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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by BaconOnAStick

  1. Rather have Collins than the guy who went 1.1 as of now.
  2. said about the Packers every year for the last decade. Rodgers can just will them to victory whenever he really feels like it, and when he's done they'll find another one just like him. The Packers will never be bad.
  3. Abreu can change games with his bat in a way only 50 or so players can. Among that group Abreu is probably in the top half in pure hitting prowess. At some point defense, position, value (getting real sick of the nebulous "value" obsession that has infected baseball)...all that s*** stops mattering because you just need a guy who can flat out hit. Abreu takes the little round ball and deposits in a place very far away where nobody can catch it. Without a guy like that winning a title, hell winning anything, is almost impossible. Abreu will get paid if he continues this. The White Sox would be very wise to lock him up long term.
  4. Rollercoaster year for Giolito. Great finish, massively excited for him next year.
  5. If the Sox had any clue how to utilize speed on the basepaths I would say he has a solid role as a PR/defensive replacement on a good team, but they dont so its going to be really hard to fit him in. Keep giving him AB's though...who knows maybe he'll start hitting.
  6. Look, I'm sure he speaks English. I'm sure Sqwert does too. But, I'm equally certain that like SS was doing earlier in this thread they will gladly misunderstand something on purpose so they can take issue with what is being said. Trying to take one little morsel and ripping it out of context to try and start a new debate on their own terms. Its dishonest and unintelligent, especially coming from this guy: He should take some of his own advice. Nothing lowers the discourse quite like deliberately misreading somebodies arguments. And if you disagree with me, fine...that's cool. Its America. But dont lower yourself to that level and fling poo at someone just because you dont like what they're saying. Take an actual position, have some integrity.
  7. Yea I was talking about the wall/securing the border, not DACA. Reading comprehension, everyone! He might "write code" but I'm not sure he "speaks English".
  8. Doesn't seem like the org is even concerned with 2018 draft position much.
  9. Not really. The only qualifications to be a judge are residency and a law degree, at least in Illinois. Oh, you also have to be a citizen. Sorry dreamers, DACA isn't going to be doing you much good in that career path. At least you've got a deferral to panic about!
  10. I'm totally unreasonable in my expectations for Jimenez and nobody can stop me.
  11. When you go case-by-case through Trump's supposed racist or anti-immigrant rhetoric it all comes up pretty tame. His "history" is wildly overblown.
  12. There is absolutely nothing racist or anti-immigrant about securing our southern border by building a wall. At all. It's something we desperately need to do, and for amnesty to work needs to happen in conjunction. It's a national security issue most importantly, I don't see how you could be reasonably against it.
  13. You know, I'm ok exploiting their status in an effort to give them full citizenship. That I don't mind. Maybe it's a little dirty and perhaps he's playing chicken with them as collateral a bit risky, but the ultimate goal is laudable. He wants to give them permanent status, and the only way to do that is by forcing the issue. If DACA stays then people keep thinking they've done something and lack motivation to actually solve it.
  14. Lmao this is insane rambling that has no basis in reality. Cartoon villainy.
  15. This is a move to force an actual solution. Congress can either keep #resisting or solve this, but I'm not hopeful. Liberals hate Trump so much they'd rather march these 800,000 kids into a volcano than work with him on anything at all.
  16. DACA is anti-humanitarian trash whether it's an EO or law. You can't "b-b-b-but Republicans" your way out of this, the Democratic proposals from the start have been flawed. If there isn't a clear path to citizenship built directly into a bill it's not a solution. Unless your solution is to deport them all, which is both a bad idea and impossible. Giving people uplifting labels like "Dreamers" is a cheap marketing tactic that should know better than to fall for. All they have to dream about is constant two year deferrals that they hope to ride and ride forever. How can DACA not be interpreted as a move exploiting children and teenagers statelessness? "Oh we're not gonna kick you out the country--for now", yeah...what compassion.
  17. I don't disagree that their economic contributions are probably overstated, but to me that doesn't matter. They grew up in the USA, they speak fluent English, there is nothing for them back in Mexico (or wherever). It's really a humanitarian duty to give them a clear path to citizenship. DACA is not a clear path to citizenship. It is a promise by the Democrats not to deport them, which is a pretty shady and manipulative tactic keeping citizenship just past arms length. Democrats, particularly the core of urban liberals that run the party, have zero interest in securing the southern border. I think for a lot of the right that is the principle issue. What if Trump promised a path to citizenship for everyone currently here but in return wanted the wall built and much harsher penalties for people here illegally? That to me is the perfect solution. Also the sanctuary city crap has to end. We are a nation of laws, there cannot be cities openly flaunting federal law on such an important issue.
  18. Oh yeah they clearly solved the immigration crisis. Right. We'll never worry about that one again.
  19. DACA is garbage. Glad to see it go. The solution to the illegal immigration problem is a path to citizenship, not renewable two-year visas and constant deferrals. Make them citizens now. All 800,000 of them. The Democrats had 8 years to figure out how to fix this and they never did, just more crap policies like DACA that ensured the illegal immigration problem would remain unsolved. Now that there's a 6 month clock ticking its time for the sensible solution that has been readily apparent to everyone paying attention the last couple decades to finally be implemented: Everyone currently here gets to stay here, but after that is done there's no more illegal crossings. No more sanctuary cities or any of this other trash legislation that is specifically designed to keep these people in legal limbo.
  20. Yup. A good win, all aboard the Giolito hype train.
  21. Really nice season for Dunning.
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