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Everything posted by Real

  1. QUOTE (MEANS @ Oct 2, 2015 -> 07:18 AM) loyal at times to a fault. Hahn would dump his ass I'm sure, but he's got Jerry to answer to
  2. QUOTE (ewokpelts @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 02:11 AM) Giving up a cost controlled, elite pitcher is not a wise move. Most gms would be fired for that barring a fire sale. Plus the return would need to be worth more than the cost savings from the contract. Sale would need to be traded for several elite mlb-ready players. If he were to be dealt to the cubs, for example, the deal would need a Bryant, Rizzo AND a scwarber to make it work. this pretty much, you can't trade sale for prospects so forget about that nonsense right now he has to be traded for cost-controlled elite MLB players, the goal being to pick up multiple guys that would fill in the holes you have now catcher, 2b, 3b, SP (since we'd be losing Sale) are the primary holes
  3. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 01:25 AM) The question is in the title. Why should they keep him? Why should they not? You know where I lean, but as an economist, that always garners an "it depends." I'm drunk and bored and want to light a fire. I like chaos. But seriously..why not? I've been away. Talk to me goose. the funny part is this post encouraged me to start finishing off my 12 pack of smith & forge
  4. QUOTE (CWSpalehoseCWS @ Oct 1, 2015 -> 11:17 PM) Congrats to Jose, I did not think he would pull it off in the RBI category. One of the lone bright spots this year. i also didnt think he'd get the numbers (i figured he'd be short on RBIs since they're largely affected by people getting on base for you) this is a pretty big deal if you ask me, he's a special hitter
  5. well they aren't getting fans to come to the park because there's a winning team playing there might as well use gimmicks
  6. itll be another 3 to 4 years minimum before the sox sniff the playoffs. too many holes.
  7. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 11, 2015 -> 11:42 PM) This is the dumbest thing in baseball. I don't think they did this in the previous century unless the person was bad. Shutdown Shark. well those old timer guys probably played through a s***load of injuries due to just the mindset back then. Plus the lack of quality sports medicine and treatment as well. so yeah they probably did pitch more often and weren't coddled but they also weren't nearly as healthy and pitched hurt.
  8. QUOTE (beautox @ Sep 1, 2015 -> 08:28 PM) Chris Sale could bring back a franchise altering haul, and between boston with dombrowski at the head they might be willing to sake f*** the rebuild and lets reload. I feel if you move Sale though you're forced to move Quintana and Abreu as well, and eventually Robertson when the best deal presents it self and anything else in the pen. You'd be forced to play LaRoche in hopes that he can perform a Dunn and sell high at the deadline same goes for Danks and melky if he produces his second half numbers would have a lot of teams giving calls. The nice thing with moving everyone not named Eaton is that we should be able to cut our rebuild time in half and be competitive in 2-3 years with the addition of another 2-3 top ten picks to supplement the transition. Keeping eaton makes sense because he is still young and under contract for when we should be ready to compete. Sale isn't bringing back a franchise-altering haul unless they're already players in the MLB in case you haven't noticed over the past 15 years, the Sox are incapable of grooming hitters.
  9. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Aug 31, 2015 -> 01:38 PM) Bummer No, you wait two months and his value skyrockets because every team who's interested can shoot trade proposals to you
  10. KW goes to Seattle but still works for the Sox in a supervisory role.
  11. surprised Flowers didn't need directions on how to get to first base.
  12. Until the sox get a real catcher I cannot take them seriously. Flowers shouldve been one and DFA'D not an everyday starter are you f***ing serious
  13. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Aug 11, 2015 -> 10:22 PM) Predicting is all about the future son not the present that isn't predicting. that's throwing s*** at the wall
  14. i completed the survey one word to describe my thoughts of the sox was "frustrated" i also said they need to refrain from Loyalty Hires, and just hire the most qualified people
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 8, 2015 -> 04:01 PM) I didn't advocate hurting Cain, just hitting him. Our team needs to wake up ... again. This would incite their sellout crowd. They won't hit Abreu in the face. They've already started fights with various other teams. My wrath about Paulie was them hitting him in the face. It's OK to plunk a guy on the butt or back him off the plate. Why sit back and not try to fight the sweep? MFW throwing a ball at the hitter and having enough control to determine whether it "hurts or not" SMFH
  16. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 10:29 PM) Last Thursday was worse. All the momentum in the world came crashing down with Sale on the mound this was worse, by far we lost this game due to fundamental mistakes the sale loss was just sale getting torched, we had no chance at any point. i dont see the comparison to be fair.
  17. it's been common knowledge for years now that the Sox cannot win games when there are expectations set upon them, hell even Rongey admits it and he waves the damn pom poms every night. it's like they're scared as f*** when pressure is on
  18. looooooooooooooooooooool dont fire anyone tho, everyone is doing a great job.
  19. QUOTE (Real @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 09:46 PM) doesn't matter anyways, because Robertson would've blown it in the 9th and everyone here knows it called this s***
  20. this team is all sorts of done, every sort of done imaginable doesn't matter anyways, because Robertson would've blown it in the 9th and everyone here knows it
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