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Everything posted by pettie4sox

  1. Some things are better off left as is.
  2. That is mind-blowing considering how much people dunk on Chicago.
  3. That's the Sox way... sit on your hands or make dumb trades that siphon off the future.
  4. Do you really think the MLB would allow that?
  5. We have the hatch, not sure which camera my wife decided on but she typical doesn't hold back when it comes to the baby's safety.
  6. I need to look into this, we sent our pediatrician a list of questions so we can prepare accordingly.
  7. Yeah we just bought a new web cam type monitor so we can see what's going. We are essentially letting him cry it out if he wakes up in the middle of the night, but we want to monitor to make sure he's not in a compromised position.
  8. Yeah and we allow his arms to be free.
  9. So we had easy mode for the first six months since we had a SNOO bassinet. We had to return it since he just turned six months. He is rolling like crazy these days. We transitioned to a crib and he obviously isn't sleeping as long. He will wake up fussing on his stomach and he's also getting his limbs stuck in the crib bars. I wanted to put on some mesh linings so he can't stick his appendages through the bars but I was told that it could be a SIDs risk. This is crazy.
  10. Yeah, I have to eventually realize that all I can do is prepare them the best I can for the world. I'm sure my parents worried about me all the time too.
  11. Bro they have to put a salary cap on baseball...
  12. Makes sense, but I almost feel like the anxiety would double. I always have an irrational innate feeling that I need to monitor my kid 24/7. With technology these days, that's possible to. I don't think I'll be a helicopter parent but I think some of my anxiety is not wanting to f*** up a kid? I don't know if that makes sense or not.
  13. Thanks brother! I would post pictures, but I feel most of our forum colleagues would think it's probably cringe. He's a laid back baby for the most part. Doesn't cry unless he wants to eat or sleep. I'm grateful he's been easy to care for, and I know the storm is coming soon. The kid is ridiculously cute and I have to fight off mothers at the daycare when I pick him up. Even his teacher doesn't want to give him up when I pick him up. I don't know if it'll translate when he is older but if it does. He's going to be fighting off people haha. I know, I know you might say it's parental bias but I'm as pragmatic as they come. It's a wonderful thing to become a parent, I have seen my own personal changes as result.
  14. Is this because the anxiety shifts to the newest kid?
  15. Does the constant anxiety of having a child ever go away? He started rolling over on his own yesterday. It's crazy to see the development of a baby!
  16. I think I answer this every year but I do the Almond Nog. I tried Oat Nog this year and it gave me the runs.
  17. US won the last WBC. I think they have a good shot this upcoming one too.
  18. Depressing times yall. Let's hope for a miracle or should I succumb to the numbness?
  19. Yeah it's sad the USMNT is not on par with the USWNT in terms of dominance and winning. Zero excuses the US shouldn't be the top of the food chain in soccer.
  20. I will be honest. The US offense is abysmal. They should have put Iran down 2-0 or 3-0 but they couldn't convert on chances that elite teams will not miss on. They have their work cut out for them.
  21. USA handing out L's to Iran in sports too. 😃
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