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And that's a white sox loser


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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 17, 2007 -> 03:50 PM)
I like when they quote the opposition's record as a reason for hope. For the next X amount of games we are playing teams below 500. And do you know what Chuck Garfiend. So does every team that plays the sox.



LOL!!!! What makes that even more depressing is that we can't even beat f***ing Pittsburgh let alone actual MLB teams.


QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 17, 2007 -> 10:18 PM)
LMAO I guess the Royals should pick up a few relievers and Adam Dunn as well, because our record is just about the same. Except they hit the ball a lot better than we do.



LOL!!!! The only thing more pathetic than us going to the Royals for bullpen help would be another team going to us.

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QUOTE(RX Bandits @ Jun 17, 2007 -> 09:23 PM)
c'mon, the contract isnt that bad. look at what the going rate is for pitching. hell vazquez is better than the crap the cubs paid a ton of cash for last off season. plus, he takes the ball every 5th day.

If a #5 starter is $11.5 million a year, that means the guys above him are worth more. There is no way unless you are the Yankees, Red Sox, Cubs or Dodgers you can spend over $60 million a year on your rotation and have enough money to cover the rest of the team without there being huge holes. Vazquez's results, which to me are far more important than what he looks like in the bullpen warming up, are below average for his career.

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QUOTE(RX Bandits @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 02:23 AM)
he takes the ball every 5th day.


Yeah, Vazquez takes the ball every 5th day but you hafta pray he gets past the 5th inning every start.


Here are two other things you can count on Javier "He's got great stuff even though he stunk in the NL in '05" Vazquez for:

1) To carry on a losing streak

2) To stop a winning streak


I'd rather watch a rookie in there than to watch this 11 mil per yr career underachiever continue to take a giant crap on the mound every 5th day.

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Personally I was glad to see back to back solid offensive preformances more than anything out of this series. Josh Fields seems to have made an adjustment and is seeing the ball a little better. The middle of the line up is also starting to see some results of some better approaches at the plate. Besides guys like PK and JD, Iguchi and Cintron are also looking better at the dish.

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I, for one, would like to formally apologize to the poster who started the "FIRE SALE BY JUNE OR JULY" thread back in April. We all shouted him down. And, sadly, he's right.


So, poster whose name I have forgotten, I am sorry. You were right. We were jerks.

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QUOTE(Allsox @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 07:36 AM)
Yeah, Vazquez takes the ball every 5th day but you hafta pray he gets past the 5th inning every start.


Here are two other things you can count on Javier "He's got great stuff even though he stunk in the NL in '05" Vazquez for:

1) To carry on a losing streak

2) To stop a winning streak


I'd rather watch a rookie in there than to watch this 11 mil per yr career underachiever continue to take a giant crap on the mound every 5th day.


Many of you know that I've posted on Vazquez before. I have little good to say about him, so I'll pretty much leave it at that -- EXCEPT I think we need to get away from the idea that he has great stuff. Again -- if you're consistently hanging off-speed pitches -- that is, throwing pitches that don't break -- your stuff isn't great.


Mediocre. And not at a mediocre cost.

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QUOTE(Friend of Nordhagen @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 10:27 AM)
Mediocre. And not at a mediocre cost.


Actually you are wrong there. The price of durable mediocre starters is pretty much what we are paying Vazquez. Go look at the pitching contracts over the last couple of winters.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 12:22 AM)
Hmm, looking ahead at Buehrle's next projected start against the Cubs at home, I wouldn't be surprised if it were his last in a White Sox uniform.


If I were Williams, I'd be looking to trade Buehrle at peak value. If he were to remain on the ballclub, the next several starts after this weekend would be against Tampa Bay, Baltimore, Minnesota. Not exactly an impossible set of opponents, but there's the possibility Buehrle's number begin to inflate against American League teams.



We need to keep Buerhle. Pitching is what wins ballgames. If we trade anyone it should be Contreras or Vazquez. I was a bit surprised at Ozzie talk about Iguchi and yet we have a SS hitting his weight at .210, never walks and k's a lot and we hear nothing? Uribe is a good defender when he plays hard, but the BA keeps plumetting every year. I suppose though the same can be said about a lot of our guys this year.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 10:52 AM)
Actually you are wrong there. The price of durable mediocre starters is pretty much what we are paying Vazquez. Go look at the pitching contracts over the last couple of winters.

The White Sox can't afford to have an $11.5 a year 5th starter when they can't develop cheaper starts through their system. Lilly, Meche and Marquis 3 guys who everyone laughed at this winter when they signed, and the alledged barometer to justify what Vazquez gets, have been much better than Javy this year. Where are all the people that said he just needed to be settled in and 2007 would be a banner year from him?

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QUOTE(Balance @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 08:58 AM)
I, for one, would like to formally apologize to the poster who started the "FIRE SALE BY JUNE OR JULY" thread back in April. We all shouted him down. And, sadly, he's right.


So, poster whose name I have forgotten, I am sorry. You were right. We were jerks.


You mean the kid who posted in all caps?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 10:52 AM)
Actually you are wrong there. The price of durable mediocre starters is pretty much what we are paying Vazquez. Go look at the pitching contracts over the last couple of winters.


SS2k5, I don't disagree that that's what those guys get. I'd be fine with that if I felt they would pony up for what Buehrle is worth. It's more. And I don't think they will. If I'm right, those are crazy priorities.

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QUOTE(Friend of Nordhagen @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 01:06 PM)
SS2k5, I don't disagree that that's what those guys get. I'd be fine with that if I felt they would pony up for what Buehrle is worth. It's more. And I don't think they will. If I'm right, those are crazy priorities.


They won't. If they were going to pay MB what he was worth, they would have done it a long time ago. I for one will be intersted to see if Mark can get a nine figure contract in this market place.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 01:10 PM)
They won't. If they were going to pay MB what he was worth, they would have done it a long time ago. I for one will be intersted to see if Mark can get a nine figure contract in this market place.


Yep. He's an interesting case: seemingly durable, consistent (with the exception of the 2d half last year; ouch), but not a "great arm" guy. Zito got his cash, but he's got the Cy Young and the big bender/great stuff. And there may be a few teams that shy away from Buehrle because he has logged so many innings, and see the 2d half last year as where he might end up. But I think Mark gets the money, simply because he's young, he's won, and he takes the ball. And it only takes one team to take the plunge. I only wish that team were the White Sox.

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