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Everything posted by CaliSoxFanViaSWside

  1. That is totally within the parameters I suggested 😉
  2. If Machado does sign with the Sox I want some of you to think about what you will be posting. I expect some manly " Fuck ya ,yea . yeah , yeses ". Basically not more than 2 syllable grunts. None of this wimpy "it's happening" stuff. Dismissed.
  3. I have to agree. Harper would be pretty significant but I think the Sox will be extremely happy if Manny comes here. It's not exactly finished yet . Count that chicken after it hatches and maybe that hatchling influences the ones still in the eggs.
  4. Probably something like: I'd love to have Manny here with me and Yonder but Manny will do what's best for him and his family . He's a great guy and I will continue to be his friend no matter where he signs. Not sure I'd call that interesting.
  5. Like I said I have no sympathy for either side. Both were idiots. She is not a victim. She basically called him a 16 year old girl on her period to start the shit. I don't care that it didn't live up to the high standard of great insults from fans to celebs. Twitter is a cesspool and when you wade into a cesspool be prepared for some shit. If you can't handle it delete it . Pretty simple. This will be my last opinion on the matter because dipping my toe into that cesspool of nonsense is not something I feel the need to waste my time on. Most of us learned our lessons as children on something like this. Only morons take a stick and poke a bear.
  6. Definitely lesson to be learned on both sides. She did throw out the 1st 2 insults. You don't pick a fight with someone bigger than you especially when that someone has legions of fans. Bauer too should have been wise enough to know his stature as a professional athlete would lead to something much bigger that would hurt his status . Her fandom of the Astros and Bregman led her to stick her nose into some good natured ribbing between 2 professional ballplayers. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. I know we feel the need to stick up for the damsel in distress but she literally threw herself in harms way. I have no sympathy for either side. Neither side seems to have a clue about the consequences of their actions .
  7. I would prefer something like Pat Benatar's song "All Fired Up" but I am old and you are a mod so carry on. You've done good so far. But you can use my suggestion once Machado signs with the Sox.
  8. You listed 2 reasons why Moose makes no sense and both were negated when your1st reason was actually what made no sense which made your whole post senseless. But still you say Hell no ! Way to stick to your guns even without a reason.
  9. Plus when I write my opinion on something I'm usually pretty aware of what I'm writing and if I make a mistake I will admit it like I did when I thought Casey Gillaspie might be the one to go when Herrera was signed and was informed he's not on the 40 which I completely whiffed on.
  10. It's a pretty good comparison actually. We always heard about how smart of a hitter Ramirez was and we hear pretty much the same about Eloy making in game adjustments also. In my mind he is as close to a sure thing the Sox have had since the Big Hurt. In another 5 years we will see his name plastered all over Sox talk in posters screen names like we do now with the Big Hurt.
  11. If I am getting what you just said that would put you in your early 30's and you feel like a dinosaur ? I was already 22 in1980 where The Buggles album The Age of Plastic came out and Video Killed the Radio Star became the 1st ever video played on MTV. Still one of the best albums from the post punk , new wave and electronic synth pop era.
  12. Ohh a Buggles reference. Nice. This must be the Plastic Age.
  13. Is that the Ringo Starr Devil Woman or the completely different Cliff Richard version of Devil Woman ?
  14. I agree if he does start in WS which is likely , jumping up 4 levels in 6/7 months is very highly unlikely bordering on next to impossible.
  15. I'm surprised at you. Imagine all the Greeks living close to Guaranteed Rate Field coming to Sox games and rooting for Moooooose ! Do the Sox have a Greek Heritage Night yet ? This demographic could be a gold mine .
  16. If you'd like to look at it that way that's fine. Just guessing if he were added (and I don't think he will be) It should be only a 1 year contract. I like all the rest truly want the other MM . In lieu of that I'd expect pursuit of Arenado or Rendon next year, Surprisingly I have seen neither mentioned as a reason for not wanting Moustakas which makes a lot more sense than anything else and also why I am pretty sure he won't be signing with the Sox unless it is for just 1 year and we don't get Machado. He isn't that old (2019 is age 30 season) has performed pretty well the last 2 years . He has been an All-Star 2 of the last 4 years and played on a World Series winner. He's no Machado, Arenado or even a Rendon (who will be 31 when he becomes a FA next year) but he's neither old nor a bad player.
  17. My son ( not a baseball fan) would however love this post. I actually do too.
  18. Are you making some kind of point ? Isn't a 14 game improvement pretty good ? Would you rather we be at 62 again ? Is gradual improvement not part of the plan in your mind ? Are we going to make some kind of magical leap from 62 wins to 90 one year ? Clue me in to how your mind is functioning.
  19. If I was a guy like Moose I'd be like "damn if I played in the 1970's everyone would want me . I hit the most HR's and RBI's of my career the last 2 years and nobody wants me."
  20. Yolmer always intrigues me. He hit 2 440ft.+ HR's last year. Would love to see if he could hit more bombs but I doubt he ever gets the chance. Only shot he has again is no Machado or playing regularly at 2nd base while Moncada moves to CF. Don't see that happening. As far as him being the equal of Moustakas we could say that but in an odd kind of way. Both pretty much the same WAR but Yolmer gets his WAR from fielding and base running mostly while Moustakas gets his from more HR's, higher SLG, OPS , OPS+ .
  21. Welcome back. You must be rusty . I hope you realize that Manny Machado and Mike Moustaskas are both MM .
  22. Without reading farther than this post I'll just say you probably derive much joy from stirring the pot with this.
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