his hands (stick handling with a rifle shot) are among the best I've ever seen around the net.
  19. I thought this one was pretty good. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=index2&cid=1073
  20. I HATE the fact that they've been "posturing" for this for years. There are a lot of teams that will come out of this better then going in (CBA). But, he's sold his soul, absolutely ruined a once great franchise, and pissed thousands off for a long long time. The whole tv deal is BS. Look at the Cubs, you can thank WGN for that. They're a superstation team. I know, they've always been popular but it certainly helps with the exposure they got in the 80's. I have heard from multiple sources that when Wirtz passes on, that a home tv contract is already drawn up and will be signed. There's a couple of other interesting twists if/when ownership changes. I guess my point is there were 100 different ways to "posture" for the "new" NHL. This was by far the worst possible way. IF there's any glimmer, it is indeed that they have a LOT of young talent.
  21. Holy s***! You mean GW got to "TOOL" :fyou and made him confess? WOW, GW sure is all-knowing and all-powerful, ain't he?
  22. which is worse? an "uneducated racist" who doesn't know any better, or an "educated racist", such as yourself, who should know better, and want to seek out the truth. Look in the mirror bub, you're everything you dish out. hmmmmf. law school "degreed". My ass.
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