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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by chisox05

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if we got him and if we did, I think someone would've been traded before allowing him to start.
  2. If ALL we do is sign those 2, then our outfield would be lee-LF rowand-CF Everett-RF We wouldn't need an RF and I have really high hopes for Everett for this upcoming season.
  3. That's because he couldn't control the game when he was getting the ball and common sense says that you don't continue a thing going bad.
  4. Ive been thinking about getting rj and beltran(which I doubt would happen as we have little chance at getting one of them) Anyways, say we deal konerko and garland for RJ, we then add 3-4 million to our payroll. Losing maggs and including raises, I'd guess we save around 7-8 million. So lets say reinsdorf is adding 15 million to payroll and we have gone about 3 million under last years payroll we then sign beltran for 18 million per. This will never happen because kenny and reinsdorf are to stupid to realize the opportunity of getting arguably the best pitcher and best hitter in the majors. I always hear reinsdorf talking about how he'd trade in all the bulls rings for a sox world championship and that he'd do anything to win a world championship for us as long as the organization doesnt lose money. Well, they made a nice profit last season, and the acquisition of these 2 guys will boost ticket sales and merchandise sales as well as future tv deals so much that they would be making more money than they probably ever had. It's to bad what could be only if.........
  5. A sucker punch was the one on Freddie Jones who was merely trying to break up the fight.
  6. Why are you surprised by this??? What else comes CLOSE to this?
  7. Actually Alfonzo can play and does play 3B with the giants. Vizquel is there shortstop. Durham is there 2b.Cruz is a utility guy for those positions. They aren't stupid for this.
  8. They might suspend the players past the Christmas day game.............
  9. Anything can happen. Who thought the Angels were gonna get Vlad last year? NOBODY. Yet it happened in a second before there were even rumors of it. Miracles can happen people.
  10. Carolina Baltimore New Orleans Detroit Chicago New York Pittsburgh Tampa Bay St. Louis Jacksonville Seattle San Diego Atlanta Philadelphia Houston New England
  11. They do have a bad sports magazine. Sporting News has a lot better layout. IDC that they take a hit at us, IDC who takes a hit at our club-it happens to every team.
  12. Freddie Jones is taking over-he's a pretty good player and could starter for many other teams.
  13. It's too bad they didnt suck-then spurrier might have gone to unc in 06
  14. Actually it would be more toward 80 million if we trade konerko. BTw, we have one of the best offenses in the league and a guy like hidalgo or dye for a couple million is an option. So offensive help???No, we need a stud starter.
  15. Good point, that is a very likely scenario if we dont get him.
  16. I have a feeling that the cubs will get Womack.
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