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Two RJ items in today's news

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I have various problems with this trade. Why would the Sox want to trade AWAY their starting centerfielder when they are trying to improve their team? While I hate to trade Garland, Johnson is a clear upgrade. However, I hate trading away Major League players in a deadline deal when you are trying to improve your team.


My main problem is that this team has bigger holes than another pitcher. We still need a catcher who can hit above the mendoza line outside of Sandy Alomar. If we trade Rowand we will need another OFer. With Frank hurt we will need another bat. If Kenny can somehow fill all of those needs to go with the Johnson trade we'd be set. rolleyeyes.gif


I'm not sold on this team doing anything and I don't want to mortgage anymore of the future on it.

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would any of you let rowand go if kenny got everett back?

Like I already said I have no problem giving up arow but carl ain't the solution in centerfield. I want carl back as a dh but in no way would he be the starting centerfielder. Now if you mean that would allow borch to go play center and dh carl, I'm fine with that because that's actually exactly what I would do.

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if borchard can settle down a bit and start hitting a little, then yes i agree... let AR go, putting borchard in cf and nab everett for dh/occasional cf



oh and another thing... would you rather give up garland or cotts? AZ may not have asked for cotts at this point, but i would lean towards keeping cotts over garland.

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if borchard can settle down a bit and start hitting a little, then yes i agree... let AR go, putting borchard in cf and nab everett for dh/occasional cf



oh and another thing... would you rather give up garland or cotts? AZ may not have asked for cotts at this point, but i would lean towards keeping cotts over garland.

I'd much rather give up neal. I'm very high on neal and I think he's got a shot to be really special but he's still very much a prospect. I don't want to get rid of jon he's becoming a solid number 3 starter and I think he'll even get better. Neal I would trade to get randy johnson even though I do think he has a chance to be a very good starter but it's still just a chance, nothing for sure.

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Since Randy is not a rental only for this year and he will pitch next year for us too, I woul definitely do this deal of JG and Rowand


Then I would go out and get Everett


That way, Everett plays DH, Willie and Timo split CF, Uribe plays 2B when Willie plays CF, and Maggs gets back to RF


Once Big Frank comes back, Everett can play CF when we are facing tough righties in the playoffs (if he produces in the regular season)

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Rowand fine, but do not give up Garland...get them to take Scho, Rowand and two top prospects.

I'm not as open to dealing Rowand as I was a month ago, he's really startin to hit well especially against lefties, Garcia's performance today gave me the impression that maybe another top notch starter isn't our #1 priority right at this minute. I'm open to dealing Shoe though, I think he's worn out his welcome in Chicago which is a shame after the start he had.

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I really don't think Johnson will get traded. However, let me ask you guys this .... Would you have traded Garland and Rowand for Johnson during the previous offseason? If so, and you disagree with that now, what changed your mind?


Discuss. :D

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