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Everything posted by WhiteSoxfan1986

  1. Another thing I don't understand. In the fist episode of the season, the island was underwater in the alt. How the hell did it get like that?
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ May 24, 2010 -> 05:44 PM) So was that casting sheet that was floating around on deadspin a month ago correct? I remember stuff about skeletons, ladders, and a waterfall being on the supply list. Yea, it was real.
  3. QUOTE (jphat007 @ May 24, 2010 -> 04:51 PM) I thought they explained it fairly well. I bet we'll see Walt in some of the DVD extras. He apparently filmed some stuff. Yea, I guess you're right. I guess it's more the fact that I didn't like it. I don't know, maybe the more I think about it the more I'll like it.
  4. Count me in the group that was disappointed with the ending. They dick us around with the alternate universe the whole season and don't really explain it? Also why weren't Miles and Lapidus in the church? Obviously, they were on the same plane with Kate, Sawyer, and Claire. I was also disappointed that we didn't see Walt or Michael anywhere. EDIT: Richard wasn't at the church either.
  5. So who does everyone think Jack's ex-wife is in the sideways world? My guess is Juliet, although I'm not really going out on a limb.
  6. QUOTE (juddling @ May 19, 2010 -> 12:27 PM) You know with the two or three deaths (still a bit unsure about Richard) we saw last night.....Miles is still out there in the jungle running around. I would sure like to see him show up and help take down Flocke. Maybe somehow he can get help from the island spirits and take him down. The show always needs more Miles, he's the best character.
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 19, 2010 -> 09:53 AM) So how does Desmond get Sawyer to show up at the concert? Remember, Miles was trying to convince Sawyer to show up at the concert put on by his dad, obviously the same one Desmond is heading to.
  8. At this point we might be better off giving A.J. away and saving the money. I don't know why people expect to receive something in return. Let's get the Tyler Flowers era started.
  9. Omar Vizquel has no business on an MLB roster right now.
  10. Not looking forward to seeing Bobby come in for the ninth.
  11. My personal top 10 (from that list). 1. Emanuelle Chriqui 2. Sofia Vergara 3. Hayden Panetierre 4. Arianny Celeste 5. Kaley Cuoco 6. Eva Mendes 7. Stacy Keibler 8. Marisa Miller 9. Jordana Brewster 10. Zoe Saldana
  12. I have no idea why any team would hire Ned Yost. I can't wait to hear Fathom's take on this.
  13. I didn't think the episode was too bad, but then again I did come away dissapointed. I liked the adam and eve scene with the flashbacks at the end. That is one thing I was really hoping they were going to answer.
  14. I really enjoyed the L.A. Raiders documentary.
  15. QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 11, 2010 -> 12:09 AM) It wasn't that good for Ken Griffey Jr. status, but those are pretty solid numbers considering the man was 38 and is clean. Who says he's clean?
  16. QUOTE (flavum @ May 11, 2010 -> 02:33 PM) Phillies get 84 home games, and Halladay misses out on a Toronto return. Life in 2010... http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=phi Typical bulls*** move by MLB. Supposedly the AAA park that sits 18,000 in Buffalo was available those days. The smart thing to do would have been to move the series there, I'm sure they could probably sell it out. But of course, Selig has to go for the cash grab and have it in Philly. Same situation as Astros/Cubs in Milwaukee two years ago.
  17. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 11, 2010 -> 10:56 AM) Damn Hawks not winning on Sunday. I have a feeling that when its all said and done Lost is going to triumph over the hockey game for television time. I'll be watching the hockey game, and watching LOST online tomorrow.
  18. http://www.maxim.com/girls/articles/90539/2010-hot-100.html Are you kidding me? She doesn't belong in the top 100, let alone #1. Emanuelle Chriqui should be #1 imo.
  19. I would hit him lower in the order. If he's still hitting like s*** a couple weeks from now, I'd send him down. Season might be lost by then anyways.
  20. QUOTE (iamshack @ May 9, 2010 -> 10:19 PM) I wish they had the stones to make Santos the closer, but it isn't going to happen. Unfortunately you're probably right. Basically anybody is better than Bobby at this point though.
  21. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 9, 2010 -> 09:55 PM) Bobby reminds me of Joe Borowski and Todd Jones from a couple years ago right now, except not as good. This has been mentioned on this board before, our pen is like that of the 2006 Tigers. Our setup men are lights out but Jenks is our Todd Jones.
  22. I would give the closer's role to either Santos or Thornton, preferably Santos so we can use Thornton for certain matchups. All I know is Bobby should never close another game for this team.
  23. Jenks is finished. He's done. I don't want to see him in another close game. The writing's been on the wall for awhile now.
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