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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 06:04 PM) It's nice to put them away, but in reality an indictment is enough to keep them under surveillance and make them unusable for generations. I feel this way too. And considering some of the "terror plots" that have been convicted have been much weaker than this, where it was damn near entrapment, I don't think it'll be a problem.
  2. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 04:58 PM) I don't think he was referring to the KGB being the puppetmaster. KGB eyes is putin NSS
  3. QUOTE (JorgeFabregas @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 04:56 PM) I don't think he threw the frog in the water. There was a cutaway--likely no frog in his hands. well, that analogy isn't true anyways. So we need to come up with something else.
  4. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 04:55 PM) Been hearing a lot about this out here over the last week. Getting the sense that they were getting close to operational, because they are still looking for some things, and they're talking openly now about the kind of bombs that they were using. Sort of trying to blow up the plot before the plot can blow up a subway tunnel. Sounds like his visit to NYC on Sept. 10 was the last straw to take care of this thing before it delivers.
  5. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 04:53 PM) Hopefully the puppetmaster in Russia will allow Medvedev to follow through on those actions. I think we are getting to a point where Russia may, in fact, act - simply because with oil not being nearly the economic darling to them as it was a year ago, it makes sanctions a lot less painful to Russia. I don't think Medvedev would have spoken without prior approval from KGB eyes. Did I ever speak to the hilarious genius of medvedev working to end the term limits on president so it allowed Putin to run again after he steps aside.
  6. kind of hope lost can add some light without compromising anything. Of what it says in this, how much of the tactics to track him are...ahem...of recent legality. Say...8 years... out of curiosity.
  7. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/...b.php?ref=fpblg Still a lot of stuff to clear up, but kudos to the FBI for getting this guy.
  8. Eh, he's doing reverse psychology. "We don't even need the olympics, uh, yeah I'll send my wife, whatever" They are totally gonna eat that up.
  9. More like the RNC will run the ad as proof of Obama's connection to terrorists.
  10. On the whole, I'm typically less enamored with Brit paper's reporting as they'll often take a great alliterative sentence over something that would help explain the story better. If they come up with a great phrase, "bumbling Brussels bureaucrats", be prepared to see it over and over again, whether or not it's relative to the topic. But then again, they are very entertaining. Here's the Guardian's take on Gaddafi's speech. WIth this hilarious paragraph highlighted by Andrew Sullivan: The Guardian full article
  11. Serious props to Obama for getting Medvedev in on Iran. No as soon as health care is done, i hope he gets to work on obvious stupid policies that will cause distractions now like some of what Sullivan is talking about on LEGAL immigration reform where we are losing a lot of great minds because of stupid policies.
  12. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 05:33 AM) First of all, how often are games won on a fluke? Rarely. But to play your game, if Boise St is in the NC game and they are close enough to win on a fluke, there there is NO doubt they deserved to be there. You don't win by a fluke if you had no business being in the game in the first place. There mere fact they would be close enough at the end, kills your theory. Amen. Do I want to see Boise in the NC? No, but if they get there and manage to win I'll bet it'll have been one of the most entertaining games ever. You have to respect that team for recruiting the way they have in a place like that. And their victory over Oklahoma was anything but fluke.
  13. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 05:09 AM) Have you been to either of their bar/restaurants? They have styles on tap that they don't sell in bottles. They have a few that will kick your ass if you're not careful. Yeah I went to one that was in/by Kirkwood, and that's actually why I mentioned it. I'd never really by shlafly in Columbia, and they really were losing the distribution battle to Boulevard. Shlafly has something awful of design on their beers. BUt yeah I had 2 great stouts around christmas time and another good porter.
  14. can you guys remember a worst august/september than this?
  15. Schlafly has some great beers. I'd take it over boulevard.
  16. are they going to shape outfield like a penis?
  17. To be fair, he looked into Putin's eyes and saw KGB.
  18. QUOTE (Sox72 @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 01:06 AM) Any other suggestions? You know, when I was there I was being taken around and I really don't know what you like. Let me ask a friend of mine who lived in central west end. He had some funny taste, he loved wine and cigars, but he might know some places. I loved this one bowling alley/bar on some main strip. Really cheap beer and I liked the laid back atmosphere. Central West End sometimes feel like you are trying to show off your vertical striped shirt that you bought at express.
  19. bmags

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    QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 23, 2009 -> 08:52 PM) Al-righty Rain God. Quit with the storms and all. Our location just outside Campinas keeps having power issues which means I get early calls. Nice, I'm going to Campinas this weekend. So you will be getting a ton of calls.
  20. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Sep 23, 2009 -> 08:22 PM) Kind of like social security. And medicare. And medicaid. Oh wait - the government is altruistic. I keep forgetting that. LOL So Social Security moving a group of the population that was at once the most likely to be in poverty to now one of the least, is evil.
  21. bmags

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    QUOTE (kapkomet @ Sep 23, 2009 -> 08:24 PM) IIRC, you're pretty far south, right? If I remember my Brazil geography, Sao Paulo is south... I've had conference calls with folks from there, that's about it. Correct! Curitiba is in Parana which is Southern Brazil. Southeast Brazil would be Sao Paolo state which obviously includes Sao Paolo but also a couple other million + cities. Above that is Rio which is pretty much eastern but still kind of south eastern. Northern Brazil is a lot drier I believe where as southern is higher elevation as it grows into the Andes in Argentina.
  22. bmags

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    yes. I am a rain God.
  23. No reason why abortions shouldn't be covered. But like that dude NSS just said, baucus has no public plan in his. Unless subsidies for lower class to get insurance from private insurers that have plans that cover abortion means that OMG WE'RE FUNDING BABY KILLERS
  24. bmags

    Checking in...

    The "rain forest" of Curitiba. Just ribbin you. Pretty far from the rain forest. Sao Paolo state sees much less rain it seemed than does Parana. Here's a view from where I live!!!!! http://twitpic.com/iuqey
  25. QUOTE (The Critic @ Sep 23, 2009 -> 05:02 PM) It can't be worse than the CTA. There's no way. It is because CTA sucks but can take you all over chicago and into north/south suburbs, and if not you have metra that'll extend you close to anywhere. STL's transit covers very little. Sox72, I have a couple friends going to WashU, I think you'll enjoy yourself. And go to Papis
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