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Everything posted by yesterday333

  1. That is what I was looking for haha. Just furthering the point that there is no way to slice it and make him an average player...
  2. Can you post the leader board for RF ops? I’m really bad at pulling this stuff on fangraphs
  3. If Colas isn’t freed up when the signing period starts do we push for Cespedes or do we wait for Colas?
  4. Last offseason we had a large group of young arms that needed innings in the bigs. Rodon, Lopez, Cease, Dunning and Kopech all were gonna need innings which doesn’t leave room for another high level starter. They got one TOR and a back end guy to fill innings. Things didn’t go well and we ended up needing another arm or 2 but you couldn’t block these guys from getting innings at that point in my opinion. And with Wheeler we have no idea if the quality of the team came into the decision to take less money. It could’ve been a number of things including not liking Chicago or his wife wanted to be somewhere else or he liked other coaches or teammates from interacting with them in the past. Usually taking less $ has to do with more than just not wanting to play for a team...
  5. A few more singles isn’t going to make the game more exciting to me. For years everyone said more HRs would make the game exciting again but we’ve had record HRs and still not “exciting.” The only way to make it more exciting is cutting down on the dead space... hitting a few more singles doesn’t draw interest just like hitting more HRs didn’t draw more interest. There is just too much time where nothing is happening.
  6. Bottom line is he is average if you only go by the stats you approve of and only look at AL not the whole league, and decide he is a good fielder based on your eye test. My eye test said he is slow and lumbering and has bad range. Oh and the stats back up my eye test. And I could try to prove he isn’t an average hitting RF but you only except hr ave and rbi as your approved stats. He has never been average in my book.
  7. He wouldn’t be for us either...
  8. Maybe the posters saying it’s gonna be Ozzie forgot to use the teal text...
  9. I am glad to hear that. Goes against everything we are trying to promote. Also why give away a free base just get back at him? Throwing something at somebody because they “showed you up” is very childish. Plus that was an epic bat flip. Baseball needs more of those. Also a better way to “get them back” would be having a bigger better bat flip...
  10. “Shame on you” is funny. They aren’t swearing or calling them names. He didn’t say they are bad people. Shame on you is just a funny way of heckling them in my opinion.
  11. Wow! Both getting all the votes! Congrats to them and well deserved. Hopefully all our players can follow their paths of working hard and getting better every year.
  12. Is this person on soxtalk cuz this is hilarious.
  13. Was Abreu not considered a signing this year? Nobody has mentioned that signing in this thread...
  14. I’ve seen some people on here say that. I am ok with hiring Hinch. So I am not saying that. But choosing the lesser of 2 evils does soften the blow for some people. I mean if you look at it rationally it changes nothing. But the sigh of relief for some people does make it “feel” better.
  15. It has a lot of people saying “at least Hinch isn’t TLR” which makes who they hired look better. (If it is Hinch)
  16. Isn’t that exactly what a PR departments job is? Trying to make an organization look good to the public?
  17. Is there a place to get more updates and info on the instructional league?
  18. I better start looking for jobs. Haha... I didn’t see him getting fired either.
  19. I am not trying to say it’s all on RR. Just that the claims that it’s all on Hahn and RR is just doing what he is being forced to do the FO bidding is probably wrong. People are trying to place blame on the people they dislike but it’s really shared blame.
  20. To me you could also say wasn’t the FO as tired as we were watching it... seems like RR wouldn’t quit playing him so they finally had to release him so he would couldn’t waste anymore at bats on him... like I said if the FO doesn’t want to look bad they’d want to stop playing him too.
  21. That’s what I was trying to say. You can’t blame it all on the FO or RR. We are not privy to who and how these decisions are made. But you know they all have at least some say...
  22. So you are saying the front office isn’t competitive? Not saying anybody is 100% to blame but sticking with washed up vets seems like an old school RR way of thinking. Also if the front office is so worried about being “right” as you say they’d be more willing to move away from bad players. I think the one thing this stuff shows is the organization does not believe in Yermin or Collins. Both are guys that would make the FO look “right” if they were good.
  23. I could see them stretching him out in the high minors, AA or AAA then bring him up to the bullpen for the end of the season.
  24. Hahn should have nothing to do with ordering an mri... that is completely on the medical staff. I am sure if there is any reason to he would have had it by now. I will trust what ptatc has said on here many times... if you don’t need to do surgery you don’t do it.
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