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Chick-Fil-A and Homosexuality


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 01:04 PM)
If standing up for minority rights is stupid, I dont want to be smart.


The best irony though is that in 1996 the American Family Association started a boycott of Disney for giving benefits to same-sex employees.


I guess CFA isnt a fan of their own medicine.


The reactions is what is stupid, not the issue of minority rights. This guy said no more then what gets said every day in different contexts all over the place ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE... yet... it's a hill to die on and everyone "supporting" their supposed beliefs make a huge issue out of someone's OPINION.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 07:48 PM)
The reactions is what is stupid, not the issue of minority rights. This guy said no more then what gets said every day in different contexts all over the place ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE... yet... it's a hill to die on and everyone "supporting" their supposed beliefs make a huge issue out of someone's OPINION.

if you're in the public eye like he is, you have to be ready for the consequences of the things you say. not that ridiculous.

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Gay activists counter Chick-fil-A with Starbucks appreciation day


The event was originally called National Starbucks Appreciation Day in honor of the coffee giant, which recently threw its support behind efforts to make gay marriage legal.


But several other holidays exist with the same name, including one created by gun rights groups. Starbucks’ corporate offices had nothing to do with those events nor with Tuesday’s planned gatherings.



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QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 08:50 PM)
if you're in the public eye like he is, you have to be ready for the consequences of the things you say. not that ridiculous.


And who did it hurt? And what, exactly, was the consequence? Please. Go ahead, knock your socks off talking about an OPINION. I think it backfired just a bit from what everyone on the "I support gays" intended.


It's shameful as hell that people can't state that gay marriage is biblically immoral, or on the other side that gay marriage should be legal. The CFA debacle is stupid, not the issue. (sans Obama, who is just a money whore and doesn't know what he really believes unless a poll or money donors tell him what to believe, but that's another story).

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 08:48 PM)
The reactions is what is stupid, not the issue of minority rights. This guy said no more then what gets said every day in different contexts all over the place ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE... yet... it's a hill to die on and everyone "supporting" their supposed beliefs make a huge issue out of someone's OPINION.



You have to pick the battles you think you can win. CFA can have its opinion, they can think that gay people are going to hell. Im sure that every day someone says that Jews are going to hell, and many other stupid opinions. But guess what, 99% of them are smart enough not to let me hear it.


You act like opinions cant cause harm, they absolutely can.



QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 08:53 PM)
And who did it hurt? And what, exactly, was the consequence? Please. Go ahead, knock your socks off talking about an OPINION. I think it backfired just a bit from what everyone on the "I support gays" intended.


It's shameful as hell that people can't state that gay marriage is biblically immoral, or on the other side that gay marriage should be legal. The CFA debacle is stupid, not the issue. (sans Obama, who is just a money whore and doesn't know what he really believes unless a poll or money donors tell him what to believe, but that's another story).



Maybe it hurt CFA, maybe it didnt. I dont want to hurt CFA, I want them to change their opinion.


You keep making up a fabricated argument. Anyone can have their opinion, but I can try and make them change it. So if it takes money to change CFA, great, if it doesnt work, you try another road.


Ends justify the means when it comes to inequality.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 07:53 PM)
And who did it hurt? And what, exactly, was the consequence? Please. Go ahead, knock your socks off talking about an OPINION. I think it backfired just a bit from what everyone on the "I support gays" intended.


It's shameful as hell that people can't state that gay marriage is biblically immoral, or on the other side that gay marriage should be legal. The CFA debacle is stupid, not the issue. (sans Obama, who is just a money whore and doesn't know what he really believes unless a poll or money donors tell him what to believe, but that's another story).


did you just describe Mitt Romney?


dude you have no leg to stand on in this one, and you just sound ridiculous.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 06:37 PM)
I'm so glad you've finally come around and you fully support the rights of gays to marry. That's really big of you to realize you held an ignorant opinion, and to change it. :)

Not sure what you're saying... I've believed that for years now


Gay marriage is tossed out there a couple of months before every election and people haven't caught on. This particular argument is about absolutely nothing (unless you are taking the position that by giving CFA money, you're contributing to their causes, but that's a slippery slope, why buy anything from anyone you ever disagree with on anything?). Or you could take the position that you're not cool with companies telling people what they should be thinking, but by and large that's not what this debate is about either. We've got a general election for president coming up and dozens of topics that should be in the spotlight but this has been the dominant item for 2 weeks. "They" are aware of that too and they will continue to keep coming up with ever-more-creative ways to steal our money.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 10:21 PM)
Not sure what you're saying... I've believed that for years now


Gay marriage is tossed out there a couple of months before every election and people haven't caught on. This particular argument is about absolutely nothing (unless you are taking the position that by giving CFA money, you're contributing to their causes, but that's a slippery slope, why buy anything from anyone you ever disagree with on anything?). Or you could take the position that you're not cool with companies telling people what they should be thinking, but by and large that's not what this debate is about either. We've got a general election for president coming up and dozens of topics that should be in the spotlight but this has been the dominant item for 2 weeks. "They" are aware of that too and they will continue to keep coming up with ever-more-creative ways to steal our money.

i... was... responding to kap...

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 08:48 PM)
The reactions is what is stupid, not the issue of minority rights. This guy said no more then what gets said every day in different contexts all over the place ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE... yet... it's a hill to die on and everyone "supporting" their supposed beliefs make a huge issue out of someone's OPINION.

It isn't a reaction to what he said but to what he financially supports.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 08:53 PM)
And who did it hurt? And what, exactly, was the consequence? Please. Go ahead, knock your socks off talking about an OPINION. I think it backfired just a bit from what everyone on the "I support gays" intended.


It's shameful as hell that people can't state that gay marriage is biblically immoral, or on the other side that gay marriage should be legal. The CFA debacle is stupid, not the issue. (sans Obama, who is just a money whore and doesn't know what he really believes unless a poll or money donors tell him what to believe, but that's another story).

He has given millions of dollars to groups that fight to keep gays as second-class citizens. Any response that doesn't recognize that and only focuses on something he said is ignorant at best.


edit: ‘Stance’ vs. substance: why evangelicals are confused about the actual harm Chik-fil-A is doing to actual people

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 07:38 AM)
No it wasn't. But now that fits YOUR agenda... so okay. Now it is.

our agenda just happens to be equal rights for all americans.


guess that's absent on your agenda.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 09:02 AM)
The phrase "All men are created equal" means nothing to a larger section of society.


While it's a nice phrase...it's also not reality.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 09:52 AM)
By doing what, occupying wall street? :D

if necessary. you realize protest has actually caused a TON of social change over the years right?


you may remember what happened in the 60s?

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 09:54 AM)
if necessary. you realize protest has actually caused a TON of social change over the years right?


you may remember what happened in the 60s?


*Some* protest has caused social change, not all. Occupy Wall Street did nothing of the sort.

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