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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Just as long as it doesn't affect Bob's site. That's cool. Except the Bears suck.
  2. On WSC server or the IRC server? I'm not good with this stuff.
  3. Let's see....July 26th had a record number of PM's with 100
  4. We're still a LONG ways off for number of New Topics. Currently at 91, the record is 145 for July 2, 2003.
  5. Heads22

    Kick ass!

    No, you can use that skin. Go under My Controls and there will be a link on the left side somewhere for you to change.
  6. Heads22

    Kick ass!

    For those of you using the old skin that want to see what the new one looks like, go over to the test forum.
  7. Heads22

    Kick ass!

    Hmmm....must've changed over when I changed the header. Gotta change it back. This is the other skin "New Soxtalk".
  8. If you guys only had one day to live and you had to choose between a Hot Dog and Bratwurst, which would it be?
  9. This is free for download on iTunes. Just started listening to it.
  10. Did Bob okay this? I believe it's his chat.
  11. I have a WSC article on this to be up relatively soon.
  12. It's gone til Hot Topic starts back up.
  13. And, apparently, Jason's horrendous grammar will still be served up fresh daily.
  14. Borch BMac Anderson Sweeney Diaz
  15. Jesus Christ, who is this? I have you and Knuckle Sox registered under the same e-mail. 3 people registered from your ip alone? 5 different screennames (at least) posting from your ip? 3 other people that have registered from the IP you are on? What the f*** is up?
  16. It was down the right side.....pitcher couldn't get to the ball quick enough.
  17. Why have you no faith in the "Chose One" Ben Davis? .375 average since my new sig.
  18. You were like "Not a press release......Not a press release......Not a press release......"....werent ya?
  19. http://www.futuresox.com/modules.php?op=mo...order=0&thold=0
  20. I wish it would get published so others can see her for waht she is...
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