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Everything posted by Marqhead

  1. We do frequently. When the weather is crummy it’s going to be busy and you’re going to be chasing them around just as much as they are running around. 21 months there’s probably a separate smaller kids area that won’t be as hectic but when they get older lookout. My experience has been that all the parents are on the same page and just trying not to have all the kids get in each others way and get hurt. Your kid will enjoy it.
  2. https://x.com/rapsheet/status/1769131145688461483?s=46&t=wutq4G5mWyZYaNHxOURO_Q
  3. We March with pitchforks and torches to Breers house!! I didn’t fact check, I was too excited.
  4. I’m jealous of the optimism you all have, wish I could share in it.
  5. I mean, look at the pleasure this man derives from a clean shave. The Yankees just want their players to feel that same satisfaction.
  6. So is this guy going to be a good owner? Cause I think the Os are my team when the Sox skip town.
  7. I’ve watched 2 full games this year which is 2 more full games than last year. They have been entertaining and following Bedard is fun.
  8. ‘Member when the NHL rigged the draft lottery so the Hawks got the #1 pick? I ‘member.
  9. Good, hit him in the only place he cares about.
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