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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by chisox05

  1. DAMN! Mirabelli would've been a nice improvement over davis IMO. With Mirabelli and Redmond signing, there are no signs that KW will acquire a catcher to start over davis. SO, davis, maybe if you take a few walks and continue your clutch hitting you could be a favorite of mine.
  2. I have complete confidence that KW will acquire Nomar. We frign traded Maggs for him last season until the deal bombed. I am really interested in what Garpar would get for a 1 year deal. I mean, i could see anywhere from 6-10 million.
  3. Schoeny is a crybaby who is a horrible teammate and a way to inconsistant pitcher. I hope Kenny rids of him ASAP.
  4. All the sox would really have a chance at pursuing now would be mediocre catchers, therefore I believe they will stick with Davis. I really like Mirabelli however.
  5. Ya, I like Morris a lot. I'd be very happy if we get added onto our combination of 5 #3 pitchers.
  6. Anything is better than Harris. If Harris starts for us on opening day, I will cry. WILLIE HARRIS :fyou :fyou :fyou :fthecubs :fthecubs :fthecubs
  7. That doesn't mean s***-it has happened a # of times that GM's say this and then a guy gets traded. :fthecubs :fthecubs :fthecubs
  8. I don't like adkins-whenever he is put into a IMPORTANT situation he fails. When he was producing quality(great) #'s, he was coming in in the 5th or 6th inning or hed come in w/ a big lead or losing by a lot. His #'s faded when ozzie put him into the setup role because of his good stats(this happened at different pts throughout the season). Cotts however I like.
  9. Sorry, I have a friend named JAYSON and im used to saying that. How does he make money though-there are no advertisements?
  10. qWerty, I am adding this topic to my favorites so I can show you how wrong you are and the fact taht you think I am stupid and ridiculous for even considering this.
  11. Your saying he will bluff a lot because he has more money??? Maybe if you read some more poker books like this guy and start learning the players u play with tendencies as well as your own tendencies you will start to become a better poker player.
  12. He will be a lefty specialist put in in games where it is pretty much over to start the season, but in a couple weeks to a month, he will setup.
  13. It was funny cuz that outback bowl game was against the cornhuskers and tehy were both highly ranked teams.
  14. I think Munoz is and will be a dominant setup man this season and for many years to come. I will keep this link so that in October I could show you that I am not retarted.
  15. There is more of a chance that there will be a fight in the next synchronized swimming event than the next piston-pacer event.
  16. I wasn't saying u thought that, i am just saying i know people,many people, who think this.
  17. What do you got on the monday night game-i wanna put some money on that?
  18. I wouldn't be surprised at all if a fan came on the field :headshake
  19. Escobar was one of the hottest specs in baseball at one point. I think in 2001 he was slated to be the starting CF for the Indians and he got injured for the season and it was a pretty big story.
  20. Dallas Minnesota Houston Detroit It is not farfetched if we were to win 3/4. Then we would play the packers for the playoffs.
  21. Well being 4-6 now, we need a miracle Legitamately, we need to be 9-7, there might be 1 8-8 team in the nfc though, but i wouldnt count on it. I am not thinking 5-1 from here on out however. I am thinking 4-1 cuz if we are able to be 8-7 by the time we play Green Bay AT CHICAGO it will be crazy and thats all i hope for-Have the Green Bay game a game for the playoffs. Houston,Detroit, and Dallas should hopefully be easy wins for us. Jacksonville and Minnesota however will be whether we make or break our playoff hopes.
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