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The Bones

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Everything posted by The Bones

  1. 3 up, 3 down. Let's score some more runs with Lee, Thomas, and Ordonez coming up.
  2. 1) Who will win the series (CHW/BOS/Split) (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 2) Which team's 3-4-5 hitters will have more RBI (CHW/BOS) (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 3) How many errors will the Sox make (4 points)? 1 4) How many walks will Mark Buehrle issue (4 points)? 2 5) How many batters will the bullpen face in the series (within 2 either way) (5 points)? 15 6) How many substitutions will Manuel make to position players (5 points)? 4 7) Who will lead the Sox in slugging percentage (4 points)? FRANK THOMAS 8) Will Joe Crede hit a HR (Y/N) (2 points)? NO 9) Who will lead the AL Central after the series (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 10) Will David Ortiz have an RBI (Y/N) (2 points)? NO TIEBREAKER: Attendance for Wednesday's ESPN game 29,000
  3. The Bones

    NCAA Football

    I guess it's better than looking bad and losing bad. At least i still have hope they'll get it together by the time the Big Ten season roles around. Next week should be a good time to work some things out.
  4. he only had 17 going into the game, so he earned his 18th win today
  5. The Bones

    NCAA Football

    Some teams I cheer against are: Miami(FLA), Florida State, Notre Dame, Florida, and Nebraska What are some of your's?
  6. The Bones

    NCAA Football

    Favorite team: Illinois Div. 1AA team: Illinois State I also cheer for the Big Ten in general. Big Ten record:8-2, should be 9-1, Illinois outplayed Mizzou just made key mistakes (not getting the punt off) that lost them the game.
  7. www.collegefootballnews.com had a lot of good stuff for previews. I don't know how good it is during the season as i just found it recently. Another rule difference is that the clock stops after first downs, until they get the chains set.
  8. it says buerhle's pitching on tuesday. i know this is wrong considering he just pitched on friday. i think it is colon's turn in the rotation. anyone know for sure?
  9. 1) Who will win the series (CHW/DET) (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 2) Will Carl Everett hit a homerun (Y/N) (2 points)? YES 3) How many errors will the Sox make (4 points)? 2 4) Which Sox starter will have the most innings pitched (4 points)? MARK BUEHRLE 5) How many hits will Jon Garland allow (5 points)? 6 6) What will R. Alomar's OBP be for the series (I'll give .050 either way) (5 points)? .370 7) How many times will Miguel Olivo reach base (4 points)? 3 8) Who will have more RBI, Magglio Ordonez or Carlos Lee (2 points)? CARLOS LEE 9) Who will lead the AL Central after the series (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 10) Will Mike Maroth lose his 19th game of the season (Y/N) (2 points)? YES TIEBREAKER: Run differential (Sox runs minus Tigers runs) 10
  10. Live in Manchester. I like it so far. Some friends who are a year older than me showed me around. Also, I like the ratio of females to males.
  11. Haha, ACC loses to the MAC. And this is one of the ACC's better teams?
  12. Do you go to ISU too? Yeah, I'm a freshman. I was at the game tonight. Not bad once they got going. I think they could be pretty good in the conference. But, when it comes to division 1AA teams playing division 1A, it's usually not pretty.
  13. Redbirds Win! Sorry, but I don't think they'll put up much of a fight next week. They should do alright in the Gateway Conference though. Maybe, finishing 3rd or 4th.
  14. 1) Who will win the series (CHW/NYY) (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 2) Will Frank Thomas have an RBI (Y/N) (2 points)? YES 3) How many errors will the Sox make (4 points)? 2 4) Which Sox bullpen pitcher will face the most batters (4 points)? FLASH GORDON 5) How many hits will Joe Crede have in the series (5 points)? 3 6) How many innings will Esteban Loaiza pitch to the nearest third (5 points)? 8 7) Who will lead the Sox in batting average for the series (min. 6 ABs) (4 points)? MAGGLIO ORDONEZ 8) Which bullpen will give up more earned runs (CHW/NYY) (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 9) Who will lead the AL Central after the series (2 points)? CHICAGO WHITE SOX 10) Will Hideki Matsui hit a homerun (Y/N) (2 points)? NO TIEBREAKER: White Sox total number of runners stranded as a team for the series 14 I took a few series off, hopefully the much needed rest helps.
  15. Anyone who says that we should "get rid" of Koch must not know how trades work. You never want to trade someone when they're down. And you definitely don't want to release him and get nothing. Besides, don't we have him signed through next year. Sure, Koch has sucked this year. Maybe he'll suck next year too. Maybe not. If he does then he'll be gone after next year and we won't have to worry about him. If he returns to the billy koch of old, he should be able to help us big in another division race. Give him a chance to regain his strength in the offseason. Then start talking about getting him off of the team. I'm cheering for ya billy.
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