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College Life Catch-All


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QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Oct 30, 2013 -> 01:01 AM)
Lived on campus in a dorm for 2 years and I hated it. Couldn't stand all the immature people and also sharing a room with someone that I didn't really know. And was total opposite of how I was so we had nothing to talk about. I now live off campus in an apartment with my girlfriend and I like it a lot more.


I spent 2 years in a dorm as well (1 year at each college), and I had some pretty awful luck with roommmates. My first roommate my freshman year was on the soccer team and eventually got kicked out of school for pot, which he kept in the room. Luckily I didn't get anything for that. I was solo for about a week before I let the kid down the hall move in with me. He was a quiet kid whom I knew wouldn't keep me up or bring any chicks back or be drunk. That worked out fine, but it was boring. Then I moved colleges and my roommate my sophomore year was a senior who I'm not sure was not a robot. Very weird kid who when I brought a friend over to watch a Sox game actually said when he came back in to the room and saw the both of us "Oh, I didn't know we were expecting to have visitors this evening". He was the closest person this world may ever have to Sheldon Cooper. We had 2 TVs in the room NEXT to each other. He had headphones with a long extension to reach his bed so he could watch Everybody Loves Raymond for hours on end while I watched sports and Comedy Central. I could go on for a while with all his quirks, but I need to get to bed. After maybe 3 weeks of dealing with that weirdo I moved next door with a guy named Neal who was easily the most fun roommate I had in the dorms, even though he was very messy, shed a ton, smoked pot and came back to the room drunk and sloppy all the time. I mean, I came back to the room drunk too, but this kid would come back with piss down his jeans and knock s*** over in the room and then leave all the lights on. He was a real real sloppy drunk.


I then got asked by a couple girls from HS to live in an apartment with them, and I did, and it was by far the best living situation I've had. A real Threes Company scenario living with 2 beautiful girls. One of them I am really good friends with. The other one I am friends with, but we got on each other's nerves a lot because she is very bossy and controlling and "this has to be my way!" and I loved to go against.


And now, since my girls have graduated in May, I am spending my last semester alone in a new apartment way off campus and I hate it. So boring not living with anyone, so boring not knowing any of the neighbors because they are all foreign or have kids, and so boring because I live a couple miles away from the bar scene and all my friends houses. Doesn't seem like a big deal for those who went to gigantic campuses like IU, but after living in an apartment IN the bar strip for 2 years, it's really hard not being able to walk down my stairs to the bars.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 29, 2013 -> 05:31 PM)
I still love the classroom, which is why I went back. And after my M.A. I will either audit classes or find a PhD program that works within my schedule.

I enjoyed it as well, at least certain parts about it, but I've found that working in a fairly large company offers similar opportunities...lots of meetings to work through complex problems. That is probably what I enjoyed most about law school and what I enjoy most about my work now.


Obviously we all miss being able to walk over to your neighbor on a random Tuesday and say "let's organize a beer pong tournament today and then waddle over to the bars afterwards!"


But then again, I live in Vegas, so I can still do that ;)

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 28, 2013 -> 10:12 PM)
How's the dating, pick-up scene in college these days? Are the women easy to pick-up if that's your thing? Or are we in a generation of more responsible behavior, i.e., not as much sex?

So glad there wasnt much if any social media when I was in college.


Also, I miss the party but I really love money much more.

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My daughter who just graduated from UI sampled almost every combination.


Freshman year on campus private dorm with a HS friend

Sophmore year off campus apartment with same friend

Junior year apartment by herself

Senior year with eight guys in a nine bedroom, six bathroom house. Three gay guys, five straight, and her. Easily the best situation for her.



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 30, 2013 -> 09:27 AM)
I agree that money and my wife top a lot of the fun parts of college, but I miss the freedom. Being able to drink all weekend with friends and watch sports without the apprehension/annoyance of having to go back to work on Monday was awesome.

I still have nightmares about homework and finals. I prefer work.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 28, 2013 -> 11:13 AM)
Don't miss college? Ugh. I'd give my right nut to go back and do it all over again. Hardly any responsibility, hanging out with friends 24/7, being high or drunk 24/7, young co-eds, etc. etc.


Nope, don't miss it at all.


My 30's > 20's > 10's...and I'm hoping my 40's carry on the tradition.

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I spent all of undergrad on campus, but my situation was a little different. This is a private liberal arts college, so the dorms are (more or less) actually fit for human occupancy. About 80% of students live on campus. I also became an RA my sophomore year, later becoming the campus Head RA, which meant I lived alone with pretty much my choice of room/dorm. I like the convenience of it only taking 2-5 minutes to walk to class, library, student offices, reslife office, baseball practice (I still feel a strange mixture of missing baseball and being glad I'm not spending several hours a day with that s***)


Soon, I'll probably be renting something with my girlfriend. There's some chance she and I will be too far apart school-wise to do that, but that's the plan. If I have any issues with funding, I might elect to be a GA in ResLife to pay for things if necessary as well

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I loved high school. I loved college. I loved law school. I love now.


Well I actually never liked school, but I did love all of the shenanigans school allowed me to get into. The worst part was I always knew Id be able to get away with more before I was 18, so most of my completely outrageous stories occurred before I was even in HS.


I kind of live a college life to this day. The only difference is I show up to work every day. Back in college I never went, I didnt even wake up before 3pm.



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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Oct 30, 2013 -> 02:32 AM)
I spent 2 years in a dorm as well (1 year at each college), and I had some pretty awful luck with roommmates. My first roommate my freshman year was on the soccer team and eventually got kicked out of school for pot, which he kept in the room. Luckily I didn't get anything for that. I was solo for about a week before I let the kid down the hall move in with me. He was a quiet kid whom I knew wouldn't keep me up or bring any chicks back or be drunk. That worked out fine, but it was boring. Then I moved colleges and my roommate my sophomore year was a senior who I'm not sure was not a robot. Very weird kid who when I brought a friend over to watch a Sox game actually said when he came back in to the room and saw the both of us "Oh, I didn't know we were expecting to have visitors this evening". He was the closest person this world may ever have to Sheldon Cooper. We had 2 TVs in the room NEXT to each other. He had headphones with a long extension to reach his bed so he could watch Everybody Loves Raymond for hours on end while I watched sports and Comedy Central. I could go on for a while with all his quirks, but I need to get to bed. After maybe 3 weeks of dealing with that weirdo I moved next door with a guy named Neal who was easily the most fun roommate I had in the dorms, even though he was very messy, shed a ton, smoked pot and came back to the room drunk and sloppy all the time. I mean, I came back to the room drunk too, but this kid would come back with piss down his jeans and knock s*** over in the room and then leave all the lights on. He was a real real sloppy drunk.


I then got asked by a couple girls from HS to live in an apartment with them, and I did, and it was by far the best living situation I've had. A real Threes Company scenario living with 2 beautiful girls. One of them I am really good friends with. The other one I am friends with, but we got on each other's nerves a lot because she is very bossy and controlling and "this has to be my way!" and I loved to go against.


And now, since my girls have graduated in May, I am spending my last semester alone in a new apartment way off campus and I hate it. So boring not living with anyone, so boring not knowing any of the neighbors because they are all foreign or have kids, and so boring because I live a couple miles away from the bar scene and all my friends houses. Doesn't seem like a big deal for those who went to gigantic campuses like IU, but after living in an apartment IN the bar strip for 2 years, it's really hard not being able to walk down my stairs to the bars.



My roommate freshman year sold pot and he would roll it up right in front of after I told him I don't smoke or like being around it. It was pretty s***ty. And one weekend I went and visited my girlfriend (she went to a different college) and I came back and he was gone, moved out. He left his old shoes in shoe boxes though (what a nice guy). We shared a fridge and I had a few things in there and he just took them or threw them away, not really sure. He never told me he was leaving, not a text or note or anything and has never said anything to me since (2 years ago). And I wasn't a bad roommate or anything. Never made noise, didn't really talk, would use headphones when I watched stuff on the computer. He was terrible, the pot thing and he got an Xbox and we shared MY TV and for whatever reason he would get up at like 7 in the morning and turn on the xbox and play Call of Duty. Didn't turn off the volume or anything when I was trying to sleep. He would play online and talk to people on his stupid headset while I was trying to sleep. One night I took my remote and put it in my bed and when he started playing it in the morning I turned around and muted it. He was like what the hell and I was like I am trying to f***ing sleep and you are using my TV and have the volume up, why don't you be more considerate That was the week before he moved out. I guess I pissed him off enough to leave. He moved in with his pot buddy and I had a dorm room to myself for the rest of the year and It was so much better.


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 30, 2013 -> 03:51 PM)
I loved high school. I loved college. I loved law school. I love now.


Well I actually never liked school, but I did love all of the shenanigans school allowed me to get into. The worst part was I always knew Id be able to get away with more before I was 18, so most of my completely outrageous stories occurred before I was even in HS.


I kind of live a college life to this day. The only difference is I show up to work every day. Back in college I never went, I didnt even wake up before 3pm.


Yeah, despite everyone who went to my high school saying "High school sucks!!", I had a great time. My teachers loved me, I had a normal group of friends, was moderately popular (or as much as you can be in a HS of 3200+ students), scored solid grades, and was able to pretty much get away with a lot of s*** despite being the class clown and smart ass of most of my classes. You can generally get away with being a smart ass if you are charming enough and get good grades.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Oct 30, 2013 -> 06:02 PM)
Yeah, despite everyone who went to my high school saying "High school sucks!!", I had a great time. My teachers loved me, I had a normal group of friends, was moderately popular (or as much as you can be in a HS of 3200+ students), scored solid grades, and was able to pretty much get away with a lot of s*** despite being the class clown and smart ass of most of my classes. You can generally get away with being a smart ass if you are charming enough and get good grades.


Almost word for word what I could write. I was more the class comedian. I didn't do too much of the physical humor. A good friend who had a locker next to me for 8 years was the clown. One teacher told me a couple years ago that he let me make my remarks because they were always on subject so he knew I was listening.

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QUOTE (Heads22 @ Nov 5, 2013 -> 10:27 PM)
I'm surprised it wasn't bigger news that an Iowa teen stole a truck, drove it through Iowa State's campus and was shot and killed in the center of campus yesterday.

Weird. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to shoot and kill someone only if they don't turn their car engine off.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Nov 5, 2013 -> 10:46 PM)
Weird. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to shoot and kill someone only if they don't turn their car engine off.


I read that the guy almost ran over several people while trying to flee in the truck. At that point, he's using a deadly weapon. But I guess your smarmy attitude means you know more than the trained professionals on scene.

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I'm surprised it wasn't bigger news that an Iowa teen stole a truck, drove it through Iowa State's campus and was shot and killed in the center of campus yesterday.


You can't compete with a story about a fat Canadian mayor on crack. Bad timing.


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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Nov 6, 2013 -> 07:04 AM)
You can't compete with a story about a fat Canadian mayor on crack. Bad timing.


A fat Canadian mayor on crack who wears a tie with NFL logos on it to his presser. And one of the logos is the Houston Oilers, meaning the tie must be at least 15 years old.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Nov 5, 2013 -> 11:45 PM)
I read that the guy almost ran over several people while trying to flee in the truck. At that point, he's using a deadly weapon. But I guess your smarmy attitude means you know more than the trained professionals on scene.

I'm sure it's that simple. I didn't read that he almost killed anyone, just that he hopped a curb. Ultimately it seems that he wouldn't turn his car off, so that means shoot to kill I guess. Trained professionals make mistakes - there's obviously going to be a huge investigation into this thing to see if that's the exact protocol that should be followed.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Nov 6, 2013 -> 09:18 AM)
I'm sure it's that simple. I didn't read that he almost killed anyone, just that he hopped a curb. Ultimately it seems that he wouldn't turn his car off, so that means shoot to kill I guess. Trained professionals make mistakes - there's obviously going to be a huge investigation into this thing to see if that's the exact protocol that should be followed.


I'm quite sure there were a million other factors, not just that he refused to turn the car off.

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