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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Hawk questioned some of JM's moves in 2002. He said JM had a bad year in 2002. Is on record with that. He wants the Sox to win, and will express his disgust from time to time.
  2. I just don't see the for the good of the team argument. Your switching these guys around, Buerhle would be getting his usual rest. The object is to win, and if Buerhle and Cotts are going to be pitching the 2 games the matchups that give you the best chance to win 2 are Buerhle vs.NY Cotts vs. DET. If Buehrle would have jumped up a day and had a day fewer rest, then I would understand. It would be my understanding that everyone who agrees with JM's move would be definitely opposed to a 4 man rotation, which was another thing JM was talking about. JM is a windsock, if he makes a decision and goes with it fine. He couldn't have handled this situation more poorly. When he said Buerhle had a 99.9% chance of starting, that probably was code for no chance in hell he starts. He mentions a 4 man rotation with his 4 starters, stays with 5 and is still looking for extra days of rest.
  3. Its a dump. If any team but the Yankees, with their history, played there, it would be right near the bottom in the rankings.
  4. I believe he was supposed to go with Garland for Erstad before Angel management stepped in
  5. Well, if Phil Rogers thinks conceding games when you have a one game lead is the correct thing to do, then I, for one, stand corrected.
  6. I've got nothing against your post. Its my point exactly. If people around here are frustrated with JM's tinkering, they would be suicidal with LaRussa's. My point is if the Sox never got rid of him, they would not be any better off than they are today. Just because he won a bunch of games with great teams doesn' make his firing from the White Sox a mistake.I wonder what Jimmy Piersall thinks.
  7. Hawk rarely questions anything Manuel does. So u know Jerry f***ed up if Hawks got something to say about it. f*** Manuel :fyou No I don't KNOW Manuel f***ed because Hawk said so. Hawk has an opinion, like everyone else. He's neither right nor wrong. Hawk was once of the opinion the Tony Larussa should be fired. He's gone on to win nearly 2000 major league games. Hawk's opinion on that one has been proven to be wrong. This opinion may also. Lets not forget Hawks wonderul reign as GM............... Not forgetting. After all, not only was it his opinion LaRussa should be fired, Hawk was the one that fired him. LaRussa should have been fired. Sure he's won 2000 games, but look at the teams he managed. He won 1 World Series with an Oakland team that was head and shoulders above everyone else talent wise for at least 4 years. He's married to Dave Duncan, who was the real reason Hawk fired Tony. Hawk wanted to can Duncan, but LaRussa said if you fire him , he'd leave, so he just canned them both. If you think Manuel tinkers, he's a pure amateur next to Tony. DUde youre absolutely clueless about the sport of baseball if you think Larussa is not a good manager. I think Tony LaRussa is one of the most overated managers of all time. If you want to call me clueless about baseball, fine.
  8. Hawk rarely questions anything Manuel does. So u know Jerry f***ed up if Hawks got something to say about it. f*** Manuel :fyou No I don't KNOW Manuel f***ed because Hawk said so. Hawk has an opinion, like everyone else. He's neither right nor wrong. Hawk was once of the opinion the Tony Larussa should be fired. He's gone on to win nearly 2000 major league games. Hawk's opinion on that one has been proven to be wrong. This opinion may also. Lets not forget Hawks wonderul reign as GM............... Not forgetting. After all, not only was it his opinion LaRussa should be fired, Hawk was the one that fired him. LaRussa should have been fired. Sure he's won 2000 games, but look at the teams he managed. He won 1 World Series with an Oakland team that was head and shoulders above everyone else talent wise for at least 4 years. He's married to Dave Duncan, who was the real reason Hawk fired Tony. Hawk wanted to can Duncan, but LaRussa said if you fire him , he'd leave, so he just canned them both. If you think Manuel tinkers, he's a pure amateur next to Tony.
  9. 17 walks in 13.1 innings. I think he'll be good one day, but that day is in 2005 at the earliest.
  10. This is exactly right. The goal is to win 2 games. What JM was saying is he didn't have enough confidence in Buerhle to beat Mussina, so in essence he conceded today's game. The goal should be to win today and tomorrow, the best way to do that is Buerhle vs.NY Cotts vs. Det. This was a gutless move by JM which could backfire into something far more serious. On a positive note, Wright pitched well, and the Sox had a chance at the end.
  11. One question though...how is he eligible since he's received money as a professional athlete. It it simply because he earned it playing another sport? a few guys have gone from playing minor league baseball to college football, because it was a different sport they are still considered amatuer.
  12. After what he decided there never will be enough threads ripping his ass
  13. My mistake, my screen was wrong. That's why Rivera didn't bunt.
  14. for all the problems Rivera has had he still has nice numbers.
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