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Antonio Osuna

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by Antonio Osuna

  1. I think that tomorrow would be a good time to deviate from the 2003 NLCS win-loss pattern, with respect to the home and away teams.
  2. I really want to know how Brandon Looper fits into that.
  3. Interesting. Byrd v Contreras is, on paper, the matchup that favors us most. But behold, the one time we saw it, Byrd laid eggs on the scoreboard, and we've actually done better and better as the matchups became less and less favorable. The reverse has also been true. Tomorrow is a must-win in many respects. Another off day might cause the good-hitting team and the bad-hitting team to switch places. It will be necessary to ride this hot streak out -- but recent history is against us.
  4. Damn, seems like we can never get that runner in from third.
  5. 90 pitches for Garcia. No reason not to have him at least start the 8th.
  6. Crede hit something like the 10,000th hit in the history of new Comiskey Park off Esteban Yan.
  7. Here I am, filled with joy that I was wrong.
  8. Yes. Brendan Donolley comes out to "Thunderstruck". Always.
  9. Garcia apparently decided to start sucking in the middle of this inning. Bizarre.
  10. 11 pitch AB for Carl. That's what we call a productive out. Santana crapped his pants early against the Yankees for ONE INNING, then shut them down. We need to get to him NOW before he settles down. Either that or Freddy better be capable of holding a three run lead.
  11. Freddy seems to be shaky on long rest; he himself claimed that it messes with his control to not pitch every 5 days. He wasn't that good at Boston, either. He quickly got an inflated pitchcount and continued that thing where he gives up longballs in copium.
  12. 7:15 or so. You can watch pre-game coverage as early as 6:30, though. Maybe you'll see Scooter the Talking Baseball. Did they bring up out to explain the dropped third strike rule?
  13. I vaguely remember going to a Garland start in 2000 where he gave up 2 slams in the same inning. This kid has come a long way since then. I didn't believe in him until I saw it, and I must say I'm giddy with joy about being wrong about him.
  14. Hey, we won a game on the West Coast. So all bets are off. BUT -- Santana killed us early this season and pitched lights-out against the Yanks. He'll be the best starter we've faced so far in this LCS. What's wonderful (and what I was implying) that this win takes the pressure off tomorow. Sure, 2-2 sucks. But 3-1 would suck much, much more.
  15. Not @OAK or @LAA. I don't think we've won a series at either since Clinton was President.
  16. We just guarenteed a Game 6 in Chicago. Huzzah. Write off tomorrow as a loss; Santana is unhittable. Let's just hope we don't let Byrd beat us twice. Hats off to Garland. I didn't think he had it in him tonight. He clearly did.
  18. All you can do is call Donnnelly your dady and tip your hat respectfully. Then give thanks that he was pitching while down and not in the lead.
  19. If Ozzie's being ozzy, Garland starts the 9th.
  20. The lefty Jeff DaVannon is out. Fun Fact: he was the pinch-runner that forced Josh Paul into Game 2.
  21. I don't like how Gregg's name has two g's at the end. I find that aesthetically displeasing. Somebody please go profundo on him for it.
  22. You got your wish, Garland. No runners to worry about. Just Vlad. Oh wait, that's worse.
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