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South Side Hit Men

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Everything posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. They really need to skip Lynn in Atlanta and take their chances with the hapless Mets (Start Lucas, Cease and Kopech in Atlanta). If Lynn didn't get pissed at the guy bunting on him, and the Sox didn't wake up in the Top 3rd Lynn may not have gotten out of the third inning against Anaheim. I would slot Lynn fifth after Clevinger, catch the Mets #5 starter, also lets him pitch at home vs. the Cubs instead of in Minnesota. Hahn can then trade him before (or after) his July 30th start vs. Cleveland. Sox should trade all three FAs (Lynn, Giolito and their 5th starter guy), get low cost inning eater guys back (or claim) like Touki.
  2. I love that Brett redacted the name of the 5th starter Hahn acquired that is on the IL yet again. I don't watch his starts and hope he gets healthy and is moved in July just to remove this stain from the franchise. Zavala's catching provides value, but the Sox could use a second competent catcher to help the pitching staff. Burger will fall behind Vaughn now that he has to play 3B as a regular for 1-3 more months. Really hope a team wants Eloy and the Sox are prepared to move him this month or in the offseason. Continue to play min contract guys like Burger or Sheets at DH during the upcoming latest "tear down / rebuild". Do not piss away more money on guys like Yonder ($8M) or Parrot ($13M) over the next few seasons. The DH spot should only be filled by a truly elite hitter that can't field (including 1B), otherwise rotate players to rest from playing the field. To dump significant money on a DH who can't field with an OPS under .800 is literally lighting a pile of money on fire. .850 is the bare minimum to consider to acquire an exclusive DH, .900 OPS plus should be the actual target, if one "must" acquire a DH only player.
  3. Robert is the only hitter you would never bunt with because he has an elite hitting skill set. Eloy is going to f*** it up even if he was able to bunt as he does most things involving baseball. Grandal (or Vaughn) have a good chance bunting into a double or triple play with their speed. The rest of the team should be able to bunt in these situations including Moncada and Tim. Would say the correct answer if the Sox were actually attempting to field a competitive team would be to have Billy up instead of Perez to fill in for Robert (for rest) and to steal 3rd base in these situations (even PR for Tim). Think it doesn’t matter at this point, just roster and play young prospects once any slim hopes died last week out West. Elvis should just fill in for rest from here on out, Grandal should just catch Lynn at this point if you’re going three catchers.
  4. Kenny Williams has baseball knowledge, he at times had decent moves plus a run of good luck in 2004/2005. It's highly unlikely the Sox will finish with a better record or better fWAR in 2023 vs. 2019. Any improvement by a return of Yoan, Liam and or Crochet will likely be offset by trade losses. Team Winning Percentage: 2023 YTD .428 vs. 2019 .427, Team Position Player fWAR: 2023 4.6 vs. 2019 11.3, Team Pitching fWAR: 2023 6.1 vs. 2019 13.2,
  5. Glad Jerry loses a second game of revenue. They only need to average 12, 893 to surpass their all time attendance low at the new stadium (1999 1,338,851). They will likely have a higher attendance this season, but have a good chance falling below it in 2024 and beyond until there is a new owner, new board / executive officers and an entire new organization. In terms of being 15 games under, the next low water mark is the final game of the 2019 season (17 under 72-89), with 18 (September 28 71-89), 19 (September 25 70-89), 20 (September 24 68-88), and 21 (September 17 65-86) games under all within the final two weeks of the 2019 season. There is a major gap to the final game of 2018, 38 games under ,500, the low water Win Loss mark of the 2018 season and Rick Hahn era, a mark not exceeded since the final game of 1970 played on October 1, 1970 (50 games under 56-106).
  6. It's hard to tell if Len was saying those things to publicly explain his escape from Sinclair, if the radio gig was in fact the prime reason he moved. I have always enjoyed the radio broadcasts throughout the decades since the dual TV/Radio broadcasts under Veeck. When I did have access to over the air TV broadcasts, I would mute the TV announcers and either listen to music or the radio broadcast, which I'd still do with the current broadcast team before they ended public broadcasts. Based on what you wrote last offseason, Brooks Boyer could be a bigger long term threat angling for a John McDonough promotion to President or EVP, perhaps Pizer steps down or passes away. There have been reported several internal incidents involving Boyer over the years, and despite the fact the lapdog Chicago media loves him, driven by the fact he is the only one who actually is available for interviews among Jerry's insular group, but the limited signs we have access to indicates this guy is a poor leader and despised by various broadcasters (negotiations, prolonging the period they were announcing road games off of tv screens in Jerry's TV bunker studio, and also been a d-bag to other areas including the ticket sales department. Like Hahn, Boyer has no apparent attributes to assume any additional responsibilities. He has really not done much beyond rolling out the same lame promos he's been doing for two-three decades. Just like Hahn. He likely has thrown others including baseball operations / Hahn under the bus for poor perennial interest in the team beyond the few years around the World Series, but Chief Revenue Officer's idea of cultivating fans is cutting season ticket perks, many of which have minimal costs, obscene parking rates for land taxpayers gave them, and inadequately staffing functions under his areas, though I assume Jerry has done this to all areas over the past four years to maximize profit and incompetence.
  7. I went through five pages of this s%*# thread, with no answer to your Italian Hat conundrum. Hope they honored your request.
  8. Could use Hanser Alberto at this stage to get the final two outs.
  9. I'm only going to check the game thread to see if the Sox give or screw @wegner out of his Italian American hat.
  10. Hahn would be a solid choice for Washington Generals GM.
  11. Tim didn't move from 2nd base, thanks heart of the order.
  12. Eloy doing Eloy things. https://www.mlb.com/gameday/717468/play/64
  13. Springer had a White Sox at bat. https://www.mlb.com/gameday/717468/play/53
  14. The Sox were .500 each of the three tanking years in extra innings, but under .500 the past four years. 2016 was the last season the White Sox were over .500 in extra innings (8-7).
  15. That place fell off a decade ago. Same with Mr. Beef on Harlem after they sold. Grateful Jay's on Nagle and Bob-o's on Irving Park are still around.
  16. No Andrew Vaughn = No RBIs. Perhaps they can score in extras with the free baserunner.
  17. Hoping they can flip him and his 6 ERA once they blow this up in a couple of weeks. Will be a decent 5th or spot starter for a team looking to replace a pitcher or supplement an opener.
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