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Everything posted by WhiteSoxfan1986

  1. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 9, 2010 -> 02:36 PM) Austin Jackson has been awesome. Possibly a better defender already than Grandy, the only big concern has been his high K rate. his BABPIP is insane
  2. QUOTE (Wanne @ May 9, 2010 -> 02:12 PM) ya know...Oz has no problem sitting Beckham for a few days. PLEASE, PLEASE sit him in favor of Nix for a few days this week! unfortunately he'll pry sit him for Vizquel.
  3. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ May 7, 2010 -> 09:10 AM) I have a question regarding Walt: Around the time Jack was having visions of his dead father on the Island, Shannon was having visions of Walt. Smokey/Locke has explained that he took Christian Shepard's form (much as he has now taken Locke's), but I think I recall an explanation that this ability is limited to assuming the forms of dead folks, meaning he could not have been Walt, who is alive. Also, Miles and Hurley talk to dead people all the time. So, have Walt's "appearances" ever been explained? Have any other alive people similarly appeared as visions? I can't recall any. Lots of dead folks, though (Boone, Eko's brother, etc.). And if an answer hasn't been given, but people know its coming, I don't want to know. Thanks I don't remember them explaining the Walt visions thing, and I wouldn't expect an answer. That storyline died quickly.
  4. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ May 5, 2010 -> 11:29 AM) Yet if you listen to B&B on the score you would think NBA playoff basketball is the greatest thing there is. My biggest problem with the NBA playoffs is there are just way too many teams that make it. Realistically, how many teams in the playoffs have a legitimate shot at winning the title? three? I think the No. 8 seed has upset the No. 1 like three times in history, and one of those times was the lockout year in 1999. The first round is a complete waste of time.
  5. You have to wonder how much the quick turnaround after game 7 against Phoenix hurt Detroit. They had to play on Thursday after game 7 on Tuesday, because HP Pavillion was booked for a concert Fri-Sat. But they have nobody to blame but themselves, Howard was awful last night. I didn't see the game, but did see the highlights and two of the goals he allowed were complete softies (especially the one from the side of the net).
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ May 4, 2010 -> 11:57 PM) FML... I have him on my fantasy team. I accidentally forgot to start him today. Looks like I dodged a bullet.
  7. I was playing poker like crazy a couple of months ago. And then I went to Vegas and played for like three days straight. Haven't had the desire to play since then.
  8. Alex Gordon sent to AAA. How the mighty have fallen.
  9. http://deadspin.com/5527570/in-which-we-st...old-phenom-beau Thought this was pretty funny.
  10. Good win, nice to see seven runs. Bobby still looks awful though, save situation or not.
  11. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Apr 29, 2010 -> 09:58 AM) I would just sit Pierre, he is just brutal and he is killing us. Then who do you play instead? Kotsay? He's worse than Pierre right now.
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 10:37 PM) At this point, it can't hurt. Walker needs to go. Is it his fault? Probably not. But there needs to be a change. We've seen in the past (2005 Indians) where a hitting coach is fired and the team as a whole starts hitting better. Of course. there's probably no chance of that happening. We go through offensive slumps like this every single year it seems, and Walker is in spring training the next year.
  13. Will Vincent Chase be playing Pablo Escobar?
  14. Hudson did have a huge innings increase last season............
  15. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 12:26 AM) I dunno it this makes me glad I'm not in college or glad that I don't miss homework. I wish I was still in college. Definitely don't miss the homework, but the fun I had outweighs it.
  16. Great win, Danks has been amazing so far this season. I still don't think Bobby should be our closer. He looks awful. Just not the same guy he used to be.
  17. So I went to watch the replay of the episode at 11 p.m. last night, and they had they were showing the scrotie mcboogerballs episode. And I go to southparkstudios.com today to watch it, and they said it wasn't available.
  18. I think 68 teams is dumb, but compared to the alternative this is great news.
  19. I used to post there before I found this place. What really bugged me is that if you were negative about the team in any way, you were a "dark cloud." Once I found Soxtalk I didn't post there as much, and now I don't even check it. Haven't been there in 2-3 years.
  20. Just play, the uniforms shouldn't be that big of deal. Hell, you can always cross out the Cubs logo or something.
  21. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Apr 21, 2010 -> 09:21 AM) DING DING DING DING!!! And we have a winner! Input a hard salary cap so the yanks and the red cubs can't go out and spend $250 million and other teams get a shot of keeping their free agents. Then I bet the Blue Jays, Orioles, and Devil (that's right... DEVIL) Rays will compete. Then we'll see how dominant the yanks and red cubs are. I think everyone can agree that there needs to be a salary cap. God knows Selig would love to have one. The only problem is the players association will never, ever, ever allow it.
  22. I do wish we had somebody like Hudson up that could serve as the long man and go 3-4 innings.
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