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Everything posted by Damen

  1. He won't play in a white sox uniform this year.
  2. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) Is there an Ashland exit off the 290? I think it's Racine. Anyway, go south on Ashland to Harrison, go east to Halsted, then take Halsted south to 35th. Yeah, it's the exit marked Ashland/Paulina right after the Damen exit. When you get off the exit, go straight at the light for a block and then take a right onto Ashland.
  3. I'd be pretty surprised if Garland, Vazquez, and Garcia didn't have better second halves ERA-wise. On the other coin, we can't realisticaly expect Pauly, Dye, Crede, and AJ to match their numbers for the rest of the season either. Things are going to level out a bit over the course of the season. The only thing I'm sure of is Cliff Politte. It's unfortunate, but he's done. He either needs to have the surgery he's been trying to avoid, or he needs to be out of baseball. Because right now, he should be nowhere near a major league pitching mound.
  4. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 12:40 AM) I thought Clifford got knocked around a bit in AAA, no? A little down there translates into a lot up here. I'm pulling for him, but until he gets his shoulder operated on I don't see his problems going away. In 3 games at AAA Charlotte, Politte pitched 4.2 innings, giving up 5 hits and 1 ER with 5 K's. His ERA was 1.93 and WHIP was 1.29. I'm not expecting 2005 Politte to return to the club, but I'd expect he'd still be a significant improvement over Montero if that injury was the root of his struggles this year.
  5. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 05:53 PM) I just wish he could ask Joe Morgan more about playing 2B for the Big Red Machine and how he was such a star. I wish DJ would tell us more about his time in Japan.
  6. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 03:41 PM) I'm sure that he could initially. But what about August and September? Young arms that aren't conditioned for 200+ innings tend to wear down in that period. Maybe B-Mac would've done as well as you think, but I'd rather Vazquez be out there. He's the better bet over the long run. It's laughable how one really bad start from Javy on national TV has turned into a "McCarthy would've been better" thread. Vazquez threw a few gems earlier this season and was pitching relatively well up until a few weeks ago, but apparently that doesn't matter anymore. :rolly In fairness to myself, I really haven't liked this trade since it was made. And at this point, it's laughable to say "one bad start" when talking about Vazquez. But since what's done is done and there's no changing it, I hope you're right and Vazquez turns it around in the second half and proves he can do more in the AL than post ERA's around 5.00. As of now, I remain unconvinced.
  7. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 03:26 PM) Kind of like Kip Wells' "dominance" in a limited number of starts in 1999? And speaking of "above-average pitching ability", Vazquez has pretty damn good stuff as well. I fully expect that B-Mac will be a very good starter one of these days, but I find it odd that some people point to a few good starts last season as "evidence" that he would've done better than Vazquez had he been given his spot this season. Well, it's obviously just speculation. But I personally have a hard time believing McCarthy would not have been able to improve upon the numbers Vazquez has given us so far this year. And while Young may just be a prospect, considering our (lack of) depth in the outfield this year, it would be nice to have something like that around for insurance.
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 03:11 PM) His dominance in the starting role last season and his above average pitching ability. Exactly. Until I see Vazquez have a run like this one, I'm going to believe McCarthy is the better starting pitcher. And I don't think you can hold his bullpen numbers completely against him. There is going to be an adjustment period in knowing you need to be available to pitch every day versus every fifth day.
  9. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 02:59 PM) So which Sox player is gonna it next week? Cliff Politte.
  10. This is why you've got to love PK as team captain. Remember, it was PK who was the most vocal in emphasizing the "we're not done yet" mindset in the celebratory locker rooms following clinching wins last October. It's great to see him always maintain that focus.
  11. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 20, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) Yeah, count those as my Must Haves for this year's game. No PK? I think our 3-4-5 all need to be in there. Along with Carl Everett.
  12. Damen


    QUOTE(JoeBatterz @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:27 PM) Just to clarify: I am guessing that some say Shoota "Sucks as Sox Fan" because they do not like his argument for replacing Uribe? (I must have missed his past argument against Crede) However, he does not suck for making a suggestion for improving the club (whether he is right or wrong) and he does not suck for not drinking the White Sox Kool-Aid 24/7? He sucks for dressing like this when he goes to the beach.
  13. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 12:07 AM) McCarthyism.
  14. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 04:44 PM) Tonight's Lineup Pods, LF; Iguchi, 2B; Thome, DH; PK, 1B; Dye, RF; AJ, C; Crede, 3B; Uribe, SS; Anderson, CF. Garland pitching. Is this Jon's first chance to pitch with our actual starting lineup this year?
  15. Damen


    QUOTE(Felix @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 03:13 PM) He has given up 6 homeruns in those 3 starts along with 14 runs, all of which were earned. How the hell is that looking pretty good? Well I can only speak to his last game, but anyone who watched that game will know that even though all those 6th inning runs were earned, his defense failed him. He was throwing the ball pretty good, until he was killed on softly hit balls and braindead defense. The inning should have long been over by the time he gave up that homerun.
  16. QUOTE(G&T @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) I think he meant in the next three games. Yeah, I kind of figured that's what he meant, but honestly, who cares whether we regain it after this series? Did anyone expect us to accomplish that while we're playing the Rangers and they're playing the Devil Rays?
  17. Damen


    QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 10:38 PM) He doesn't post enough, atleast for me to know, when he's kidding without the green. I thought I laid it on thick enough that green would be overkill. Guess not.
  18. QUOTE(34FG56MB52JC @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 10:11 PM) well, Tampa Bay blows. No wonder they are one of the worst franchises in baseball. Since Detoilet has Tampa Bay for 3 more games I believe, the chances of regaining the division lead are almost nothing. Tigers win 4-3 :puke Those early season losses to the Royals and Rays hurt, but, its a little early to say our chances of gaining the lead are "almost nothing", no? We're 1 game back. Sooner or later Verlander will get hijacked and murdered driving down 8 mile, and all will be right with the world.
  19. 8 Innings 11 K's 0 BBs against the Rangers. That's absolutely filthy stuff.
  20. Damen


    QUOTE(bmags @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 07:18 PM) so people couldn't catch, that with that other thread on pablo...that the point here is that pablo would be as useful to us as a pitcher as he would in CF... "I'm proud of you!"
  21. Damen


    QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 04:12 PM) Once Uribe puts together a solid week at the plate all this will go bye-bye. How quickly some forget the last two outs of the world series. You're right. Too bad we're in the middle of June and we've yet to see Uribe put together a solid week at the plate. And on top of that, his defense hasn't exactly been Uribe-esque either. If I were to rank my list of disappointing players as of today, and I am right about to, Uribe will be right at the top. My Top 5 Disappointing Players as of Today 1. Uribe 2. Politte 3. Garcia 4. Garland 5. Anderson
  22. Damen


    QUOTE(henry wiggins @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) Well, since Freddy's still under contract, he's got to play somewhere ... has he got the range and speed for the outfield, do you think? That's a good question. I don't know if I have the answer, but I would guess that he doesn't have the speed for the outfield. That's why I would probably move Konerko out to Left and let Garcia have a go at 1st base. All I know is we need to do something fast, before this season falls apart. These are the only logical solutions that I could come up with.
  23. QUOTE(Felix @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) What's a kneck? I don't no.
  24. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 11:32 AM) There's obviously something wrong with Garcia. It's either chemical or physical. He's throwing a lot softer than he has in years past. He's either been overworked, is hiding an injury, or is off of something that increased his velocity. I don't like any of those. And about the offseason, don't the Cardinals basically have to replace their entire rotation? What do they have that we might want for 2007? Oh, and reading this thread was like having a cat scratch my eyes out. I'm going with a lack of amphetamines this year.
  25. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 10:25 AM) This series makes me nervous, not sure why. I'd be geeked with a split. Because we looked like s*** against them last week?
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