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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. On my way to work today I was thinking about starting a thread like this. Being a former DJ it always intrigues me to find new music and what other people like. My suggestion for the year/month/day/minute? Anything by Ken Andrews, writer/producer of Failure, The Replicants, Year of the Rabbit, and On. Also a collaborative artist with Tool, Blinker the Star, Perfect Circle, etc.. If you havent heard of the band Failure(dont feel bad if you havent) check out the album "Fantastic Planet", its a concept album of a french cartoon(a cartoon that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever) and it has to be one of the best albums I have. recently his solo project "On" has really drawn me in. also another side project "Year of the Rabbit" really rocks, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes some moody alternative rock. www.kenandrews.com is where you can find out about what he is about, and also listen to a killer hook that really defines what his music sounds like. Check it out, I dont think it will dissapoint you. And my 1A choice is Blinker the Star. I have heard about these guys for a long time, and finally got around to listening to the music. Me likey. Me likey alot.
  2. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 09:17 AM) Imagine if JR would have sprung for Clement instead of El Duque... When Matt Clement was interviewed when he came back into town for the Boston/Cubs showdown, he said that the Sox made a very comparable offer to what boston was offering, and it came down to going with the World Champs or staying in Chicago. I cant fault him for taking a little more money and going to a recent world champion.
  3. I am convinced that Mariotti never watches games, he only reads boxscores and messageboards.
  4. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 08:04 PM) he cant throw anyone out He had Podsednik gunned down at third, Teahen dropped the ball when Podsedniks foot hit his glove. Thats not Bucks fault.
  5. I like that John Buck kid that the Royals got from the Beltran trade. I think he is gonna be a good catcher. He is a pretty good hitter too.
  6. I didnt believe Dye could steal any bases, but he has proved me wrong.
  7. Limatime isnt doing as much talking as he is griping.
  8. Finally a player slides around the tag correctly! Woohoo!
  9. That whole row of fans that interfered earlier is gone now, thats funny.
  10. does whitesoxmanager always talk in the third person?
  11. I didnt know that DJ hated Lima so much. He really doesnt like Lima's act at all
  12. Way to pitch around that walk Brandon. Good first inning.
  13. Did DJ really just say "Swinging the Shalele"? Did I really just hear that?
  14. What channel is the game airing on tonite? I have directv and both WCIU and Comcast are showing Cubs vs Brewers as the listing? Is it on ESPN or ESPN2?
  15. Ron Gardenhire begs for Santana to get more respect, because an umpire missed a few pitches: So if a manager disagrees with a umpires strikezone, then the pitcher is being disrespected by the umpire? Give me a break Ron
  16. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) Why all the talk about another closer? What is wrong with Hermanson? If anything we need another middle reliever. Well, if you bring in a great closer, then you acquire a great middle reliever by default with Hermanson sliding to the middle reliever role, right?
  17. Wasnt it reported around here that Guardado is pitching with a torn labrum or severely messed up shoulder?
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 01:03 PM) Not with his contract situation. It's way too attractive to Houston for them to even consider dealing him. He is making the minimum now, and is eligible for arbitration after this year, right? If the Astros are rebuilding from within, then they probably would look to nab some prospects for someone that they are paying hardly anything, thats just the way I see it. If they can nab some good prospects for Lidge, it seems to be a good deal for them.
  19. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 12:59 PM) As long as we're dreaming...Brad Lidge? I dont think that is much of a dream, I think it falls into the realm of possibility the more that Houston loses.
  20. I went to a game on my birthday in 1996 against the Brewers. I think Mike Fetters came in and gave up back to back to back homeruns to Thomas, Baines, and Ventura, a single to Lyle Mouton, and another homerun to Chad Kreuter. Birthday presents dont come wrapped any better than that.
  21. QUOTE(Adam G @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 12:04 PM) It's good natured. He gives me s*** about the Sox when they're not doing well. His son plays with my dog. If its good natured and no malice, then by all means, let him have it. I read the original post and thought that taunting was the idea.
  22. Why the JoeBo hate? I always had a sort of respect for him, he always got by on decent but not great stuff. Its not my style to rip on a journeyman pitcher who was made out to be something that he isnt by the Cub fan-dumb.
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