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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by chisox05

  1. Was he wrong yes? But put yourself in his situation. You are very angry and furious after getting into an interaction with Ben Wallace, you try to relax and an object is thrown at you, and you blow up. Has a similar experience to this ever happen to you before, it sure has ahppened to me.
  2. This is the most disgusting and ludicrous event I have ever witnessed at an athletic playing field. Soon, there will be alot more protection for athletes in baseball and basketball. The Yankee-Redsox game 6 will just be a start of what will happen in the future for baseball. Sooner or later their will be something that prohibits the fans from interacting or touching a player. Although, as in most things in life, no change will be made until someone is hurt by it(9/11).
  3. Except we can acquire him and a minimal price with the potential for a good season.
  4. 1.He's 25 2.He has always has always been a baby 3.He reminds me too much of Eddy Curry 4.He's inconistant 5.He doesn't have a good work ethic. 6.etc...............
  5. I'm not surprised about Renteria-he seems like an ideal Ozzie ball player(I don't agree w/ Ozzie ball) and it won't shock me to see renteria as a whitesock. His salary would range from 7-11 million IMO, probably 8-9.
  6. 1.Platoon w/ Willie, are you kidding! This guy is a solid all around 2B hitter he is just below average defensively. 2.KW and Ozzie don't want to risk their reputation by signing a guy that is poor defensively and last season when they could've gotten walker very cheap, they passed on him. 3.Walker is a very fine player IMO. I am shocked how low of a contract he got last season and when he was clutch and a dependable hitter on the Bosox and was that way w/ the cubs. It is to bad we will not acquire him.
  7. They are definetely in a good position as the Twins lose some key players. We have a good team right now(2 dependable starters, 2 with lots of potential but havent performed up to par). We get another dependable starter and Garland or Contreras step up big time, we will be in great shape. Our offense is still good(2 players who will be the variables in the sucess of our offense-Everett and Crede). We are weak at C and 2B. We have a good base and if Kenny makes the right(obvious) moves will easily take the AL central crown.
  8. He would be my frickin' hero and I will personally put a huge picture of him in my bedroom and pray to God Johnson every single day.
  9. I believe if Smith continues to do well in the winter leagues, he has a legit chance at making our club.
  10. Really??? Where have you read this from???
  11. Im not worried at all. He was a poor hitter and had little upside. It is not a disapointment what so ever.
  12. BMac and Rogowski are the players I think will have the most future value. Why wasn't Rogo on the list?
  13. Same, Kip has played in no pressure environments against weaker hitters.
  14. Theres a difference, Pierre hits to all parts of the field, has GREAT bat control, can bunt. Castillo just has GREAT bat control. Willie doesnt, in fact he has poor bat control, and a player cant afford to have that if they arent a power hitter.
  15. He just wasnt mentally ready on our team-I consider this a problem child.
  16. If all fails this year, we will have a good shot next year. BTW, isnt David Terrell and fa next season?
  17. Good point, we get another couple wins and tillman comes back, we will immediately be in a good position to make a run at the playoffs.
  18. Its funny how quickly all of yall's attitude's had changed toward the bears in a matter of a quarter of play(mine too) Although it still seems like a pipe dream, even when they were 1-5 i was still hoping for playoff berth. Now we are 3-5 and will probably have to go at least 6-2 over our next 8 games-one at a time boys.
  19. We traded kip wells,josh fogg,and sean lowe for ritchie. Ritchie was a descent pitcher at the time and from what I had heard, he was on the way to improving in the following season. Now, the whitesox were extremely weak in the rotation and any arm would be positive. They decided to deal problem chiild kip wells who could never make a start w/out a breakout inning happening and when he did, he wouldnt in his next start. Kip was basically a hard throwing player who never learned how to pitch. He had a better pitching coach in pittsburgh and the hitters in the nl are weaker-he has well since the trade in pitt. Fogg was basically a POSSIBLE #5 starter that they dealt and thats what he turned out to be. Lowe was just a long reliever and I am not even sure he is in the league any more. Looking back on it, it was one of the worst trades in whitesox history(No, sosa for bell wasnt a bad trade because if sosa stayed with the sox he wouldnt have taken roids).
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