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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. pfffft, the sun even shines on a dogs ass every once in a while.
  2. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 10:37 AM) How has that show not been cancelled yet? it probably costs ESPN more to insert another show.
  3. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) Ummmmm... ew. :puke LOL. Being in an office all by myself all day with only Soxtalk to converse with makes me a bit off-kilter. These threads that Buehlretheace complains about actually are usually the ones that amuse me the most in the morning.
  4. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 10:14 AM) Are there any groin diseases that AREN'T nasty? Well, I had this one in mexico that was really quite nice...... Did I just type that?
  5. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 10:07 AM) I prefer the MJH version: U.S. Comiscular Field that sounds like some kind of nasty groin disease. I prefer comiskey
  6. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 10:00 AM) Garland's success in 2005 was predicted by his 2004 first half... After 18 starts in 2004, Garland was 7-6. That seems about right....doesn't it? However, looking beyond the record, he had 10 quality starts in that span. 10 starts of giving at least 7 IP, and giving up 3 ER or less. His record? 6-3 with 1 ND. That is pretty unlucky/bad in the AL in my opinion. The White Sox, especially the slugging White Sox of the last few years, should've given him a 8-2 record during those starts minimum. He lost a 1-0 heartbreaker to Baltimore. He lost a 4-2 game at Oakland (4th run was unearned) and lost a 3-1 game to the Yankees at the cell. His ND was vs the Angels...7IP, 2ER. Another one of his NDs? 6.2 IP and 3 earned runs. Not a quality start, but close enough in my book. In other words, in 2004 Garland pitched 11 really good games in his first 18 starts....nearly 2/3rds.... and only won 7 of the 18 with 5 no decisions. The next three starts after those first 18? 6.0 IP, 4 ER in all three. Not terrible. Pretty par for the course in the AL, as a matter of fact. His record? 0-1, two NDs. The team lost all three games. For the 2004 season, if we count minimum 6 IP, 2ER or less starts and also count that 6.2/3ER game, Garland had 15 "quality" starts...out of 33 total starts in 2004. Almost half of his starts were what I would call "quality". His record was 9-3 with 3 no decisions in those games. Again, getting 9 wins out of 15 "quality" starts is pretty low in my opinion...it's not nearly enough. Also, as far as run support, the team scored 3 runs or less for the entire game in 10 of his 33 starts. That run support also seems low for the AL. I don't know where to find actual run-support stats, but I'd love to see them if anyone knows. My conclusion? Garland could have and should have EASILY won 15 games last year given this analysis. Perhaps if he had gotten a couple of breaks, he would have and people wouldn't be as surprised at his start this season... Are you still insisting that Garland should be a consistent 15 game winner? You need to get out a little bit more
  7. QUOTE(bigredrudy @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) The dimensions of the playing field at the Cell are ludicrous. KW considered moving the fences back at the Cell and he should have. This is not baseball we are watching but softball at a church picnic. As originally constituted the dimensions were OK but have you seen all the homeruns dropping in the bullpens. Tony Clark and Shawn Green did not even hit the balls squarely. It was OK when it was cold but now forget about it. I do not enjoy watching games where they are decided by lazy pop flies-17 homeruns by the DBacks. Come on! :sleep :sleep
  8. I noticed that Frank left in the eighth because he had another minor cramp in his leg. I wonder if this has less to do with his coffee intake and more to do with his huge boot that he has to wear all the time now. I know that when I wore a certain pair of spikes in high school baseball that pushed up on my arch, that I basically got shin splints because of the pressure being put on the muscles in my lower leg when i ran. It really sucked, and I had to get new spikes. Just curious.
  9. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 09:35 AM) Reinsdorf said everybody is coming over, don't know if that means Dolgin as well. I like this, the 670 signal is so much better than 1000. Will be interesting to see how WMVP treats all topics White Sox through the remainder of this year. There have been a few incidences of sniping but I hope things remain professional. Mariotti is going to have a field day with this
  10. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 03:12 PM) This coming from a guy who started a trade for A-Rod, and a trade for Omar Vizquel thread? On the basis of, his opinion? And now Nomar? Unbelievable... Mueller has only had one good year? News to me. Since '96, his lowest OBP has been .333, while over his career he has averaged a .374 OBP. He's posted OPS+ of 140, 124, 120, 110, 109, and 106 -- only twice dipping below league average. Please... think a little before you type. Whoa, that is being CWSGuy40wwwwwwwnd6
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 03:08 PM) Trust me if KW didn't like Damaso Marte, he would have been gone a long time ago. One thing Kenny doesn't do is rest on his laurels. I dont think that KW doesnt like Marte. I was saying that he probably does have Cotts rated higher than Marte right now. Cotts has been spectacular lately, and Marte just the opposite. Last night I think Marte got pissed because Uribe booted that ball. He then had a horrible night. Cotts has been unflappable, for lack of a better Hawkism.
  12. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 03:05 PM) Fact? Sounds more like an opinion. As of today, it is probably fact. three weeks ago it was probably opinion.
  13. QUOTE(sayitanitso @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) Did I win Eric Chavez? Only on Xbox, my friend
  14. QUOTE(sayitanitso @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 02:55 PM) Wasn't that in Billy Madison? ding ding! Give the man a prize!
  15. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 02:50 PM) there's no question who is more talented. But who will win more games in their career? Jon already has a 20 game edge on Prior. Sure, but Garland had what, a 4-5 year head start? 20 games isnt too much for Prior to overcome.
  16. Are you forgetting that Nomars leg practically fell off earlier this year? The tendon completely tore away from the bone, he is worthless this year. Even if he comes back, there is little gaurantee that he will stay healthy, and he wouldnt even be back until late August at the earliest. Come on, lets suggest someone that can help now.
  17. "Hell they should get a SS like Nomar and move Uribe to 3B before tradign Marte away for Bill-I-had-one-great-year-Mueller" Thats an uninformed statement about Bill Mueller. Check out the guys career stats, he has hit for his entire career. His career average is .292.
  18. QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 02:36 PM) The deal does not make sense at all for the White Sox. Why should they help a team who coudl easily beat them in the post season by giving them something that is most difficult to get (pitching)?????? The Sox can get 3B upgrades elsewhere (Randa for sure and maybe even Castilla if the Nats do fall out of it). Hell they should get a SS like Nomar and move Uribe to 3B before tradign Marte away for Bill-I-had-one-great-year-Mueller Are you suggesting the Sox try and acquire Nomar, or is there a Nomar clone out there that I am not aware of? Injuries aside, acquiring a SS like Nomar is damn near impossible without giving up the farm. When he is healthy(which isnt very often) there arent many better hitters in the league.
  19. Who is Jose Uribe? KW should sign this guy edit: damn you beat me to it sayitaintso!
  20. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) I have thought about this deal over a month now, and considering a writer suggested a similar thing, I thought I would post it. The deal makes sense for both teams, its a definite possibility that I wouldn't doubt both are looking into, and if there isn't room for Mueller on the Red Sox, I would love to root for him on the Southside. So no, this isn't the most recent trade idea I have thought of, nor does it not make sense for both teams. I am not known for starting threads of that nature, and never will be known for starting threads of that nature. This is definitely not directed right at you. There have been so many "hows abot we trade Pablo Ozuna and some minor leaguers for A-Rod" threads in the past two weeks, that it has become sort of the butt of a joke right now. Personally, i would love to see Mueller on the White Sox. I dont know what could be done to make it happen, and I am wondering if what Epstein would want is even worth considering. Like Jim said, dont take it personally.
  21. QUOTE(ISF @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 01:56 PM) I would love to add Bill Mueller to this team. But I find it hard to believe Epstein would trade him to us without getting immediate help in return. Since Epstein is a moneyball man he will be looking at performance. In other words, Luisa is not going to look like an enticing proposition. Marte is hurt. We would likely have to give up Politte. In other news, the St. Paul Pioneer Press expects us to sign Jim Brower in the next couple days. Which, if we're giving up a bullpen pitcher, makes sense. I would have a heart attack if Politte was in the deal. he becomes more valuable everytime he steps on the field. I think he finally found his niche and is comfortable with it. I dont want to see him helping the Red Sox through the playoffs.
  22. QUOTE(sayitanitso @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 01:04 PM) With as many trade threads that have been coming up lately, they should have their own little fourm to take up space in. Not this one. A forum called "The most recent trade I can think of that wont happen or doesnt make sense for either teams /XBox mania"
  23. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:51 AM) What are you referring to? I'm lost. im with you.
  24. i thought Gload probably needed surgery at the beginning of the year. For some reason the new medication in the majors is rest for 3 weeks. It doesnt always help, and now Gload is probably going to miss the year because they delayed the inevitable. Im guessing torn muscle in his shoulder.
  25. this ump is pissing me off!!!!!
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