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Garcia missing another start

Winning Ugly

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From rotoworld:


Freddy Garcia will miss his second straight start Wednesday because of tightness in his right forearm.

The White Sox had been saying that Garcia was fine, but that's obviously not the case. It might be that the right-hander won't contribute over the remainder of the season. The White Sox now plan to start Jason Grilli on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. That could mean they'll call up another pitcher tomorrow. Aug. 30 - 2:59 pm et


Might as well shut him down. The season's over.


Now let's cheer on dem Padres!!!

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From rotoworld:


Freddy Garcia will miss his second straight start Wednesday because of tightness in his right forearm.

The White Sox had been saying that Garcia was fine, but that's obviously not the case. It might be that the right-hander won't contribute over the remainder of the season. The White Sox now plan to start Jason Grilli on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. That could mean they'll call up another pitcher tomorrow. Aug. 30 - 2:59 pm et


Might as well shut him down. The season's over.


Now let's cheer on dem Padres!!!

I agree, might as well shut him down. No sense in risking a serious injury for only a couple more meaningless wins. Give his spot to Diaz as a preview for next year maybe. At this point, there's not much to lose by doing so

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Did I mention I do not believe one stinkin' word coming from this organization? That's right, I did.

This seems to be epidemic across the board in sports, though.

Every time someone gets injured, EVERY organization goes into damage control, understating the severity of the injury.

"Our trainers were able to re-attach Tommy's arm in the clubhouse and we expect him to make his next start, as long as normal blood flow is reinstated before his side day and no gangrine sets in..."

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Felix deserves to start the rest of the year, in fact I would venture to say even if Freddy comes back that we go with a 6-man rotation. Buerhle, Garcia, Contreras, Garland, Diaz and Grilli. There is no sense in hurting any of their arms because there is no chance for the postseason for us. Just let Freddy take his time and let Felix get 6 Major League starts in a row.

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I propose mandatory MRIs for all pitchers on the last day of the season,  2 weeks before spring training and then again at the All-Satr break. No injury hiding.

Hey, MRIs and scans ain't zaktli cheap. JR will not stand for such folly, you hear!

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Hey, MRIs and scans ain't zaktli cheap. JR will not stand for such folly, you hear!

Neither are pitchers with multiyear multimillion dollar contracts. It would be worth his investment to have an MRI machine installed at the Cell and also have someone there that actually knows how to read the results.

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