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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Nov 12, 2011 -> 10:37 AM) Assuming ~$115M payroll Buehrle comes back @ 4y/$56M Quentin comes back at 1y/$8M SP Buehrle SP Peavy SP Humber SP Sale Deal Danks, Floyd, Thornton, Viciedo focusing on pitching prospects in return. Beckham added to this list with Lillibridge taking over at 2nd? Leaves about $10M to spend on upgrades, 5th starter comes from return on trades. Trading Viciedo is pure insanity. We have maybe one guy in our minor league system, Trayce Thompson, that projects to be a middle of the order bat and he's extremely raw and hasn't done anything yet to feel confident in him. We desperately need Viciedo to develop into a #3 or #4 hitter by the time Konerko's contract is done or we will be f***ed offensively. I get your love for pitching prospects, but trading Viciedo for them would be a fireable offense IMO.
  2. The problem with the current system is that anyone can take advantage of it. So yes, the Pirates can throw a ton of money at the draft, but so can the Cubs. The difference is that the Cubs have more dollars to play with. The Cubs can outspend the Pirates on draft bonuses, with the hit being a much smaller portion of their total budget. How do the Pirates come out ahead in this system? With hard slotting, the Cubs would have no way to cheat the system and would be penalized for good performance with poor draft position. Their talent inflow would be crippled, while bad teams would be able to take the best players available at more reasonable costs. This would allow them to use this money to try and improve their major league team. How do the Pirates not have a better chance against the Cubs long-run with hard slotting?
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 09:34 AM) From the sounds of it, the vast majority of items have already been agreed to behind the scenes, and this one isn't big enough to stop the CBA from happening for. The consensus seems to be a luxury tax on high spending teams instead of hard slotting. Oh I've heard that it's probably not going to happen, I'm just disputing the claim that the previous poster made that it shouldn't. He made it sound like hard slotting would be bad, which makes no sense to me, especially for a White Sox fan.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 09:29 AM) Because: 1. Several of the teams with high revenues like having the small market teams unwilling/unable to compete for big money players. I don't think the Angels are mad about Jared Weaver falling to them because of signability. 2. The players don't want limits to signing revenue to decrease the earnings of the new players coming in. Obviously I know why the players don't want hard slotting, but your first reason doesn't cut it. There are more teams that would benefit from hard slotting than teams currently taking advantage of the system. From a parity standpoint, hard slotting is a must. Sure, if you're a Red Sox, Tigers, or Cubs fan, you want to keep the current system. However, the poster who said there shouldn't be hard slotting is a White Sox fan, so his claim makes zero sense.
  5. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 02:04 PM) Hard-slotting isn't going to happen, and it shouldn't. Sounds like a tax will be imposed if teams spend over a certain amount in the draft overall. Why shouldn't hard slotting happen? I can only see good coming from it.
  6. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 01:12 PM) Pen from right side: Frasor Crane Santos Reed Payroll @ $94M Are any of these guys very good at getting lefties out too? If so, it reduces the need for a left-handed setup man and maybe you can by with Santiago or Leesman as a second loogy.
  7. We're definitely strong from the right-side. The bullpen as a whole would be a real strength if we held onto Thornton, although I still think he's gone if we get a half-way decent offer for him.
  8. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 12:08 PM) Kevin Goldstein of BP said the White Sox system might be the worst he has ever seen. I just wish this team spent money in the draft and didn't follow the Selig slotting reconmendations. Well, that's not going to happen. We just need to hope that the new CBA will include hard slotting or else we'll continue to be at a disadvantage. Also, having some presence in Latin America (outside of Cuba) would help.
  9. Is there going to be an official press conference, because I'd like to the reasoning behind the Parent hiring. There's got to be something we don't know, because on the surface it's a bizarre hiring.
  10. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 30, 2011 -> 08:47 AM) I'd say the Blue Jays and the Cardinals won it. The Cardinals got a needed starter for a talented, albeit struggling outfielder. The Blue Jays got a high-upside outfielder and a Kenny contract for Jason Frasor. The White Sox got Jason Frasor and a busted SP spect. There are two winners, and one clear, obvious loser. This post is just ridiculous. Rasmus has done s*** so far for the Blue Jays, yet you have the nerve to call them a clear winner. You can say the Cardinals did well in the trade, but let's wait a couple years before we judge the Sox or the Blue Jays. Only an idiot would try to speak in absolutes right now.
  11. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 29, 2011 -> 06:26 AM) The only area that Mac excelled over Frank was steroid aided long balls. Agreed. It's a shame that his greatness will be overlooked by some because of this, although I think almost all smart baseball fans give him credit for being one of the clean guys in a dirty, dirty era. I know it's unrealistic and never going to happen, but I still feel that Frank should have been awarded his third MVP when Giambi admitted to steroid use during that season. I'm still pissed off about that. Anyways, I take Frank over Mac any day of the week. While Mac had a nice steroid fueled run, Frank had one of the greatest 7 year stretches of all-time.
  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 25, 2011 -> 10:23 AM) I'm pretty sure they are picking him up. Picking up his option or bringing him back? The guy is from Chicago and might be willing to accept a more reasonable deal to stick around. I don't how we can afford to pay our third or fourth reliever from the right side $3.75 million when we are looking to cut salary. If they do pick up that option, it's clear as day Thornton won't be returning and we'll be going the cheap, in-house route to replace him. I'm fine with that if you can get a nice return for him and you think Santiago or Leesman can be an adequate replacement. CL: Santos SU: Crain SU: Reed MR: Frasor MR: Ohman MR: Leesman/Santiago LR: Axelrod I could live with that bullpen next year as long as Ohman is used properly (i.e. loogy) and not forced into Thornton's role.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 25, 2011 -> 09:33 AM) That's just it. If you were going to keep him, you;d pick up his option. If you aren't, you aren't going to offer him arbit because there is a good chance he accepts and ends up with a better salary than last year. There is no chance in hell Frasor gets more than $3.75 million in arbitration.
  14. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Oct 19, 2011 -> 12:17 PM) Haha, I should stay away from PHT when I drink. I'd think a discount from market value for Mark would be around 12 per. I think if he really wanted to play hardball, he could get 14 from one of the big market teams. I agree, I think a 3 year/$37.5 million offer would be fair and one he might accept.
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 18, 2011 -> 01:56 AM) What can I say? I support Ozzie all the way. He gave me the only title of my lifetime and probably the only title of my lifetime. Odds are very slim we'll win one again. And who put that team together???
  16. I like McEwing getting the 3rd base job, but the Mark Parent hiring is bizarre IMO. The relationship to Robin seems fuzzy and he's only had two years of minor league managing experience. Hopefully we find out more in the press conference, because I'm not impressed with this move.
  17. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 8, 2011 -> 02:56 AM) Seriously? With a manager that has no experience at all, we'd hire a bench coach that has no major league coaching history? That's about right. I agree. Let's hope they are interested in this guy to be 3rd base coach or something.
  18. My guess is Lamont will be the bench coach. I also think McEwing will get the 3rd base coach job and Manto will get the hitting coach job. I'd prefer Laker be the hitting coach, since he's familiar with the young guys, but the Tribune hinted more towards Manto. I wonder if he speaks Spanish, because we're going to need someone to help with the Cubans and other Latin players.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 07:58 AM) I could get with Pena or Lamont as a bench coach. Those guys have years of managerial experience. Lamont makes perfect sense, because he's a former manager with ties to the Sox & Robin. Plus he's currently not a bench coach, which means his current team is much more likely to grant permission.
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 11:30 PM) So you think Coop's behavior is warranted and FINE? Or you just dispute what Cowley wrote. Why would a well paid reporter make s*** up? He wouldn't lest he get fired. I give the article my applause. I actually think Cowley's an entertaining writer, I just think he has no integrity and is full of s***. How you can be so oblivious to Cowley's bias is beyond me. He always reports one side of the story (i.e. Guillen's) and tries to make KW look like the vilian. I'll admit KW has his faults and has made several major mistakes in his tenure, but he's not an idiot, scumbag like Guillen. We all get it, Ozzie Guillen tickles your fancy with his wit and funny accent. I just can't believe you have the nerve to believe a guy that performs felicia on the entire Guillen family in exchange for "secret" information.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 11:12 PM) Amazing column by Cowley. Wow. Cooper was THAT MUCH of a snake? Wait til the players read this. Horrible joke of a franchise. I just knew KW was sucking up and this proves it. And Cooper? The people who have said what a rotten personality he has? This just makes sense he'd look out for No. 1. I LOVE Ozzie's text to Coop. It's Ozzie's way of letting him know bout Judas. If this is true, Cowley deserves a sports Pulitzer for the scoop. And to think I today was thinking Coop deserved the job over Ventura. Coop sounds like he may ruin the clubhouse next year when this story is made public to the players. Nobody likes a backstabber. Nobody! I think it's time to put down Old Yeller, because this act is getting beyond embarrassing.
  22. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 10:35 PM) Cowley on Ventura... and how Cooper became Judas. I think the Cowley hate can get over the top on this board, but that is one of the most embarrassing pieces of journalism I have ever seen. This about wraps up any chances of having access with the coaching staff and front office. I hope being Guillen's b**** was worth it in the end.
  23. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 08:17 PM) I'm willing to give him a chance. Everyone here knows he's going to be the worst manager ever. But remember, a poll here showed that a majority of posters said they managed better than Oz, all Robin has to do is be as good as the average poster here and it's a major upgrade. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=81618 I despise every single one of your posts. You are by far the most arrogant and condescending person on this board.
  24. How drunk are you? That's from when took the job of being Buddy Bell's assistant.
  25. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 01:35 AM) So you guys get your wish. I won't bury him. I hope he succeeds. He's one of the top managerial prospects in the game if not #1. Given the direction of the team, hiring a first-time manager probably makes the most sense. What is your problem with Martinez? Does he not make enough funnies for you?
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