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2012-13 Music Thread


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 31, 2013 -> 04:09 PM)
Nah. I've been listening to rap since the early 80's and still do to this day. He just never really did anything for me. His voice doesn't resonate for me. I don't want to hear it after 40 seconds or so as I find it to be grating.

What I meant was as a teenager his s*** blew my mind. As someone a bit older, you night have seen it as lame. Dunno.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 31, 2013 -> 12:01 PM)
Your friend must not be easily impressed.


I just gave it a listen. It's a wonderful combination of early Shady and modern Shady. First spin "love", will listen to it 8,000 more times before Monday.


Not specific to this album, but I usually find that albums that I "love" on the first go-around will fade pretty quickly but ones that take a few listens for me to really get into can stick for years.

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Not sure if any of you have seen this or heard of them (or if already posted), but I'll share anyway.




Note, as an a cappella group, they use no instruments, and make all the sound/music with their voices...I find this band incredible.


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The new Arcade Fire is maybe the worst record I have ever listened to without turning off early. I loved everything else they've done so much I kept waiting, maybe the closer would pull me back in because they've got a real good history there (Sprawl II, In the Backseat and My Body is a Cage are all awesome) but it was just more garbage.


What happened? They used to be this big booming band that actually played instruments and made these cool rock songs that everyone loved. I mean the lyrics have never been great outside Funeral (and really they're just endearing and charming there) but here what I could actually pick out was just complete garbage. Then the dance-y s***? Wtf its unlistenable crap other than the title track and even that one would be an also-ran compared to Neighborhood #3, No Cars Go and We Used to Wait. Crown of Love is a more fun song than anything on Reflektor, and it spends 3 minutes being all sappy.


Where's the ambition here? Its like This Must Be The Band wrote songs trying to sound like The Talking Heads. Its so f***ing bad, like Radiohead has been disappointing for the better part of the last decade but they were a gradual slide not a sudden collapse. Its shocking, and now I don't even want to go to their shows because it'll just be Rebellion, Sprawl II, No Cars Go then every awful piece of s*** they farted out off Reflektor.

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Let me also take this moment to say f*** James Murphy. Asshole has written like 5 songs I like then surrounded it with a sea of trash. Admittedly 4 of those songs are undeniably amazing and the 5th (Tribulations) is a bad song that I just like anyways. But everyone acts like his s*** doesn't stink. He's a hack! Wake up, its just more disco retread crap like Metric that somehow gets great reviews. No doubt he's responsible for this Arcade Fire calamity, convincing them they hate rock music and that they need to go more disco electronic with a thin veneer of WoRlD bEaTs from Haiti or Zaire or whatever to prove they're cultured or something.


I'm upset about this.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 09:52 AM)
Has anyone heard Sound City "Mantra" featuring Dave Grohl, Josh Homme and Trent Reznor?


I never thought I would put those three in a music ensemble, but I love it.


I never heard of this movie/documentary by Grohl, but I want to see it now




It's a cool documentary. VH-1 has aired it a few times.


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The new Childish CD comes out in 3 weeks. I'm very excited for it as his debut album "Camp" is my second favorite album of my lifetime. He has had 3 or 4 songs come out from the new CD, and I liked all of them but 1 so far. I swear though, following him on Instagram and Twitter, he seems to be going town the Kanye route. Not to say he is an arrogant asshole who is full of himself, but I mean in his weirdness and quirks. Like how when you see the video from My Dark Twisted Fantasy and you're like "What the f*** am I looking at? This is weird", that's what I see Childish doing.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 15, 2013 -> 11:10 AM)



I saw them at North Coast and actually had tickets to the Cobra Lounge after but my friend couldnt last (grr).


The concert was cancelled right when Method Man was about to perform "Black Out".


"Oh My God....."


And then the music went out. My favorite Wu is Method Man. I like Ghostface and Redman as well, but Method is my #1.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 20, 2013 -> 09:50 AM)
I saw them at North Coast and actually had tickets to the Cobra Lounge after but my friend couldnt last (grr).


The concert was cancelled right when Method Man was about to perform "Black Out".


"Oh My God....."


And then the music went out. My favorite Wu is Method Man. I like Ghostface and Redman as well, but Method is my #1.


ODB is my favorite with GZA a close 2nd.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 9, 2013 -> 09:20 PM)
The new Arcade Fire is maybe the worst record I have ever listened to without turning off early. I loved everything else they've done so much I kept waiting, maybe the closer would pull me back in because they've got a real good history there (Sprawl II, In the Backseat and My Body is a Cage are all awesome) but it was just more garbage.

Both songs I've heard on the radio are terrible, and Sprawl II owns.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Nov 24, 2013 -> 07:53 PM)
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis just won the AMA for hip hip/album of the year. Much deserved. It was up against Magna Carta....Holy Grail and Good Kid, M.a.a.d city.




Ive seen all of them live and Macklemore was no where in Kendrick's or Wayne's class.


That album isnt even close to I Am Not A Human Being 2, Yeezus or Good Kid Bad City.



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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 25, 2013 -> 12:29 PM)
Was interesting to see Miley Cyrus getting a standing ovation at the AMAs for a bizarre performace which basically stated "I am miley cyrus and i want to be naked and do lsd and smoke pot all day long"


This is where music is going. EDM is growing and the drug scene is exploding.


f*** even im listening to the Lana Del Ray Summer Time Remix by Cedric Gervais. And I used to exclusively listen to rap and classic rock.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 25, 2013 -> 11:16 AM)


Ive seen all of them live and Macklemore was no where in Kendrick's or Wayne's class.


That album isnt even close to I Am Not A Human Being 2, Yeezus or Good Kid Bad City.


I've seen Macklemore and Lil Wayne live, and it wasn't even close, Macklemore killed it. Probably has something to do with the fact that lil wayne is a terrible rapper and his music sucks, but even Macklemore just learning how to be a stage performer was better than Lil Wayne 3-4 years ago when he was supposed to be in his prime.

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