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Everything posted by oldsox

  1. oldsox

    Adam Dunn

    QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Mar 23, 2011 -> 03:23 PM) Non-sox fan troll post? Jenksy, I assure you I am not a non Sox fan troll. I just don't like the acquisition of Dunn. Never did. If he hits the cover off the ball in ST, I don't say anything, I just pull for him to keep doing it in April. I've seem him play several games in NL in last two years, and frankly, he looked like a slow left tackle. He did not fit into Washington's plans, so he goes the FA route and Kenny picks him up for an outrageous salary and loss of # 1 pick. Was anyone else going to give him $45mm? I'd rather see Kenny spend the money on the Cuban defector and keep the draft pick. Dunn is old and slow and is going to get older and slower. He'll probably lead the league is K's and double plays, if he stays in the lineup. Of course, 40 home runs covers a multitude of sins. We'll see.
  2. When do the Sox establish their minor league rosters? They have a few pitchers who put up solid numbers in Rookie Leagues -- wonder where they will start out, especially those who were signed out of college.
  3. My glass is half empty on Dunn. He strikes out about 40% of the time and is barely hitting .200. At least he doesn't clog up the bases. We gave up a lot of money and a #1 draft pick this year. This will go down as one of Kenny's worst moves, I believe.
  4. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Mar 23, 2011 -> 11:50 AM) I hate to do this, but I think color plays a factor here. Now, I'm not accusing anyone here of this, but over time you happen to notice a pattern. When a young white player does these acts that have been referred to as showboating, people describe him as "passionate". When a young black player does them, he's called "cocky" or "arrogant" and accused of showboating. Would we really be having this same discussion if the player taking his helmet off after rounding third was Gordon Beckham? I seriously doubt it. Personally, I think people getting worked up over Milledge taking his helmet off is ridiculous. Why don't we want our players to have a little bit of style and attitude to them? It's not like he's trying to be an asshole and rub it in the pitcher's face. It's just something he does. If the pitcher wants to be overly sensitive and take exception to him, that's his choice. I just don't see why any fan would actually be bothered by this. Playing the Race Card for such an insignificant act is a bit over the top. The game has changed, and that includes pitchers who go into purposeful histrionics when they strike out a hitter.
  5. "I'm certainly not the guy the Sox thought they were trading for," .... This quote in today's Trib says it all. I wonder what Kenny's reaction was when he read it this morning. What a misrable trade, and he followed that up with getting rid of Dan Hudson to the DBacks. Kenny is kind of the Josh McDaniel of MLB GM's.
  6. Whenever I hear of a Cuban defector, I'm surprised that the owners never fixed this loophole (for lack of a better word) in the CBA, and forced the foreign nationals to enter through the draft. Still, I hope they get this kid, especially since the Sox gave up their Number One pick in the Dunn signing.
  7. QUOTE (flavum @ Oct 28, 2009 -> 12:26 PM) Maybe Danks plays LF for a year, but I hope he's projecting to be the CF for the future. If things fall into place, I hope the outfield is Mitchell-Danks-Rios in 2012. Don't you think you are jumping the gun a bit on Mitchell? He hasn't done anything yet.
  8. I actually think Nix played over his head offensively in 2009. I remember how overmatched he was in his two shots with the Rockies. 2009 might be as good as it gets for Nix.
  9. Hawpe is or will be clearly on the market, and I'm quite certain the Rockies will be willing to pick up part of his $7.5 MM salary. He will be sitting on the bench next year if he stays. He is not a dreadful fielder as an earlier poster said. He can cover ground adequately and has a way above average arm. I don't know why he tailed off so much in last half of this season, but that will decrease the price for him. It won't take much, and someone will jump on it. Rockies have a solid team, and I don't think they want to keep him around as a 4th or 5th outfielder.
  10. Rockies will probably try to unload Brad Hawpe. Might not offer arb. so he will then be a FA.
  11. Mark's performance the last two months, plus his contract, means no one will take him for what you guys are considering. His trading value is waaay down.
  12. QUOTE (gatnom @ Sep 26, 2009 -> 08:53 PM) While Kenny didn't really "win" the second swisher trade, it was still a good move considering the circumstances. Swisher was not getting along with or listening to the coaches, and he was getting payed a good amount of money to do so. The real thing to criticize is trading for swisher in the first place; Swisher is just not a major league center fielder. Agreed. First Swisher trade was awful; Ryan Sweeney is a solid player who can play CF, and Gio will probably have a long career.
  13. QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 08:55 AM) Buehrle kind of exploded after his perfect game. I don't recall many (if any) dominating games since then. What the hell happened? exploded or imploded??
  14. He was the PTBNL in the Royce Ring/R. Alomar deal.
  15. Didn't want to start a new thread, so I'll throw it in here... Saw Poreda pitch last night vs the Rockies. He looked awful.
  16. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 21, 2009 -> 11:05 PM) Of course if look at the other side of the coin. I guess there are no black Cub fans. When all else fails.........draw the race card. Why is it when the N-word is heard, it's assumed the some white person said it? Sounds like a reversed prejudice. Agreed. Bradley has been an angry guy for years. I don't hang out in the right field bleachers at Wrigley, so I don't know what is said or not said out there, but if I had a racist detector, it would probabaly be locked in on Bradley. And, using his three year old's experiences as an excuse is lame. Who makes racial taunts to a three year old? Other three year olds? Parents?
  17. QUOTE (scenario @ Sep 20, 2009 -> 09:44 PM) Other organizations? Yankees and Rockies were the two farm systems ahead of the Sox in wins. I thought the Rockies would be up there. They have a bunch of good prospects.
  18. oldsox


    Bartolo could not get anyone out in either league, plus he was out of shape from the beginning. I never understood his signing, would have preferred Pedro.
  19. That would clear up a lot of space on the 40 man roster. Can't trade Mitchell and Phegley, BTW.
  20. Pardon me for being an old guy too easily offended by new methods of separating money from baseball fans. I'm watching the Sox vs Mariners and Ichiro Suzuki comes up. He had recently experienced a great accomplishment -- nine consecutive years of 200 hits. He is a fabulous player. But when he comes up to bat they shamelessly advertise a miniature bat with an insignia on it that sells for a whopping $129. And it's a limited edition; only 5000 are available (supposedly). Those pieces of trash could not possibly cost more than $10-15 to produce. I presume the proceeds are split between MLB, the Mariners, and the player. Don't they make enough money, do they have to blatently rip off their constituency? How stupid do you have to be to buy this crap? It's another example of dumbing down our country, which includes sports fans. I know the Sox did the same thing after Buehrle's perfect game, and I just shook my head when I saw it advertised. Now the Mariners do the copy cat routine. I can only expect that from now on every single athletic accomplishment will be followed by a similar tasteless rip off. Now, I bet every one of us has bought a T shirt or something similar to celebrate something, whether it was a ball game or trip to the Bahamas, etc. But the overcharge was nominal and not shoved down our throats by a free ad during a ball game. Plus, you could wear it. Probably some folks here at SoxTalk purchased the Buehrle deal, and if I offended you, I apologize in advance. That is not my intention.
  21. Clint Hurdle is available. Carney Langsford is well thought of.
  22. oldsox


    He threw a shutout yesterday; Now 5-0. Does anybody know if Kenny tried to get Pedro, or was it a matter of choosing Bartolo over Pedro?
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 12, 2009 -> 02:34 PM) I still don't know what the big deal is about getting him one or two starts this season. With the way our season has gone, he'll probably screw up his arm. Why the urge to pitch him once or twice? I guess we're clinging to the hope we can sweep Detroit. Because it will be exciting to watch Peavy pitch, and it gives us some hope in the off season, assuming he pitches well.
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