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South Side Hit Men

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Everything posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. He’s two months in on his first job. Doesn’t have room to say much publicly. His boss just told the media 48 hours ago it’s too early to assess whether the Sox will be buyers or sellers this season, whether they have a shot or don’t. The entire public facing organization (Merkin, Broadcasters, Manager, Hahn) are spinning to try and salvage 100-200 thousand in possible ticket sales above what has been sold. This Reinsdorf organization has never been open and honest with fans for 43 years. How can someone three levels down in the organization chart be expected to speak candidly? The last people who did so were the first out the door when Jerry bought the team 40 years ago. The Cubs Executives are the only team in Chicago who are not afraid to speak candidly to the public, win or lose, consistently since the Bill Veeck era. The Sox brass couldn’t even handle a couple hundred fans at a Soxfest town hall this Winter.
  2. What is he supposed to say? "Every coach takes the first opportunity they can to manage in the major leagues. I knew I would be facing challenges while watching this organization flounder over the years, but the rot and drastic changes required are beyond what a manager working with 26 players can accomplish. I am willing and eager to work with ownership and senior management to develop the first long term planning since Charles Comiskey owned the team, to create an organization that over time can compete with other teams in our sport for championships on a consistent basis. In the meantime, I will continue to work with the players on our club to make sure they are prepared to play before each ballgame, develop to their full potential, and make recommendations to senior management when roster changes are required for us to reach where we want to be as an organization." He can tell players changes need to be made or wholesale changes will be made, but he doesn't have much of a say in these matters, and for many players they are likely seeking to leave after sticking here for up to seven years with the teammates, managers and coaches they have been saddled over their careers. Several are likely on their last MLB deals after fleecing Hahn for max contract value. The others looked at the s%*# show during Tony's entire tenure and now this guy who may be over his head and say what the f***, just build my stats for max contracts or FA, stay healthy, and get the f*** out of here.
  3. Jerry doesn't give a rats ass about on field performance, beyond any substantial impact it may have on what he actually watches like a Hawk, his financial statements. How much tax revenue and rent have governments in need paid him for intentionally staying under 1.9M attendance? How much revenue is he getting from the league and common fund? How much revenue is he getting that are not considered in negotiations with the players union? How can he screw over his fellow minority owners, in terms of underpaying them for their ownership shares after they die or choose to sell for other reasons? This is what Jerry cares about. The Sox losing 100 games yet again under Hahn? As long as he's banking budgeted profit, it's less consequential then whether it is 68F or 69F outside,
  4. I only caught a few innings today, but I would have loved to have seen clips of Yoan pounding Lance Lynn's face to the point he'd have to breathe through a tube into next year before the swelling got to the point where doctors could perform reconstructive face surgery.
  5. Vegas has been consistently solid since inception, went 51-31 in the regular season. Florida won two World Series in a decade as an expansion team before the Sox appeared in one under Reinsdorf. MLB is now like the other three when it comes to a near meaningless regular season in terms of playoff structure. Football across the globe and CFB the last two sports where a season means anything. American owners continue to try to ruin Football as well (Liverpool the primary).
  6. With their lottery pick next season, they will give us all great joy by selecting the next Nick Madrigal. Two 3,000 hit players, really can’t ask for more.
  7. ”We brought back Yasmani and Lance because we like their veteran leadership and contributions to our club over the years. We feel both will bounce back and help lead us to the playoffs over the next three seasons.” - Rick Hahn March 21, 2024
  8. Not sure if you cut and paste these from somewhere else, but you should add the following for future years, noted on the TV broadcast today and via sign at Comiskey Park II. May 31, 1996 - Frank Thomas reached base for the 57th and final consecutive game, counting the last five games of the 1995 season, and first 52nd games of 1996. Frank Thomas went 1 for 4 in a 9-0 win over Detroit. Frank Thomas went 0 for 4 in Game One of a DH on June 2nd. In Game 2, Frank Thomas went 2 for 4, and reached base for another 33 consecutive games before going 0 for 4 on July 6th.
  9. Lance has one thing on his mind today. https://geneandgeorgetti.com
  10. LOL, you were a Dark Cloud throughout 2005, and every season before or after.
  11. @JoeC-Hope you come back soon to create the game thread. You don't want to be personally held liable for a White Sox defeat. Be George Foreman, not Vinko Bogataj.
  12. Elvis can field baseballs, Hanser cannot. Can insert Elvis to close close ballgames. This should be an easy call. Sox positive fWAR defenders 2023 YTD: 5.0 Zavala 4.1 Robert 3.1 Sosa (AAA) 1.8 Moncada 0.8 Andrus
  13. He needs to play 3B, not Alberto. Hopefully Burger will start at 3B today.
  14. RIP Jerry far more popular in 2023. Also far more relevant.
  15. Eduardo Rodriguez on the IL for Detroit, will not face him this weekend.
  16. THREE DAYS, THREE HOME RUNS!!! Say hi to your new starting 2B for your Chicago White Sox!!!
  17. Robert don't give a s%*#, righty lefty, he's just mashing. Let the hot streak begin!!!
  18. He is 26 years old, time to see whether Romy can be either an adequate reserve or cromulent 120 G / year 2B. We know what Alberto is, someone who shouldn't be rostered during a "multi-championship window".
  19. No fucking way. He needs to start and Andrus cover 15% of games at both SS and 2B. Alberto serves no purpose with Burger able to cover 3B.
  20. I'd like to see them rest Yoan vs. at least 1/2 the LH starters, let Burger start at 3B. They need to demote or DFA Alberto when Elvis returns. If they send Romy down, they are not serious competing today or tomorrow.
  21. Eloy just missed a home run. Feel the Sox will score enough vs. a lefty to win today. Need to put 4-5 plus on the board before they go to RH relievers.
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