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Everything posted by zygoat

  1. zygoat


    regardless, both teams are going into october. tigers are playing out of their mind nad the sox are playing extremely well also. it should be fun to watch
  2. The way pods is playing left field, Crawford might be taking his postion- not BAs
  3. Yeah i want paulie taking first base. The NL sucks anyways adn we dont need thome to risk hurting himself for future use
  4. I saw many sox fans on TV adn i wnat to say im proud of everyone of you gyuys
  5. the truth is, whoever has a hot streak going into october wins. I mean if mets are playing their best ball, and continue too, they will win. Same wiht the sox
  6. QUOTE(Shamrock4Life @ Jun 18, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) well after mb pitches against the cards and throws the perfect game, he has the ultimate bragging right. MB throwing a perfect game and hitting a homerun are two completely different things, but your right about the bragging rights
  7. As much as i want Rowand back, we need Bmac more. What are your thoughts???
  8. I think weaver is a stud, or could be in a sox uniform, but i dont want him. Our bullpen is coming around (shut down reds yesterday) and i think politte will come around (if he ever gets his head on straight). We dont need him
  9. I love how BA was struggling mightly on the field so he decieds to take out his anger by beating the s*** out of the cubs. I love BA and he should make a good CF for us
  10. if he stays healthy, this trade will be awesome. I always liked him in boston and i think he shlould fit right in. This was a great trade (thanks KW) and it should work out (*knock on wood*).
  11. My favorite things with these dumbass reporters is the hate towards the sox. We easily won the world series last year (lost one game in the postseason) and proved to the world that pitching and defense are the key. This year we improved with javier and thome and they rank us below the D-backs???? this guy is an idiot and should be reporting my little cousins minor league game. We will see who is still playing in october and who is looking for a job
  12. no i like garland where he is. We shouldnt be screwing around with our already strong rotation. Garland sucks this year, but if he has anything close to what he had last year, we will regret it dearly. I say we stick to what we have and sign relievers over the offseason. But at the moment, i think our bullpen is improving greatly (they shut down the reds except for jenks who just wanted to make things interesting). I say we keep our rotation where it is.
  13. you guys are going to say that i should have realized this last year, but the ninth inning really proved to me how much this team has changed. bases loaded and one out, crede grounds to shortstop (i believe), AJ hustles his ass off and breaks up the double play forcing the throw to be high (earning us 3 runs). Him breaking up the double play really showed me how this team wants to win. I still remember Carlos Lee walking to second base on a grounder, and AJ is knocking the s*** out of the guy and forcing the issue. I love AJ and i love the way the sox play baseball. I've known this all along but i love what they are doing. Awesome game
  14. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 06:40 PM) Including today, he's given up 11 home runs in his last 5 starts. He's seen his ERA jump from 4.30 to 5.13. I don't know why he throws 89-90 MPH after he's lived his career as a power pitcher. From what I know, it sounds just like a personal decision Freddy made. Is this true? If so, why doesn't somebody (namely Ozzie) smack him in the face and tell him to throw with the gift he has? He's not a control pitcher and it seems apparent he never will be. Furthermore, if this trend continues, should the White Sox start searching for replacements? Because frankly, a pitcher being paid 9 million bills should be able to keep a 4-0 first inning lead at 4-0. agreed, i was pregaming with some friends when that happened and i didnt believe my eyes sweaty freddy has to step it up or else Bmac is in
  15. Saw people debating this on a earlier forum, wanted to know who you thought
  16. i just read that the flubs lost to tigers 5-3 I actually watched that game and felt the pain of being a cubs fan it was a long game
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 10:46 PM) I'm with you, I know some of you will laugh at this trade but that's because you're all dumbass meatheads. Think about it, remember the days when Contreras was on the Yankees? He sucked, I mean he was real bad, that Contreras will soon be back no matter what he's doing now. Why not move him now and get something for him before he reverts back to his sucky ways? Steve Kline is a stud, plain and simple, this one time when he was on the Cardinals I saw him strike out 2 batters in 1 innning, how pitchers have you seen do that? With Steve Kline comming out of the pen with his fire and crazy awesome heat (98 MPH fastball) the Sox would be totally unstoppable. Uribe blows ass, plain and simple. I havn't seen him get a single hit all year and the guy strikes out more than Adam Dunn but you never hear about it because the Chicago Media is always putting a positive spin on the Sox and ignoring the fact that Uribe is probably the worst SS in baseball right now. Also, have you seen this guy play defense? He's crazy out there, way too erratic for my taste. Omar Vizquel is easily the best defensive SS in baseball and has a ridiculously high OBP something this team needs desperately. Vizquel's sick combination of contact hitting, power, speed and OBP would put this team over the top while soidifying the defense. A lot of you unintelligent people will probably think this is a bad idea because of your ridiculously pathetic and misguided love for that 60 year old Cuban guy and Juan "teh suck" Uribe but take it from someone who is much much smarter than you are, this trade would gaurantee a return to the World Series and I think we all know there ain't a damn team in the NL who can hang with us. I do NOT agree wiht this trade. Omar Vizquel is the best defensive SS in baseball, but he is getting extremely old (been in the league 18 years) and i dont know much about Steve Kline, but this trade wouldnt make much sense. We would lose our number 1 starter at the moment (won 15 straight apperances and still going) and uribe who can flash the leather but couldnt hit a softball. If we did trade contrases, we wouldnt have the depth in our starting rotation and we would lose a bullpen man in Brandon McCarthy. I like knowing that if one of our starters go down, that we can back them up with BMac, and not be going down to get Charlie Hagar again. Those are my thoughts
  18. zygoat


    hey what about playing ozuna behind the plate? I mean he's done everything else that we have asked him to do and Ozuna would look good in a catchers mask.
  19. i left the game early too, and good seats. I left after the 8th when we failed to get anyone home, and almost killed myself driving home
  20. Dye has been lighting everything up lately and has been carrying us the last couple games, but i believe Thome is the most deserving. Earlier in the year when we swept Detroit away, Thome had 3 homers throughout the series. Pauly doesnt seem to be able to get the hits when we need them adn Thome has been there bringing in the runs or beating the shift almost everytime. Also Thome's average with runners in scoring position is above 400 (i believe) Dye is the man, but i think Thome deserves it
  21. With Brian Anderson struggling the way he has been lately, what about this move Pods moves to centerfield and Ozuna takes over Left Then our lineup would look Pods Ozuna Thome Konerko Dye Pierzynski Crede Iguchi Uribe This would give a chance for Brian to get his head right, and Iguchi could start trying the drive the ball more instead of moving pods over. Not to mention Ozuna can actually bunt AND get on base Any Thoughts???
  22. Does anyone know whether Big Frank will be able to play in any of the postseason, or is he out for the year??
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