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Everything posted by bmags

  1. holy crap! I tried to watch but fell asleep (it actually came on at 130)...woke up and 7-3 against the sharks! This team is unreal.
  2. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 26, 2009 -> 03:32 AM) WTF? You're the one that posted that. I have never said that. You correlated Glenn Beck with the presidential death threats and I think you're nuts. But then you call me out and say that you might be talking about me? What the hell are you talking about that I can't remember? No Kap, not really. Everytime someone has said that the RW fringe has been capable of violence and the conspiracy talks getting unchallenged and widely distributed is a bad thing, you took it personally and acted as if we were talking about you. It's not that I'm unused to you missing the point of an argument this much, you always do this no matter what the topic. You misconstrue what is said and blow it out of proportion so you can easily dismiss it. But yes, I'd imagine hate threats to president would be lower if it wasn't seriously considered that our president wasn't a citizen, is now responsible for Ft. Hood b/c he's hell bent on protecting muslims and not whites, is racist and is muslim. Also, since we missed them, the Michigan Militia is growing in members again.
  3. you are the ones lumping conservatives with crazy people, not me. I've never indicated that it was you that I'm talking about, it is you that continues to think I'm talking about you. And if the shoe fits, then fine.
  4. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 26, 2009 -> 01:32 AM) Which was kind of my point, he is a defensive upgrade, and there aren't too many teams that can say that sorry tex, i'm not going to submit to your pity party while we still don't know who our R or LF will be.
  5. bmags

    Films Thread

    if I would be watching on my laptop though would PAL work/
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 10:28 PM) So HOssa debuts tonight, and they don't drop the puck until after 9:30... I hate the circus trip. could be worse, a nine-thirty puck drop is 1230 in brazil. Assuming by 930 you meant central.
  7. I'm typically underwhelmed with excitement for bench signings, Tex. I'm not sure we have an accurate measure for Jones defense. BUt he's probably better than Dye, I'd bet with one hamstring he'd be better than Dye. And he may still be good at D. Otherwise it's a power bat off the bench. For 500,000. I wouldn't really care all that much except for the fact that in 2 out of the last 3 years our bench was absolutely horrid.
  8. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 26, 2009 -> 12:53 AM) Sadly, with our current line up, he could be a late inning defensive sub. what's sad about this?
  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 09:18 PM) No there is a problem with the means as well. The best way to use the Scientific method is to isolate a single variable(s) so that the data is meaningful. If you have innumerable variables the experiment is not really worthwhile because you can never be sure what caused that specific result. At least that is my opinion. I agree. I'm so glad I won't have to read another political science study again. They can really only analyze the past, cannot predict the future at all, and their analysis is never definable.
  10. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 03:02 PM) Wow. FOX NEWS is now mainstream. I like the new bmags. It is mainstream. It may not be news, but this isn't Al-Jazeera English or anything. (which is surprisingly not radical, they tame down the English version.) Apparently it is abhorrent to claim that radical, conspiracist, hate speech on a network watched by millions could lead to bad things. Even though there are many cases in history where it has. And, even more strangely, is a tendency of kap to defend, join, and mold himself into being one of the people I'm talking about. He posts that the conspiracy theories are stupid, and crazy, but trips over himself to act like any criticism of them, is directed at him, and if so, I guess that means Kap is exactly the person I'm talking about. If that professor from Colorado calling 9/11 victims little eichmanns was given legitimacy in a movement and had a lot of followers (not comparing him to Beck), I'd think you'd call it concerning. BUt apparently incredibly infused, hateful, bats*** crazy language used by this current set of crazy people getting far too much press is not a concern. In this thread, I never called for Beck to be put in prison, though that's responses they would argue against that very point no one ever made, I didn't even call for him to be taken off the air, (though, again, the same), and I think it's well within reason for me to criticize and caution against conspiracist, inciteful speech, because it can, and has, led to violence. But, continue arguing that you guys hate you can't criticize the president without being called racist. It never gets old, and your victim hood still has a new level to aspire to.
  11. I see it was natural and encouraged to destroy our dixie chicks cds after saying the inflammatory "we aren't proud of our president" statement. But criticizing someone for perpetrating mass conspiracy theories on a mainstream news network to an audience of milliions and contributing to a high charged atmospher, that's just crazy bulls***! Words don't matter, they're just blowing off steam. (unless they're muslims)
  12. from Yglesias: http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives...ster-is-bad.php
  13. And uhhh George Tiller, one specific case. I don't take anything I said in this thread. This doesn't change that I think Beck, et al are being incredibly irresponsible for money, and the ridiculous # of death threats needing to be checked out by the President are one example.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 01:02 AM) Who do you think was doing the Filibustering from 2006-2008? hahaha
  15. Not really. I guess hateful rhetoric only matters when it's aimed at muslims.
  16. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 12:21 AM) Considering all the allegations surrounding Sosa, Bonds, Manny, A-Rod, and McGwire, Thomas was arguably the best hitter in the past 10 years. Eh, Griffey.
  17. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 09:38 PM) I'm married and if I made 130k + benefits I'd be very well off. Depending on how you define rich, I could be rich making that money. In comparison to the richest people in the world...no, but 130k+ for me, I'd be rich, yes. we should pay them $20,000! then special interest money surely wouldn´t be a problem! What´s that pining about trying to attract the best talent?
  18. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 07:40 PM) You guys think they're just sitting on their ass or something? I think there are cases that it´s clear the US screwed up and is now only holding them to save face and justify the techniques. and no, i don´t think they are doing enough to move these cases forward, and no, I don´t see GITMO closed down by Jan. 20
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 06:17 PM) Its not nearly as easy as you characterize it. Executive Orders can be overturned by Congress, the judicial system isn't ready for all of them at once, and making a blanket rule about state secret use is incredibly dangerous. The only one you mention here that could even possibly be done as quickly as you'd like is extraordinary renditions, which I think is a difficult subject, and simply turning it off has consequences as well. No, Bush did not do it, at all. the use of state secrets under the bush administration was unprecedented, and now, it´s precedent is the status quo. obama, who railed against this, hides behind it. Good luck overturning anything in congress, you need super majorities now! No, turning off extraordinary renditions has no consequences. It´s supporting torture. If I order a man to murder someone, I´m as guilty as the murderer. It´s not easy, but it´s completely possible, and could be done. But it´s not going to be done, because they don´t want it to. So Obama is doing pretty much everything exactly the same. Considering Bush stopped torture in 2003, I´d say near identical.
  20. what is the benefit of dumping konerko, only to receive an awful contract in GMJ?
  21. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 06:44 PM) I have, though I certainly don't claim to be an expert. Do you? What is delusional is this idea that people seem to have, that Obama could simply "solve" all 250 cases in less than a year. Its not possible. And as for talking out of my ass, I seem to be the only one in this discussion looking at the situation as it stands in reality, not in some world I've built in my head where the US government can be turned on a dime. The Bush administration seemed to. The executive branch, through it´s judiciary, has much of the resources to solve these problems. With one declaration, yes, extraordinary rendition ends. Not use state secrets for any business the state does. that ends. Not try and shut down cases in OTHER COUNTRIES that are researching what illegal activities their intelligence agencies did. All within their power. And yes, they can move forward with prosecutions for ALL of these inmates, and the ones that didn´t do anything do not have to be indefinitely detained. All of these is fixable. But they don´t want to fix them, or else they would have. And now, let´s put american soldiers to die for a drug dealer to get his act together and help a country he´ll never have control over.
  22. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 06:02 PM) LOL, you guys are delusional. You have 250 dangerous individuals in custody, you realize the previous President did this in a way that was despicable, so... you do what? Release all 250 back to their countries? What did you expect would happen? Your la-la land desire to have a complete 180 here is not possible in any reality. read some of these cases before you talk out of your ass and then claim we are delusional.
  23. We´re only being partly evil!!! go U.S.! Now Egypt and Iran can only half-laugh when we tell them to support human rights.
  24. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 05:42 PM) Did I say it was OK? Pretty sure I didn't. Let's break it down... indefinite detention: not at all, in fact we are seeing people released, sent to trial, taken out of Gitmo, etc.Wrong Obama is doing this for SOME GB inmates, not all, he´s left the door open for many to be held indefinitely. military commissions: still there, but I don't recall anyone saying they shouldn't be. Considering the joke of justice they were and still failure to reconstitute them as something legitimate, WRONG. Blackwater assassination squads: Xe has lost lots and lots of contracts, their presence is decreasing rapidly, as expected, and that's a good thing. Check out the chart of them in AFghanistan, more hired guns than NATO troops escalation in Afghanistan: This looks like it will be true, but Obama all but said it would be. extreme secrecy to shield executive lawbreaking from judicial review: Not sure precisely what he is getting at here, so might be true, kind of vague. What he´s getting at is something he´s documented extensively, OBamas embracement of state secrets, intense fighting to shield any info such as the case in britain, where an english citizen was sent to egypt and tortured, with documents showing CIA involvement. The failure to prosecute anyoen for the illegal tortures happening in Bush 03, despite much less modern countries in Eastern europe even taking those steps. renditions: Is this still happening? Probably occasionally, but probably less, however we don't really know.Yes Obama specifically left ext. rendition open for a reason. denials of habeas corpus: Again very broad statement here, I haven't seen it, all I've seen is getting more people in front of judges. then read about them. So basically, as I said, mostly untrue, or partially true. see comments in quote
  25. ~I´m borderline insulted this was asked
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