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Everything posted by Damen

  1. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 11:28 PM) I call bulls*** on that. It is commomplaceto put the party affiliation, such as ® or (D) after the names at least the first time they appear in the story. If there was 'oversight', it got past the reporter, and copy editior. Actually, it's not that uncommon. There have been a number of articles I've seen in the past year detailing a certain congressman's corruption (like Duke Cunningham or Bob Ney) where their party affiliation is never brought up. So you know, it works both ways.
  2. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 10:33 PM) All I wanted was a chance. I realize how hard it is to repeat. I just wanted to see this team make it to the playoffs. This season has been a complete bust. I view it the same way. I really just wanted to see this team make it into the playoffs, and this team had the talent to do it. Their second half has been a tremendous disappointment, and to be honest, I'm glad the Bears are rocking so I can put the Sox on ignore for a few months. I'm tired of seeing a different facet of our lineup fail to show up on any given night, tired of Ozzie's ritahded lineups, tired of reading Ozzie's ritahded interviews, and tired of all the idiot Sox fans who thinks we haven't won this year because we didn't play 'small ball.'
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 09:52 PM) On the bright side, at least we were in contention for the whole season, which means our attendance was superb this season. That can only help for next year's payroll. I'm not even that pissed off right now, as this team has done nothing since the ASB to make me think we'd be able to hang with the Tigers and Twins down the stretch. Thank god for the Bears. I think I'd be pissed off about how frustrating this season ended up, but since the Bears look as good as they have in 15 years, it's been a little easier to move on.
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 02:13 PM) If Bush lied for us to go to war, what did these guys do? I don't consider statements made about WMD to be lies, by either democrats or Bush. I consider Bush's statements contrary to the intelligence at the time, be it completely contradictory or just distorting what the intelligence had actually stated (ie claiming the aluminum tubes could only be used for procuring uranium when intelligence said the exact opposite and Cheney saying it's "pretty well confirmed" that Mohammad Atta met with Iraqi's in Prague, when it was never confirmed and most intelligence disproved the notion) to be lies. Without getting into all the details I could bring up about how the Bush administration misrepresented the intelligence to the American people, here's the main problem, and why a bunch of quotes from 1998 and 2002 and even Jan 2003 mean very little. We should have called for weapons inspectors to return to Iraq. In order to accomplish that, it was important to back that with the threat of force. But once they were in, the weapons inspectors were finding nothing. Yet the Bush administration was still claiming to the American people that we knew where the weapons sites were. When the UN Inspectors asked for this information so they could follow up on it, the administration did not provide it. That's where Bush went off the deep end. We were being flooded with new intelligence each day the inspectors were on the ground, much of it disproving it what our own intelligence had thought (especially the most absurd intelligence produced out of Rumsfeld's DoD). They proved immediately that the nuclear threat wasn't there. They weren't finding any evidence of an ongoing biological or chemical weapons program. A rational president would have allowed them to continue to do their job, continue with the threat of force, while allowing our resources to complete the job of securing the new Afghan government and catching Bin Ladin. But Bush pulled the inspectors out before they further disproved his case for war (at that time). And the result has been 315 billion dollars spent, thousands of US troops killed, tens of thousands of Iraqi civillians killed, all to create a terrorist training ground and, if we're lucky, another Iranian-style theocratic regime. Had they bothered to listen to anyone other than obviously self-serving actors like Ahmed Chalabi and every other neo-conservative idealogue, this all could have been predicted and avoided. But bringing up out-of-context quotes from democratic politicians means absolutely nothing. They didn't make the ill-fated decision to pull out inspectors and invade Iraq. Bush did. Oh, and not to beat a dead horse, but here's some more Muslims denouncing terrorism for you cknoll.
  5. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Sep 14, 2006 -> 02:09 PM) You see what guys are made of in April, May, June, July, August. You play to win in September and October. Ozzie has to realize this. Nope, you need to see what Cotts has alll the way until the end of September. Then Ozzie will have enough to think about until the evaluation starts from scratch next March. By the time Cotts retires, Ozzie will have a decent idea of "what he's made out of."
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 12:52 PM) The IAEA slammed a Congressional report which tried to spin its way into concluding that Iran was rapidly developing nuclear weapons. In relation to that, here's a nice catch showing our liberal media at work. Give front page status to another bogus Republican Intel report, and bury it on page 17 when the IAEA debunks it. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/...6_09/009496.php
  7. The picture of Joe's is at the SW corner of Grand & Rush, looking North on Rush. The picture with the green gothic peak is the main branch of the Chicago Public Library (which I believe is still the largest public library in the world, or at least was when it was completed in the early 90's).
  8. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) How many muslims have denounced ANY terrorist act committed against the U.S., U.K., Spain, Israel, Germany, Indonesia, Italy. Any clerics? It is not limited, even though that soundbite plays well. That thinking will kill many more Americans. Just because you haven't been listening, doesn't mean that muslims haven't denounced terrorist acts (although, in fairness, the US media rarely covers these denouncements, so its easy to understand why so many Americans think they haven't happened.) But here's an example of some through a quick google search.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 12, 2006 -> 07:56 PM) So AA didn't even have him as a security risk... yeah, that makes me feel a lot better about American Airlines. Did I miss something in reading that, where do you see that AA didn't even have him as a security risk?
  10. The only part of that I disagreed with was the part about the neighborhood... Jimbo's isn't the only tavern in the area, just the only tavern shown during the World Series last year. And it would have been nice had SI not tried to paint the eviction as a byproduct of Jimbo's being in a terrible neighborhood versus a rapidly improving neighborhood. There are plenty of beautiful homes and treelined streets around Bridgport, but for the fans that only know the inside of US Cellular, and the projects along 37th & Wentworth on the way to the parking lot, they wouldn't know that. That is the last thing I'd like to see to truly make the Cell a first class ballpark. Contrary to popular belief, the Cell is tucked into a rapidly appreciating neighborhood in Bridgetport, across from an improving Bronzeville, just minutes south of a thriving Chinatown, itself minutes south of the rebirth of the South Loop. But, because the Cell is bound by the Dan Ryan on the East, the Train Tracks to the West, and acres of parking lots on the North and South, most fans (and writers) will not recognize that. It'd be nice if the Sox would sacrifice some parkings for some restaurants/bars on either the NW corner of 35th/shields or the NW corner of 35th/Wentworth to fix that perception.
  11. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 11:36 PM) This was a STUPID comment to make by Rumsfeld. I understand the 'appeasement' thoughts, but the rest was absolutely stupidity. What about appeasement do you understand?
  12. QUOTE(BHAMBARONS @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 01:44 AM) Gay Marriage Ban in AZ Older Article but today the Arizona Supreme Court upholds this ruling Without marriage, gays in Arizona will have to continue to live in sin.
  13. QUOTE(gosox41 @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 10:38 PM) I agree. I wish the Sox had more everyday players who were faster and a threat to steal. I think that's invaluable. While I'd never ask PK or Thome to bunt (and I'm certainly not advocating getting rid of them) some of their speed could distract pitchers and especialy in PK's case eliminate a few DP's. All this contributes to small ball and get easily add a few runs per season. Bob You just don't find many 1st basemen who hit .300 with 40 homeruns and 100+ and the speed to break most double plays. Sure it'd be nice, but it'd never happen.
  14. QUOTE(forrestg @ Aug 27, 2006 -> 09:51 PM) I miss Carl Everett at least he had a different approach when he had 2 strikes on him.. He shortened his swing up stood more flat footed. Yeah. I miss those days of having an absolutely terrible hitter DHing too. Sucks having Jim Thome and his 1.028 OPS. I much preferred Carl Everett's .250 batting average and .740 OPS. But the way he shortened his swing with 2 strikes on him, my god, it was a thing of beauty.
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Aug 27, 2006 -> 07:24 PM) .298 More importantly, since June 11 (the game in which he had a ninth inning homer against Cleveland), he has posted a .287 BA with an OBP of .339 and OPS of .791. He has been productive for much more of the season than his ineffective first few months. And yet he still sits every third game. Since the All-Star break, BA has started 28 games in center, Mack 14. Why would you ever sit a gold-glove caliber center fielder who's hitting .300 that often down the stretch? I honestly would like to hear the logic behind that. Somebody needs to interview Ozzie, and not just ask why Mack has started over BA so often despite Mack turning around his offense numbers in early June, but present the numbers to Ozzie. He really needs to defend the indefensible, and hopefully one of his kids will read his quotes back to him so Ozzie understands how ridiculous any argument in support of his decision making sounds.
  16. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 07:35 AM) Ohhhhhh, but we must have an alternative, and the Dems have to go to an extreme to be different then the Republicans. Somewhere, somehow, someone needs to take a middle ground. If they did, and it wasn't Hillary just doing what polls tell her to do (for example), that candidate would win 65% of the vote right now. I find this kind of funny, and typical of the media narrative today. On the one hand, you say "someone needs to take a middle ground." But then, the person who is actively trying to take the middle ground, Hillary Clinton, is "just doing what polls tell her to do".
  17. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 11:07 PM) thats not necessarily true my whole point is playing smart ball sets tables for better homeruns instead of pointless solo shots, we get a 3 run homer an example would be if there was pods on first and 1 out. say iguchi's up and pods stealing, iguchi hits a grounder to the second basemen, instead of being an inning ending double play, it turns into a basehit and its 1st and 3rd with 1 out instead of inning over, then Thome can hit a 3 run homer instead of settling for a solo shot in the next inning I don't think your example of 'smartball' is relevant. If Pods is on first, a big if nowadays, he's no longer an efficient base stealer. I would rather take my chances with Iguchi getting a single with the 1st basemen guarding the runner and the infielders shading towards second, than I would on the unimpressive margins that Pods successfully steals a base and Iguchi singles facing a more typical defensive alignment. Besides, if Pods is on second and Iguchi grounds to the second basemen, how does that become a single as opposed to a double play? Does the 2nd basemen just hold onto the ball since he can't go to second for 2? I know what you're saying regarding the fact that we've had a number of solo shots lately. But stealing bases and sacrificing outs doesn't do anything to put more men on base.
  18. I don't know if he's lost the team, but he's lost me. Not that that's important.
  19. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Jul 25, 2006 -> 10:06 PM) this is getting frustrated instead of bunting camp, ozzie needs a smartball camp to get the team back No. You miss pitching. If we had last year's "smart ball" offense, we'd be under .500 right now.
  20. QUOTE(spiderman @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 08:29 PM) The White Sox don't need a long man. McCarthy and Riske are both capable of going multiple innings, and McCarthy has shown he can go 2+ on occasion. Sure McCarthy's capable of doing that, but Ozzie won't let him unless the games in extras.
  21. QUOTE(IowaSoxFan @ Jul 25, 2006 -> 09:26 AM) What would be bad about going to a six man rotation for a while? Send Gload down and bring Tracey back up, move Tracey into BMacs role and insert him in the starting rotation. It seems that our pitchers have lost something, which I believe is the result of pitching more in the last year then they have ever pitched in that time frame. So in order to drop a little of the workload from these guys for a while, I think that a six man rotation would make a lot of sense. Also at the same time you can evaluate BMac as a starter in case you would like to move any of the other starters in the off season. Why not just send Vazquez into the bullpen? BMac would be an obvious improvement.
  22. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jul 25, 2006 -> 09:37 AM) Why did the starting lineup play ONCE in the big series against Detriot after the Sox came off a couple of rough series? This was right after the ASB too, so everyone had just had a big break. That's what drives me batshizzle crazy. I literally can't stand how Ozzie Guillen makes his lineups. It would be one thing if he rested our starters way too much, but at least used the subs correctly going by matchups. But he doesn't even do that. And his management of Anderson/Mackowiak throughout the past 2 months has been a joke. How a manager who went through his career relying on his glove, who won a world series on a team who relied on pitching and defense can take our best defensive player in one of the most important defensive positions off the field every 3 games in place of a guy who cannot play the position is ridiculous. Especially when our pitch to contact starters are struggling.
  23. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Jul 19, 2006 -> 09:34 AM) he's no Billy Beane. You're right. He's got a ring.
  24. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:49 AM) I would think if KW trades a starter is almost a lock BMac moves into the rotation. I would think if they did this deal fairly soon, they may call up a guy like Haeger to be the long man in the bullpen. If he could handle it, and if AJ can handle the knuckler fine, if not, a guy like Armas may make sense as a guy they could use in long relief. I don't see the Sox calling up a knuckleballer to be a relief pitcher.
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