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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by BaconOnAStick

  1. The Eaton trade was perfect. They got three arms that all figure to have ML success, all with wide open potential to be all star caliber, for an injury prone good-not-great OF that despite some nice plays and good OBP still never OPS'd over .800 in a Sox uniform. The Quintana trade was really nice too. They settled on the Sale trade when they probably didn't need to. If Moncada is Robinson Cano nobody cares, though.
  2. There is no doubt a business rationale for rebuilding an cutting payroll. It just so happens that what is best for the business and what is best for the ballclub have aligned and the Sox have taken the correct path. But it's naïve to say they embarked on these trades for the sole reason of improving the team's chances of long term on-field success. There is an ulterior motive.
  3. They would probably just DFA him. With Sandoval it's all about the money.
  4. Frazier does not deserve the ignominy of a mid-game #hugwatch trade. They'll wait to break until the game is over. If there was any doubt raBBit wouldn't have posted that tweet.
  5. It definitely wouldn't be a bad thing if he had the same career as Floyd, but the way Giolito has looked for the past month or so should allow us to dream a little bigger. The difference between a good #3 and bonafide playoff ace is pretty large, and somewhere in that gap I could see Giolito landing.
  6. 1. Jimenez 2. Moncada 3. Giolito 4. Robert 5. Kopech 6. Dunning 7. Lopez 8. Cease 9. Flete 10. Basabe 11. Diaz 12. Rose I love Moncada, but the offense tools Jimenez has are just a level beyond. It's really much more 1a and 1b, but nod to the guy who I really cannot fathom a reasonable complaint about with the bat. I don't think many people quite understand the kind of ability currently being unlocked by.Giolito at Charlotte. Do not be fooled by the ERA, he is looking better than he has in a very long time. People are buried in the Gavin Floyd comp, and while that would definitely be nice his projections (at least to me) trend much higher than that.
  7. It is very unlikely being swept in this series will be as infuriating as the last time they swept the Sox.
  8. Cleluis? Is he still around? And yea I dont know Saladino has been pretty brutal at SS here. If Anderson is worse than that he should probably starting taking reps at other positions.
  9. I agree. The real answer to this problem is in Charlotte, maybe send Saladino back there to learn how to play SS again. You really cant have Saladino fumbling plays with this mentally fragile bullpen, Murphy's flyout was not what I would call routine. That game was almost blown.
  10. Uh Saladino's throw home was pretty s***ty and Dioner barely got the runner out despite him being 15 feet away from home when the throw arrived.
  11. Rollins throws out Werth. Denying that would be like denying the sunrise.
  12. No more Saladino at SS. No more Robertson at closer. You know the in construction industry we always treated close calls as an accident. The feeling was that luck is not something that can be relied on to prevent disaster. Sox would be wise to heed that advice, because these two are not done playing like this.
  13. OK I've seen enough of Saladino bumbling around at SS.
  14. That would be the great city of Reykjavik. It would be a good place for Robertson to take summer vacations for the next 2 years. What a clown he is.
  15. This piece of garbage oh boy...maybe we'll get his monthly 1-2-3 inning. Sure could use it.
  16. Look at elrockinMT dropping in cool Icelandic words into his everyday speech.
  17. Wow Zach Duke just got Bryce Harper out. Put that in your scrapbooks folks.
  18. Everyone who is annoyed that Collins may wind up being a DH needs to be forced to watch that Avi AB over and over again Clockwork Orange style.
  19. Perfect by Fraz and Lawrie. The two guys on this team who want to win. Gonzalez gets big ups for making the right pitches to get out of the jam too.
  20. That was a closer than it should've been. Saladino struggles with routine plays.
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