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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 27, 2006 -> 03:57 PM)
There's a lot more "debating" back and forth during the loser threads.


A Sox win gives us a sense of peace, tranquility, and a general worth of positive expectation. Who needs to write about that? Whereas with a loss, the overall sense of dismay, anger, sadness, frustration, even betrayal are much more overwhelming, awakening a feeling of restlessness and worry that can only be assuaged by talking or writing about it, just to get it off your chest. The need to blame someone for the lack of execution is our way to justify the overall team's lack of performance on any given game or to justify our individual expectations. As I read these threads, Someone always F***s up when the team loses, according to the point of view of the person providing the criticism. That's where the thread gets lengthy, 'cause not everyone agrees on who f***ed up. Unfortunately, I personally find the threads more engaging when the Sox lose and find myself more involved in placing the blame on whoever I thought was most directly responsible for a loss. I'm sure some here feel the same.

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BA's up to .231 now. He could actually get up to .250 at the end of the season which would be an amazing achievement after the way he started the season.


Fantastic start by Mark today, exactly what we needed for this team. Hopefully the other SP's (besides Garland) can step up to the plate as well.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Aug 27, 2006 -> 04:19 PM)
We have Tampa and KC coming up next.... if we dont go 5-1 we might have a problem... Id like to see this team start to make a run though and there are no 2 better teams to do it against.



I think the reason this thread is thin has to do with not only the let down of Fri and especially Sat (and that we lost ground), but at least for me a complete expectation of lackluster baseball against two teams that we should and need to crush while we have the chance in the next week, not to mention an stuggling Boston team and then Cleveland after that.


The next two weeks are ripe with opportunity and I've been conditioned for us to split with the teams that a sweep of is almost mandatory at this point of the season. We should plan for MN to sweep and should be playing with urgency

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I was working all day today and missed the game, but just saw the condensed version on MLB.tv.


Did mine eyes deceive me or did Scott Podsednik hit the cutoff man for an outfield assist?!?


The wonders never cease.

Edited by Drew
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Twins held a mirror up to the white sox this weekend and showed them what they used to look like - hungry, aggressive at every opportunity, scraping, clawing, fighting to get on, get over, get in.


It's not too late to say "oh yeah, THAT's how we should be playing." And it starts at the freakin top of the line up.


If anyone is going to spark this team it's going to be pods, like it or not. The big guys might carry us for a few games but that leaves the rest of the team watching from the sidelines.


Nothing is going to re-energize this team like a player who gets on and gives pitchers fits on the base paths, knocking them out of their rythym and giving guys behind him some added incentive to bring him around (witness Joe Nathan throwing a ball away to first).


It can happen. Allah willing, Scotty gets it going. FINALLY.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 01:03 AM)
Twins held a mirror up to the white sox this weekend and showed them what they used to look like - hungry, aggressive at every opportunity, scraping, clawing, fighting to get on, get over, get in.


It's not too late to say "oh yeah, THAT's how we should be playing." And it starts at the freakin top of the line up.


If anyone is going to spark this team it's going to be pods, like it or not. The big guys might carry us for a few games but that leaves the rest of the team watching from the sidelines.


Nothing is going to re-energize this team like a player who gets on and gives pitchers fits on the base paths, knocking them out of their rythym and giving guys behind him some added incentive to bring him around (witness Joe Nathan throwing a ball away to first).


It can happen. Allah willing, Scotty gets it going. FINALLY.


Very well put. We can talk about the starting pitching all day. We know how important that is. But we need Pods to step up if we're gonna get into the playoffs and do some damage. This is a completely different looking team when he's on. We saw it last year and we saw it in May of this year. We put together our best stretch of the season (I believe we went 22-5) in May when Pods was goin' nuts.

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Buehrle's game should not come as a surprise to anyone. He has had several solid outings in the last several weeks only to come up short for a lack of support.


4 ERs vs. Det. Aug. 21 (Kenny Rogers threw a gem. Sox got blanked.)

2 ERs vs. KC, Aug. 17 (Bullpen almost let this one slip away from him too.)

3 ER vs. Det, Aug. 12 (MacDougal got the win, he left w/it tied 3 all)

2 ERs vs. KC, Aug. 1 (Thorton gave up 2, Sox come back in 10 and Riske gets the win.)


His lone failure was against LAA when he blew up for 6 ERs and gave up 3 gopher balls.


His August stats are not that bad.

Record 1-2 in 5 starts (the worst stat of them all, ofcourse).


Total earned runs = 17 (6 vs. LAA)

30 innings pitched

8 BB (2 vs. LAA)

8 HRs (3 vs. LAA)

17 Rs (6 vs. LAA)


Welcome back Mark? He came back August 1st after a horse s*** July. Take out the game against LAA and give him some run support and he had a pretty good month. Does he need to get his ERA back under 4? Hell yes but I don't think it was all as bad as some here have made it sound. Given that his ERA was over 11 in July, I think he rebounded nicely. He just has not gotten the breaks. Today he got great support on both sides of the ball. We owe that to all our pitchers for the month of September. Let's hope the rest of the boys can give it up.


It starts with playing BA every friggin day. He has earned it and the alternative is spin chilling.


Pods seems to have gotten his act together a little but here in the last three days. He got a clutch 9th inning double on Friday, a clutch bunt single in the 11th on Saturday and went 3-4 w/walk and 2 thefts. Today he reached on another bunt single and he hustled out an infield hit. This is the guy you may have been looking for. I think he got the message. Play him.


Uribe is tough to watch at the plate some times but we need to remain tough up the middle. Play him too.


Lets just play our guys and not over think it the rest of the way.

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