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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 08:33 AM) The possibility has been being talked about for over a year now. The date was not told. Ray initially said after Christmas back in March. A guy on the whitesox.com message board posted August 10th that Jimbo's would be closing October 1st, with a possibility of remaining open for the playoffs. I'm sure Jimbo knew before a guy posting on a message board. Besides what's really the difference between the end of the baseball season and Christmas to Jimbo? The article stated that the outdoor patio is what fuels the place. I don't think many people would be using that in November or December. I have no idea, but what kind of business does Jimbo do on non-game days?
  2. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 08:25 AM) Of course. Someone said the landlord is doing something wrong? Maybe he would, but it being where it is, IMO, is key to the success. I think the anger is more because of the kind and generous ONE month notice. Jim and Joyce secured their retirement fund long ago, so it's not about having to work. This story has been all over the internet and was on the Score for more than a month. Jimbo has known its been coming for a while now. The August 26 date was just the formality.
  3. In an note in chicagosports.com, Brooks Boyer said the lower deck seats down the lines will be facing more toward homeplate next season when the rest of the green seats are installed.
  4. Couldn't Jimbo just find another spot and re-open? His place needs a makeover anyway. This kind of stuff happens everyday, and its the landlord's right to do what he's doing. Personally, I think if they fix it up and open their own restaurant/bar, it probably will do fine. I could understand Jimbo's frustration, as now the crowds come, he maximizes profit and loses his lease.
  5. In Ozzie's press conference tonight, he mentioned that Thome still had a slight pull. He then said this is the 2006 White Sox not 1990 and they don't try to hide injuries.
  6. What really matters is the pitching. The board had a number I was shocked at tonight. Coming into the game the White Sox had a 57-8 when getting a quality start. Considering it doesn't take much to record a quality start, it really is a telltale number.
  7. If they haven't even considered McCarthy in the rotation, I doubt they would consider Wells, although he has been pretty good as of late. I think someone will actually give up a decent prospect for him. Maybe the Mets.
  8. Of the 3 of them, Thome has batted with runners on base the fewest times percentage-wise, then Konerko, then Dye. Dye has 441 ABs this season, 220 with runners on base. Moving Dye permanently to the 3 hole would actually be decreasing his RBI opportunities.
  9. QUOTE(TheHammer @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 09:22 AM) I would prefer to have Dye hit behind the two guys with .400 OBPs. That's a thought I have as well. You would think you would want him hitting behind guys who get on more often. He will most likely have fewer men on base in the 3 hole.
  10. I really don't think consistency is an issue with the White Sox offense. They have been fairly consistent all season, and have scored 2 or fewer runs in a game far fewer times than any team in MLB. To say all Thome does is hits a homer, fans or hits a fly out is exaggerating, considering he has a higher OBP than Dye. Thome does fan alot 120 times to be exact. Second on the White Sox in strikeouts-JD with 95. Dye is on fire right now, and Thome is going to be asked not to run as hard as he can. I think this move is good for the moment, but Dye will unfortunately eventually cool off a bit. To say this move will mean the end of the importance of the starting pitchers' performance the rest of the way for White Sox success is just ridiculous.
  11. QUOTE(Bonderman38 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 11:13 PM) I stopped following after it was 7-0, and watched the Twins. Looked like it was quiute interesting. They were running on Freddy like it was little league and Cotts still can't get guys out. The Sox scored a couple of runs the inning before Cotts entered. If they had not scored, Thornton was ready and would have been the choice. I don't know what the exact problem with Cotts is right now, but he's turned into a left handed Politte.
  12. The offense was great. Garcia mediocre. Cotts and Riske and Joey Cora horrible. Cora should be relieved of his duties immediately. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 11:05 PM) I don't have a time table but minny sports radio was saying he has at least started doing long toss... the pitching coach said he was playing catch with him and his hand hurt when he was done... I'd say he sounded pretty optomistic... Let me know when he gets to towel drills, then maybe simulated games. The Twins I am very worried about. Silva has been brutal all year, Garza isn't bad, Santana is better than anyone on the White Sox, and their bullpen is outstanding. The Sox however, should have swept them.
  13. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:04 AM) FOX won't broadcast it. It is a broadcast rights thing. Comcast or ESPN can't legally show it either. Ah yes. Shelling out money many of us don't have to go to Minnesota. Well going on a roadtrip to see a game we should be able to watch on TV make some better fans than others I guess. I'm going to listen to it on the radio. I'm not the one complaining.
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:00 AM) Brandon is definately a quiet kid from what I have seen. He seems like a really good kid who keeps his nose clean, stays out of trouble, and has an almost 24/7 focus on baseball and its knowledge. In other words he is Ozzie's antithisis. Quiet players seem to find their way into Ozzie's doghouse it appears. Marte was/is very quiet and flourished under a calm guy in Manuel, but didn't click with Ozzie, and Ozzie and Magglio seemed to have some problems and Magglio also is quiet. Of course Carlos Lee wasn't quiet, and Ozzie wasn't a fan. It just seems if your personality is more reserved, the greater the chance you will be less comfortable with Ozzie than if you are the opposite. There obviously is something that doesn't seem to add up here, as Ozzie doesn't seem to have the same regard for McCarthy as most fans and the rest of the Sox organization. I wonder if it will become a huge problem down the road. Not giving McCarthy every opportunity to succeed may lead to a big rift at some point.
  15. Fox probably won't show it. Its 1 out of 162 that isn't televised. If its that important to watch it, roadtrip.
  16. QUOTE(Soxy @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 03:30 PM) I can't say I'm surprised at all by the latest twist. . . Sucks for the family, I really feel for them to feel like they might have resolution and then have that snatched away. . . I have a feeling the family had a pretty good idea this guy wasn't guilty. He gets his 15 minutes of fame and a free business class ticket back to the US. They should send him back to Thailand. I think he was going to be charged with something there, and they have no problem handing out cruel and unusual punishment. He should at the very least be forced to pay the government for his ride home, and if he doesn't have the money, make him work it off.
  17. QUOTE(Wealz @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 11:13 AM) Kenny Williams is accountable for the roster and Mackowiak is the ONLY other CF'er. You're stretching when you say Mack is a CF. Podsednik has played a lot of CF, in fact, I think I would play Pods in CF and Mack in LF if Ozzie insisted they both play together. Mack at least is a good LF, much better than Pods. Pods may not be good in CF, but its hard to imagine he would be any worse than Mack.
  18. Why would they want to "protect" BA now when he is hitting, while throwing him out there earlier in the year when he was not? Lets face it, if his batting average a month and a half ago didn't destroy him, he'll be fine now. He obviously can handle a few 0-fers in a row.
  19. It would be interesting to see and I'm sure impossible to really know how many runs Mack has cost the Sox playing CF. It has to be at least 1 run a game. There usually is at least 1 sometimes 3. Considering David Ortiz accounts for less than 1.5 runs a game, Mack would have to be a Hall of Fame quality offensive player to make up for the defensive drop off. He's not. Its really unfortunate that Mack is taking the brunt of this because it isn't his fault. More unfortunate is the organization's apparent denial that CF defense when BA isn't in the game is not major league quality and could keep the White Sox out of the playoffs.
  20. QUOTE(Wealz @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 10:55 AM) The GM is responsible for the make up of the roster. The GM basically said Sandy Alomar Jr. was the coaching staff's idea. I agree the buck stops with KW, but if Ozzie is greatly opposed to a change and won't embrace it, it wouldn't make much sense to make that change.
  21. A nice win, they could have crawled into a hole and died, but didn't. The Sox should have swept this series. They can't piss away games anymore. At least Kazmir won't be on the mound for TB and they are beyond brutal on the road. The Sox must sweep TB.
  22. In honor of today being Alex Lifeson's birthday, I predict the Sox will win this game 21-12. Happy birthday Lerxst.
  23. Under, but he's going to get close. He's do for a bunch soon.
  24. Uribe has 11 errors and has made quite a few circus plays. He also will probably get 20 homers and 70 rbi, not bad for a guy who supposedly can't hit. Benching him would be a huge blunder, but we saw the biggest blunder last night. We have a guy on the team that right now is probably the teams second best starter, and he hardly ever pitches and never starts while our starters minus Garland now get ripped around the park game in and game out.
  25. For all the Ozzie apologists, since you believe the only reason the Sox won the WS last year was him, I to a certain extent, believe he believes that, how can you not give him blame when every questionable thing he does blows up in his face?
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